Play stupid Facebook anti-vaxxer conspiracy games, win stupid prizes.
I have to say that this kind of gloating over people not getting vaccinated and then getting very sick doesn't sit well with me.
My grandmother is in her 90s and is just refusing to vaccinate. From what I heard from my mum the story is that she (my mum) had a younger brother (who would have been my uncle) and there was some issue with a vaccine he was given and he died. This was obviously a long time before I was born. So the family is kind of condemned by their own history to being "anti-vaxxers".
Personally, I have had both doses of Pfizer but I'm not exactly brining it up in conversation with family on my mothers side.
It disgusts me though that my elderly grandmother could get covid and die and there's people out there online who think that's hilarious or some kind of "win" for them.
At least one thing we have definitely learned from the pandemic is that there is a large crowds of supposedly good people out there who have absolutely no problem disregarding or outright mocking the plight of others.
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