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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]


Play stupid Facebook anti-vaxxer conspiracy games, win stupid prizes.

I have to say that this kind of gloating over people not getting vaccinated and then getting very sick doesn't sit well with me.

My grandmother is in her 90s and is just refusing to vaccinate. From what I heard from my mum the story is that she (my mum) had a younger brother (who would have been my uncle) and there was some issue with a vaccine he was given and he died. This was obviously a long time before I was born. So the family is kind of condemned by their own history to being "anti-vaxxers".

Personally, I have had both doses of Pfizer but I'm not exactly brining it up in conversation with family on my mothers side.

It disgusts me though that my elderly grandmother could get covid and die and there's people out there online who think that's hilarious or some kind of "win" for them.

At least one thing we have definitely learned from the pandemic is that there is a large crowds of supposedly good people out there who have absolutely no problem disregarding or outright mocking the plight of others.
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Vallance got the numbers wrong:

60% Covid in hospital have had no vaccine. He didn’t give numbers about how many fully vaccinated.

Edit: only 15% fully vaccinated.

Isn't this all a bit of a red herring anyway?
If 100% of the population was vaccinated then 100% of hospitalizations would be vaccinated people.

It feels like the headlines are a bit dangerous.
I know they are trying to make some point that we all need to get vaccinated but they are also inadvertently saying that even if you are vaccinated it might not make a difference. That feels like it actually could end up encouraging hesitancy.


Isn't this all a bit of a red herring anyway?
If 100% of the population was vaccinated then 100% of hospitalizations would be vaccinated people.

It feels like the headlines are a bit dangerous.
I know they are trying to make some point that we all need to get vaccinated but they are also inadvertently saying that even if you are vaccinated it might not make a difference. That feels like it actually could end up encouraging hesitancy.

Yeah, I get what you’re saying. There are a lot of figures being bandied about without the correct context, and that’s always dangerous.

They need to be breaking things down into more accurate figures, or not doing it at all.

IE: number of cases - including how many fully vaxxed, partially vaxxed, and unvaxxed.

Number of hospitalisations and deaths with same breakdown.

I’m sure the numbers would make the very positive case for getting vaccinated.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Report #18 from England is out that looks at COVID cases that received some level of attendance to emergency care.

I made a quick table to compare back to Report #16 for reference, but those with 2 shots continue to represent the largest group dying with the Delta variant and 64% of new deaths are from people with some level of vaccination. With that said, of the 26 total deaths with the Delta variant among those under the age of 50, an overwhelming majority of 21 (81%) come from those who are unvaccinated.

Report #Total Delta CasesVacc1 CasesVacc2 CasesUnvacc CasesTotal Delta DeathsVacc1 DeathsVacc2 DeathsUnvacc Deaths
Increase %34%33%50%34%136%150%136%142%

Still, this "news" about 99% of the deaths in American hospitals coming from the unvaccinated is likely complete hogwash, as are fears that the Delta variant is somehow more deadly than previous incarnations of the virus. Even just among this limited group who received emergency care, which is bound to be a small subsection of total infections, we're looking at a case fatality rate of 0.2%. Further narrow in on those under 50 years of age (26 deaths/111,008 emergency care cases) and you have a case fatality rate of 0.02% (0.01% for those with some level of vaccination).

Report #19 (data through the 9th of July) is now out.

Report #​
Delta CasesVacc1 CasesVacc2 CasesUnvacc CasesTotal Delta DeathsVacc1 DeathsVacc2 DeathsUnvacc Deaths
Increase %

Those with two doses now make up approximately half of Delta deaths among people who received emergency care in England, with the total percentage of those dying to Delta who have some level of vaccination now at over 60%.
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
So there's speculation now that government agencies who are messaging 99%+ unvaccinated hospitalization and death rates in the US are actually using the cumulative data for the entire year, or even starting late last year...

Apparently this was a slide actually used by LA County to try to drum up panic and fear about the current situation.

Absolute insanity if true. This goes beyond just sheer ignorance.
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Report #19 (data through the 9th of July) is now out.

Report #​
Delta CasesVacc1 CasesVacc2 CasesUnvacc CasesTotal Delta DeathsVacc1 DeathsVacc2 DeathsUnvacc Deaths
Increase %

Those with two doses now make up approximately half of Delta deaths among people who received emergency care in England, with the total percentage of those dying to Delta who have some level of vaccination now at over 60%.
So double jabbed people are 5.5x more likely to die of Covid than unvaxxed people.

vacc1 = 0.12%, vacc2=0.78% and unvaxxed=0.14%

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Isn't this all a bit of a red herring anyway?
If 100% of the population was vaccinated then 100% of hospitalizations would be vaccinated people.

It feels like the headlines are a bit dangerous.
I know they are trying to make some point that we all need to get vaccinated but they are also inadvertently saying that even if you are vaccinated it might not make a difference. That feels like it actually could end up encouraging hesitancy.

100% of the population is not vaccinated, but if you do want to see a country that is, just take a look at Gibraltar, which is now seeing its cases rise again.

So double jabbed people are 5.5x more likely to die of Covid than unvaxxed people.

vacc1 = 0.12%, vacc2=0.78% and unvaxxed=0.14%

Yes, but again, you need to keep in mind that those with two doses are more likely to be much older and at higher risk. Only 4 under 50 years of age with two doses have died to the Delta variant in England.

edit: I just realized I fucked up my previous calculation by dividing against the total number of cases rather than the appropriate age group. Updated below:

<50 Unvaccinated = 34/119,063 (0.02856%)
<50 2-doses = 4/15,346 (0.02607%)
<50 1-dose = 6/48,644 (0.01233%)

>50 Unvaccinated = 131/2,337 (5.60548%)
>50 2-doses = 220/13,427 (1.63849%)
>50 1-dose = 59/5,446 (1.08336%)
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Yes, but again, you need to keep in mind that those with two doses are more likely to be much older and at higher risk. Only 4 under 50 years of age with two doses have died to the Delta variant in England.

I was just being a dick with the numbers.

Any numbers involving cases mean nothing to me as the PCR tests are too unreliable and have too many false positives. A lot of cases the person doesn't have Covid at all. A lot of Covid deaths are not caused by Covid, they just died with a positive Covid test (possible a false positive).


Coming from a family with a rich history of war-related exodes, starvation and poverty, I'm having a hard time feeling much empathy for a generation having to spend one year watching Netflix instead of partying, or attending school through video-conference. Was that fun ? Definitely not. But don't act like it's the end of the world and you're "owed" your freedom of entertainment, you're still having it much easier than most generations before you.
Such a pandemic is a historical moment, and fortunately despite all the lockdowns and restrictions, it's a walk in the park compared to other historical events.

How about 16 months of their most important time in their education? Ffs some people 🙄

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I was just being a dick with the numbers.

Any numbers involving cases mean nothing to me as the PCR tests are too unreliable and have too many false positives. A lot of cases the person doesn't have Covid at all. A lot of Covid deaths are not caused by Covid, they just died with a positive Covid test (possible a false positive).

Fair enough about PCR tests, but remember that these numbers are looking solely at those who received some degree of emergency care (visited a hospital) and had a positive result, so it's far more likely to be a true positive than an asymptomatic person getting tested via PCR.
I have to say that this kind of gloating over people not getting vaccinated and then getting very sick doesn't sit well with me.

My grandmother is in her 90s and is just refusing to vaccinate. From what I heard from my mum the story is that she (my mum) had a younger brother (who would have been my uncle) and there was some issue with a vaccine he was given and he died. This was obviously a long time before I was born. So the family is kind of condemned by their own history to being "anti-vaxxers".

Personally, I have had both doses of Pfizer but I'm not exactly brining it up in conversation with family on my mothers side.

It disgusts me though that my elderly grandmother could get covid and die and there's people out there online who think that's hilarious or some kind of "win" for them.

At least one thing we have definitely learned from the pandemic is that there is a large crowds of supposedly good people out there who have absolutely no problem disregarding or outright mocking the plight of others.
Well the government can’t make people take care of themselves. It’s intriguing reading headlines about young anti-vaxxers dying of Covid. Like really, must be fun to have that level of common sense.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Well the government can’t make people take care of themselves. It’s intriguing reading headlines about young anti-vaxxers dying of Covid. Like really, must be fun to have that level of common sense.

Do you also enjoy reading anecdotes of young people who posted pro-vaccine messages on social media only to end up dying after taking it? Did they also get what they deserved?


I have to say that this kind of gloating over people not getting vaccinated and then getting very sick doesn't sit well with me.

My grandmother is in her 90s and is just refusing to vaccinate. From what I heard from my mum the story is that she (my mum) had a younger brother (who would have been my uncle) and there was some issue with a vaccine he was given and he died. This was obviously a long time before I was born. So the family is kind of condemned by their own history to being "anti-vaxxers".

Personally, I have had both doses of Pfizer but I'm not exactly brining it up in conversation with family on my mothers side.

It disgusts me though that my elderly grandmother could get covid and die and there's people out there online who think that's hilarious or some kind of "win" for them.

At least one thing we have definitely learned from the pandemic is that there is a large crowds of supposedly good people out there who have absolutely no problem disregarding or outright mocking the plight of others.
Yeah I was making this point yesterday to my sister, there might be people with a personal history with medications or vaccinations that makes them wary. There really can be all kinds of reasons people hesitate. But the pro-vaxx crowd don't care. Everyone that is skeptical is an 'anti-vaxx' looney. The lack of empathy and understanding is very jarring.

Well the government can’t make people take care of themselves. It’s intriguing reading headlines about young anti-vaxxers dying of Covid. Like really, must be fun to have that level of common sense.
It's so much more sensible to accept vaccinations from a pharmaceutical company that has been knowingly destroying people's lives over the last 20 years. What could possibly go wrong?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah I was making this point yesterday to my sister, there might be people with a personal history with medications or vaccinations that makes them wary. There really can be all kinds of reasons people hesitate. But the pro-vaxx crowd don't care. Everyone that is skeptical is an 'anti-vaxx' looney. The lack of empathy and understanding is very jarring.

It's clear that there is virtually no benefit depending on the age group. Some places rolling out the vaccine for children have seen 0 deaths to COVID-19 in the 0-17 age group.

The (sickening) argument was always that we needed to promote it amongst children to protect the adults and immunocompromised. As we now see the theory that the vaccine blocks transmission to any significant degree crumble before our eyes, it's going to be interesting to see how the narrative evolves.
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To not be a conspiracy theorist in 2021? :_)

(or frankly, after reading ANY history book)

The real conspiracy theorists are the "this is fine, I trust <current leaders> and <official source of the time>" people for believing the comical idea that "they want what's best for us".

The real irony of it all? The SJW anti-hero types with nose rings are telling me to just trust Big Pharma.

Get that shit out of here, please.

Yeah I was making this point yesterday to my sister, there might be people with a personal history with medications or vaccinations that makes them wary. There really can be all kinds of reasons people hesitate. But the pro-vaxx crowd don't care. Everyone that is skeptical is an 'anti-vaxx' looney. The lack of empathy and understanding is very jarring.

It's so much more sensible to accept vaccinations from a pharmaceutical company that has been knowingly destroying people's lives over the last 20 years. What could possibly go wrong?
It’s laughable that you are talking about a lack of empathy from the people that are vaccinated when it is so overwhelmingly the other way around.

No one would mock someone that can’t get the vaccine for medical reasons such as allergies or being immunocompromised. These are the people we should still do everything we can to reduce the spread for while the risks of spreading it are still so high. But anti vaxxer’s would be the ones yelling at these people for wearing a mask or social distancing.

I do understand why black communities as well would have an inherit distrust in a government vaccine program. In this case the gov’t has reaped what they sowed long ago.


So double jabbed people are 5.5x more likely to die of Covid than unvaxxed people.

vacc1 = 0.12%, vacc2=0.78% and unvaxxed=0.14%
Yes, but you are being purposely disingenuous with the data - the fact is there is a clear link between vaccination and positivity rate - unvaccinated are tested positive more often than those with 1 dose, which are tested more often than those with 2 doses. Now, at this point majority of people vaccinated completely are older than unvaccinated, which means they are on average of poorer health than other people.

I am waiting for your spin on this one, don't let the science stop you.


Lil’ Gobbie











RIP brother. We failed you.
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Yes, but you are being purposely disingenuous with the data - the fact is there is a clear link between vaccination and positivity rate - unvaccinated are tested positive more often than those with 1 dose, which are tested more often than those with 2 doses. Now, at this point majority of people vaccinated completely are older than unvaccinated, which means they are on average of poorer health than other people.

I am waiting for your spin on this one, don't let the science stop you.

Well, the population size for 1 dose is pretty small comparatively.

Basically the breakdown is this in the UK:

68,000,000 total population
36,000,000 total population with two doses
10,000,000 total population with just one dose
22,000,000 total population with no vaccination



"With Sydney now in it's fourth week of lockdown, it is important to not overlook the hidden costs of COVID-19 lockdowns. Professor Michael Levitt FRS is a globally renowned biophysicist and chemist. He received the 2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, together with Martin Karplus and Arieh Warshel, "for the development of multiscale models for complex chemical systems." His long record of distinguished research and innate understanding of computer modelling make his insights into the COVID-19 pandemic indispensable. Professor Levitt is Robert W. and Vivian K. Cahill Professor in Cancer Research in the Stanford University School of Medicine and Professor of Structural Biology and (by courtesy) of Computer Science." (7/21/21)



Well, the population size for 1 dose is pretty small comparatively.

Basically the breakdown is this in the UK:

68,000,000 total population
36,000,000 total population with two doses
10,000,000 total population with just one dose
22,000,000 total population with no vaccination

Important to point out that people in UK under 18 aren't being vaccinated. Therefore, if you only talk about adult population (which it should be) only 8 million people remain unvaccinated.


Yep. At least the UK is doing one sensible thing (for now).

I don't see them vaccinating kids any time soon. Certainly not if Delta cases continue to level off*. We're in this weird experimental phase right now where we're all watching how things go in the next few weeks. Should the peak not climb to much beyond what it is now, then we're in clover, but if they sky rocket we'll be back in lockdown again. I really don't think children vaccinations are on the cards though. They take lateral flow tests on a daily basis, have bubbles for isolation, and the restrictions in schoolgrounds are pretty hefty.

*Edit: If this becomes a trend rather than a blip, we've beaten this stupid thing:

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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I don't see them vaccinating kids any time soon. Certainly not if Delta cases continue to level off. We're in this weird experimental phase right now where we're all watching how things go in the next few weeks. Should the peak not climb to much beyond what it is now, then we're in clover, but if they sky rocket we'll be back in lockdown again. I really don't think children vaccinations are on the cards though. They take lateral flow tests on a daily basis, have bubbles for isolation, and the restrictions in schoolgrounds are pretty hefty.

Yeah, it's relieving to see that the UK's latest wave may have peaked already as cases have been consistently dropping starting July 18th. Really hope the doom prognosticators pleading with the government to not remove restrictions because cases would spike to over 200,000 per day will eat shit crow if the decline continues.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Is it though? Especially in a country that puts religious belief over scientific fact as much as Americans do?
I mean I guess the ignorance shouldn't surprise me, but watching someone gradually realize that they made a mistake that has caused them to die is never not going to surprise me in some way.

It's just sad to watch anyone die from something that could have been prevented.
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Yeah, it's relieving to see that the UK's latest wave may have peaked already as cases have been consistently dropping starting July 18th. Really hope the doom prognosticators pleading with the government to not remove restrictions because cases would spike to over 200,000 per day will eat shit crow if the decline continues.

You and me both. I've been getting sick and tired of the Covid doom mongers in recent weeks. None of the data related to the vaccines has thus far suggested that they will not combat and supress the spread of delta, and, as you say, we're seeing a case decline from the 18th.

Sadly there will be many people who will actually be disappointed in this, purely for political reasons. Fingers crossed it is a proper trend and not a seven day aberration in the figures. Our test and trace regime has been solid for months now, so I would imagine not.


I mean I guess the ignorance shouldn't surprise me, but watching someone gradually realize that they made a mistake that has caused them to die is never not going to surprise me in some way.

I find it all incredibly sad and all I really feel for folks like that is pity. Not just due to covid, but the delusion they can wrap themselves in all their lives that serves them no good.


I do understand why black communities as well would have an inherit distrust in a government vaccine program. In this case the gov’t has reaped what they sowed long ago.

Why only black people? Have people of other races people not suffered enough under the whole opiate crisis situation to qualify for a "valid skepticism of pharmaceutical companies and the FDA" dispensation? Let's just leave race out of it and talk about why the whole recent history has suddenly been forgotten and anyone doubting the messaging the pharmaceutical companies are sending out is a delusional weirdo.


Why only black people? Have people of other races people not suffered enough under the whole opiate crisis situation to qualify for a "valid skepticism of pharmaceutical companies and the FDA" dispensation? Let's just leave race out of it and talk about why the whole recent history has suddenly been forgotten and anyone doubting the messaging the pharmaceutical companies are sending out is a delusional weirdo.

This is the stuff that the rest of us outside America don't understand. Because you live in a third world country (when it comes to healthcare) and everybody has to pay for every little thing medically, you're all constantly get fucked as a nation by pharma companies/ hospitals/ medical staff/ governments doing everything they can to make money off sickness and healthcare.

How are any of you cunts supposed to trust any medical advice or treatment you get, when there's a chance you're only getting that treatment to line somebody else's pockets, and not to help you?

The paranoia and scepticism around the vaccines is more understandable in a country where every fucking thing to do with your health is about money.
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
This is the stuff that the rest of us outside America don't understand. Because you live in a a third world country (when it comes to healthcare) and everybody has to pay for every little thing medically, you're all constantly get fucked as a nation by pharma companies/ hospitals/ medical staff/ governments doing everything they can to make money off sickness and healthcare.

How are any of you cunts supposed to trust any medical advice or treatment you get, when there's a chance you're only getting that treatment to line somebody else's pockets, and not to help you?

It's a sad situation that has been truly laid bare in the last 20 years or so and particularly during this pandemic.


It's a sad situation that has been truly laid bare in the last 20 years or so and particularly during this pandemic.

Jesus Christ, yes. But will anything change? Or will it just go back to the way it was before Covid, because there's simply too much money to be earned from other people's misfortune in America?

I think I know the answer to that, unfortunately.

Healthcare should be free. It should be a universal right, not a fucking privilege.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Jesus Christ, yes. But will anything change? Or will it just go back to the way it was before Covid, because there's simply too much money to be earned from other people's misfortune in America?

I think I know the answer to that, unfortunately.

Healthcare should be free. It should be a universal right, not a fucking privilege.

I think it's unlikely to change without something radical happening. Pharmaceuticals have basically bought and paid for enough politicians, media outlets, and medical institutions of authority to make it almost impossible to combat their influence through traditional means.


This is the stuff that the rest of us outside America don't understand. Because you live in a third world country (when it comes to healthcare) and everybody has to pay for every little thing medically, you're all constantly get fucked as a nation by pharma companies/ hospitals/ medical staff/ governments doing everything they can to make money off sickness and healthcare.

How are any of you cunts supposed to trust any medical advice or treatment you get, when there's a chance you're only getting that treatment to line somebody else's pockets, and not to help you?

The paranoia and scepticism around the vaccines is more understandable in a country where every fucking thing to do with your health is about money.
I'm actually from The Netherlands, but for example the J&J vaccine goes around the world, many Dutch people have been vaccinated with it. This is the same J&J that (as of yesterday) still denies any wrongdoing in the opiate situation while backhandedly offering compensation payments. The paranoia and scepticism around their products should be understandable anywhere around the world without qualification. Europe isn't as bad as america but vast sums of money are made on medication here too, and regulations often seem very favorable to pharma. Rules around discarding unused medication are a particularly egregious example where I work (psychiatric care).

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
100% of the population is not vaccinated, but if you do want to see a country that is, just take a look at Gibraltar, which is now seeing its cases rise again.

Yes, but again, you need to keep in mind that those with two doses are more likely to be much older and at higher risk. Only 4 under 50 years of age with two doses have died to the Delta variant in England.

edit: I just realized I fucked up my previous calculation by dividing against the total number of cases rather than the appropriate age group. Updated below:

<50 Unvaccinated = 34/119,063 (0.02856%)
<50 2-doses = 4/15,346 (0.02607%)
<50 1-dose = 6/48,644 (0.01233%)

>50 Unvaccinated = 131/2,337 (5.60548%)
>50 2-doses = 220/13,427 (9.41378%)
>50 1-dose = 59/5,446 (0.43941%)

I just realized I fucked up my previous calculation by dividing against the total number of cases rather than the appropriate age group, so edited the above post.

Still, the sample sizes are probably too small to say anything definitively.

<50 Unvaccinated = 34/119,063 (0.02856%)
<50 2-doses = 4/15,346 (0.02607%)
<50 1-dose = 6/48,644 (0.01233%)

>50 Unvaccinated = 131/2,337 (5.60548%)
>50 2-doses = 220/13,427 (1.63849%)
>50 1-dose = 59/5,446 (1.08336%)
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
First comes the mask mandate and then a national lockdown.

A mask mandate I would believe and support, but I don't see a lockdown happening again unless something goes disastrously wrong with the Delta variant or some other variant.

Things are only now opening back up. There is no locking them down again unless we hit numbers like we did last year.


Gold Member
Things are only now opening back up. There is no locking them down again unless we hit numbers like we did last year.

They're already whispering about shutting down businesses in Los Angeles again to protect the unvaccinated. And people who want to stay at home and get back on unemployment support it.

First they locked down to flatten the curve, then it was to prevent hospitals from being overrun, now they're going to force people to lose their livelihoods to protect fucking retards who believe internet bullshit about the vaccines.


Updated data from Public Health England confirms that:
  • Delta has a 0% fatality rate among those under 50 (205,549 total cases, page 14)
  • A higher percentage of individuals double vaccinated died from Delta (0.78%) than those who receieved one vaccine dose (0.12%) or who weren’t vaccinated at all (0.14%)
  • 1.6% of Delta cases resulted in overnight hospitalization (3,692/229,218, page 18)
  • 58% of overnight hospitalizations involved unvaccinated individuals


Great news for those under 50.


I've now had my second jab and nothing has changed.

I keep reading of cases going up .... and then coming back down ... and then going back up .... and then coming back down. Ok, so it comes & goes in waves, like a lot of viruses.

My question...

UK "unlocked" (mostly) on the 19th July. We have a vast portion of the population with 2 jabs.... and yet we're still unable to actually move forward. So what is the difference between now & this time 2022.

There will still be the anti-vaxxers, there will still be a large portion double vaccinated, there will still be waves of this virus (Like flu etc) ... So do we just live like this? Is that is what is expected because nothing is going to drastically change now going forward... we're mostly all vaccinated so whats the hold up?

Yes, people dying is bad, I get that. But if the daily deaths are 10, and the daily deaths from (Insert 50 other conditions) are higher ... why are we so focused on the lesser problem? What else is there to do? We've vaccinated people. Those who dont want to, will probably never want to. If we sit in this limbo state, we're gonna have a very bleak future.

I can't speak for other countries but it's about time countries started to work together more, allow people to go on holiday with out an extra £100 PCR/LFT or extra insurance costs etc ... We're stuck in limbo.



I'm actually from The Netherlands, but for example the J&J vaccine goes around the world, many Dutch people have been vaccinated with it. This is the same J&J that (as of yesterday) still denies any wrongdoing in the opiate situation while backhandedly offering compensation payments. The paranoia and scepticism around their products should be understandable anywhere around the world without qualification. Europe isn't as bad as america but vast sums of money are made on medication here too, and regulations often seem very favorable to pharma. Rules around discarding unused medication are a particularly egregious example where I work (psychiatric care).

Ah, right. Interesting. This whole thing has been a real eye opener for me into how medicines and medicine providers are considered in other countries. I feel like I'm living in some kind of bizarre utopia here in the UK, where it's all free (with the massive caveat that the UK is far from a utopia in many respects). I'm sure the pharma companies are up to shenanigans here as well, but not so that the public are affected by it. I guess we probably have more trust in things like the vaccine in the UK because we don't have to constantly deal with people trying to persuade us to buy their prescription healthcare products, or sell us on their latest super drug.
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I've now had my second jab and nothing has changed.

I keep reading of cases going up .... and then coming back down ... and then going back up .... and then coming back down. Ok, so it comes & goes in waves, like a lot of viruses.

My question...

UK "unlocked" (mostly) on the 19th July. We have a vast portion of the population with 2 jabs.... and yet we're still unable to actually move forward. So what is the difference between now & this time 2022.

There will still be the anti-vaxxers, there will still be a large portion double vaccinated, there will still be waves of this virus (Like flu etc) ... So do we just live like this? Is that is what is expected because nothing is going to drastically change now going forward... we're mostly all vaccinated so whats the hold up?

Yes, people dying is bad, I get that. But if the daily deaths are 10, and the daily deaths from (Insert 50 other conditions) are higher ... why are we so focused on the lesser problem? What else is there to do? We've vaccinated people. Those who dont want to, will probably never want to. If we sit in this limbo state, we're gonna have a very bleak future.

I can't speak for other countries but it's about time countries started to work together more, allow people to go on holiday with out an extra £100 PCR/LFT or extra insurance costs etc ... We're stuck in limbo.


The current thinking in the west at least seems to be that we just need to vaccinate harder. Mandates, door-to-door get out the jab efforts, booster shots, vaccine passports, taxes for the unvaccinated, government-led "misinformation" crackdown efforts, etc. so buckle up, because things are likely to only get crazier before we return to any kind of normalcy.
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I have so many mixed thoughts surrounding covid, this whole thing is a giant clusterfuck cause it occurred during election season and of course politicians seeking the throne and those who were currently in power had to put politics over health and really make it a mess and here we are a year later still confused as hell and now the people in power are pointing fingers at facebook, rich.


Scapegoat definition: "a person who is blamed for the wrongdoings, mistakes, or faults of others, especially for reasons of expediency."


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Well I’ve officially been cornered into getting a vaccine. My wife won’t stop crying because of the fear and my parents are on me about it now too. I don’t want it and don’t need it but I’ve been cornered, only question left is which one to get? What do you guys think, what’s the best vaccine?


The media and the government in the US isn’t ready to accept that this virus is here to stay, so there is still some underlying drive to try and get cases to zero. It will take time for that motivation to wane and become something more realistic, such as taking care of yourself by not abusing your body with junk food.

Not sure about it waning. It could be like with the TSA, and how you can't bring water bottles on a plane or have to take off your shoes at the airport for the scanner. Because a bad incident occurred, measures were taken and the precedent was set. So now everyone's lives are permanently changed to minimize those risks, however small, forever.

This is what I've been unable to explain to my parents so far. The virus is here to stay, and the number of people who'll die from it should be normalized and also taken into context of the daily deaths from any other illnesses. We shouldn't be overturning our society for this.
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