Left-leaning media outlets continue finding new COVID info that was previously unknown. lol
This is the kind of stuff people brought up from the beginning. How to classify stuff.
And depending on the person and agenda, it can be all over the place.
You can already see it now in way. When every city says the latest covid count is xxxxx number of people, that really means nothing since the majority of people even with covid arent exactly rolled up like a ball screaming in pain from covid. Only a tiny number are hit hard with illness or even death. Most people will get over it and barely feel the effect as if it's a common cold. I was sick recently too over the holidays for a bit. It might had been covid. Big deal I was sick for 3 days and back to normal. If I was part of the daily covid count, it'd make it sound like I'm on my deathbed when in reality all I did was I slept more and didn't leave my house for 3 days.
I know many people who've been sick, and many of us (like me) assume it's probably due to covid. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. Number of people in serious hospital pain, or dead from it. Zero. So right there, covid is batting probably 0-20.
But the media and government makes it sound like every person on the tracker is two steps away from death's door with no context. The trackers are so important it's like it's a global counter for anyone with terminal cancer due to die in 4 weeks.
Wasn't it something like the more covid cases hospitals got in the US, the more covid money the hospital got from the government? Maybe it's still like that. I remember reading that last year.
It's like some of you talking about multi-system people dying and it turns out they also had covid. If someone is dying from liver cancer, is super old already bedridden and turns out he has covid and dies, what's the classification? Maybe he simply died from being 92 years old. How does a doctor figure out he truly died from either cancer cells, old age or covid virus?