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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]


Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Well I’ve officially been cornered into getting a vaccine. My wife won’t stop crying because of the fear and my parents are on me about it now too. I don’t want it and don’t need it but I’ve been cornered, only question left is which one to get? What do you guys think, what’s the best vaccine?

If it were me, I would wait for Novavax, but of the current selection, why not go J&J? Its risk profile seems lower for men than women and it's only one dose.
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If it were me, I would wait for Novavax, but of the current selection, why not go J&J? Its risk profile seems lower for men than women and it's only one dose.
Yeah I’ll have to see what’s available, was it the moderna that was the highest dose? Maybe a better question is which to avoid? J&J was my first choice but it seems like that’s been most in the news as having issues, still very low risk i know I’d just rather skip the whole thing. 😵‍💫


Well I’ve officially been cornered into getting a vaccine. My wife won’t stop crying because of the fear and my parents are on me about it now too. I don’t want it and don’t need it but I’ve been cornered, only question left is which one to get? What do you guys think, what’s the best vaccine?
I've been vaxxed with AZ, but that's off the table now in most countries because of the bloodclotting issue. I've seen most of my clients (these are generally people of average health at best) get vaxxed with Moderna, no issues. So that's one I can sort of vouch for. J & J has something going on recently with the Syndrome of Guillain-Barré, which (though extremely rare) can lead to paralysis. Most people seem to recover.


Well I’ve officially been cornered into getting a vaccine. My wife won’t stop crying because of the fear and my parents are on me about it now too. I don’t want it and don’t need it but I’ve been cornered, only question left is which one to get? What do you guys think, what’s the best vaccine?

Do you want to get the boosters too though? It's never going to be just one shot since we know it's only temporary protection. You'll just have to argue with them all over again if you don't want to get more shots down the road.


Gold Member

That means “that there will be more preventable cases, more preventable hospitalizations and more preventable deaths,” said Dr. Amesh Adalja, an infectious disease specialist at Johns Hopkins University.

“We always knew some proportion of the population would be difficult to persuade no matter what the data showed, (and) a lot of people are beyond persuasion,” Adalja said. He echoed Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Rochelle Walensky in calling the current surge “a pandemic of the unvaccinated” because nearly all hospital admissions and deaths have been among those who weren’t immunized.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah I’ll have to see what’s available, was it the moderna that was the highest dose? Maybe a better question is which to avoid? J&J was my first choice but it seems like that’s been most in the news as having issues, still very low risk i know I’d just rather skip the whole thing. 😵‍💫

My understanding is that the rare blood clot issue with J&J was primarily something that occurred in younger women. Meanwhile the mRNA vaccines seemed to produce heart inflammation symptoms in younger men primarily.

Wait, what data have they shown? I've seen a lot of scary statistics thrown out there, but what actual data? Because what we're seeing come out of England and Israel does not match up with what our CDC is saying.
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Do you want to get the boosters too though? It's never going to be just one shot since we know it's only temporary protection. You'll just have to argue with them all over again if you don't want to get more shots down the road.
Yeah, I know right? Donald Sutherland gets got at the end too. Join us it only hurts for a second 🙃



Another dangerous idiot learning the hard way.

”Phil Valentine also said that he was “taking vitamin D like crazy” and had found a doctor who agreed to prescribe ivermectin, a drug used to treat parasites in animals. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration warns against taking ivermectin for COVID-19, advising that it is not an anti-viral drug and can be dangerous.”

Scared of the vaccine, not scared of ivermectin. Bravo, sir. At least he’s telling his listeners to get it now and learn from his own stupidity. Will they though? Probably not, just like he didn’t learn from the countless other examples.
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Gold Member

Another dangerous idiot learning the hard way.

”Phil Valentine also said that he was “taking vitamin D like crazy” and had found a doctor who agreed to prescribe ivermectin, a drug used to treat parasites in animals. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration warns against taking ivermectin for COVID-19, advising that it is not an anti-viral drug and can be dangerous.”

Scared of the vaccine, not scared of ivermectin. Bravo, sir.
season 9 smoking GIF

Another dangerous idiot learning the hard way.
As was pointed out earlier, are people who became paralyzed from a rare but horrible vaccine side effect meant to learn a lesson too?


Ah, right. Interesting. This whole thing has been a real eye opener for me into how medicines and medicine providers are considered in other countries. I feel like I'm living in some kind of bizarre utopia here in the UK, where it's all free (with the massive caveat that the UK is far from a utopia in many respects). I'm sure the pharma companies are up to shenanigans here as well, but not so that the public are affected by it. I guess we probably have more trust in things like the vaccine in the UK because we don't have to constantly deal with people trying to persuade us to buy their prescription healthcare products, or sell us on their latest super drug.
Yeah, so from my perspective, all it takes to create a stereotypical anti-vaxxer is someone of average (or lower) intelligence, who is somewhat prone to magical thinking, and then for this person to read an article about or see a documentary about the opiate debacle in the us. The person will then end up with the fully justifiable feeling that both the pharma companies that propagated this and the authorities who looked the other way cannot be wholly trusted. Now all you need is some time on the internet and confirmation bias, seeking out info that further info that scaffolds your beliefs, and there you go. To my mind, it doesn't really matter whether these people believe that Bill Gates is a lizard who wants to implant them with chips or that millions are being secretly culled by the new world order. The original feeling of distrust of / disillusionment with authority is still justified. The original fault that created this atmosphere of paranoia still lies with the pharma companies and authorities that betrayed the trust that was placed in them. It is theirs to correct. If they had behaved conscientiously this epidemic of conspiratorial beliefs could never have found root.
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Yeah, so from my perspective, all it takes to create a stereotypical anti-vaxxer is someone of average (or lower) intelligence, who is somewhat prone to magical thinking, and then for this person to read an article about or see a documentary about the opiate debacle in the us. The person will then end up with the fully justifiable feeling that both the pharma companies that propagated this and the authorities who looked the other way cannot be wholly trusted. Now all you need is some time on the internet and confirmation bias, seeking out info that further info that scaffolds your beliefs, and there you go. To my mind, it doesn't really matter whether these people believe that Bill Gates is a lizard who wants to implant them with chips or that millions are being secretly culled by the new world order. The original feeling of distrust of / disillusionment with authority is still justified. The original fault that created this atmosphere of paranoia still lies with the pharma companies and authorities that betrayed the trust that was placed in them. It is theirs to correct. If they had behaved conscientiously this epidemic of conspiratorial beliefs could never have found root.
That, and there was already the whole autism scare that produced a bunch of vaccine hesitance in itself. People don’t know what to believe (that one is bunk) but there was already that seed of doubt planted.


Well I’ve officially been cornered into getting a vaccine. My wife won’t stop crying because of the fear and my parents are on me about it now too. I don’t want it and don’t need it but I’ve been cornered, only question left is which one to get? What do you guys think, what’s the best vaccine?

You’ll be fine with whatever one you get. Honestly, don’t worry about it. The chances of having any serious side effects are minimal.

Also, kudos to you for doing it. I know you have your reservations, but you appear to be putting your loved ones well being and needs ahead of your own, and that should be applauded 👏

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
So there's speculation now that government agencies who are messaging 99%+ unvaccinated hospitalization and death rates in the US are actually using the cumulative data for the entire year, or even starting late last year...

Apparently this was a slide actually used by LA County to try to drum up panic and fear about the current situation.

Absolute insanity if true. This goes beyond just sheer ignorance.

I did a bit more digging and found a Forbes article that seems to admit this is the case.

This is just insane propaganda. Just to illustrate the point, there have been 327,449 deaths from Jan 1 to Jun 1 in the United States, but 87.88% of those deaths occurred by Apr 1 when the fully vaccinated population was 64,508,342 or well below half of what it was on Jul 1 (158,022,148).

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
You’ll be fine with whatever one you get. Honestly, don’t worry about it. The chances of having any serious side effects are minimal.

Also, kudos to you for doing it. I know you have your reservations, but you appear to be putting your loved ones well being and needs ahead of your own, and that should be applauded 👏

I mean, he's being guilted into it via family hysteria and is doing it primarily to calm down his wife... I guess I can applaud that he's following the motto "happy wife, happy life."


That, and there was already the whole autism scare that produced a bunch of vaccine hesitance in itself. People don’t know what to believe (that one is bunk) but there was already that seed of doubt planted.
I think the Autism scare has been pretty much debunked. But then again, what can I say, I have a mild form of autism, LOL. First thing I said when we (me and my colleagues) learned we were going to have to get vaxxed for work was "I already have autism, so got nuthin' to lose..."

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
As was pointed out earlier, are people who became paralyzed from a rare but horrible vaccine side effect meant to learn a lesson too?

Oh they certainly learn a lesson when they are ignored and unpersoned if they try to make a fuss about it.

In other news, this shit is crazy:

"Why do you need to have that information?"

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We were talking about you celebrating people getting what they deserved, nice dodge
I’m celebrating one less idiot with a radio show infecting the minds of his listeners with anti vaccine conspiracy theories. Anyone who actually wants this country to return to normal should be pushing the vaccine instead of scaring people. He learned the stupid way, but at least now he’s pro vax.


I’m celebrating one less idiot with a radio show infecting the minds of his listeners with anti vaccine conspiracy theories. Anyone who actually wants this country to return to normal should be pushing the vaccine instead of scaring people. He learned the stupid way, but at least now he’s pro vax.
Dear lord, bring on the next NPC...

Conspiratorial beliefs about vaccines are probably wrong, but perfectly justifiable considering a number of individuals within some government agencies just conspired with several pharmaceutical companies to get a not insignificant amount of US citizens addicted to prescription painkillers. They're still completely unapologetic about this, despite basically destroying countless lives, but have (surprise) offered financial compensation as a way to settle pending lawsuits. Why on earth would you trust these people or compel others to do so?


Dear lord, bring on the next NPC...

Conspiratorial beliefs about vaccines are probably wrong, but perfectly justifiable considering a number of individuals within some government agencies just conspired with several pharmaceutical companies to get a not insignificant amount of US citizens addicted to prescription painkillers. They're still completely unapologetic about this, despite basically destroying countless lives, but have (surprise) offered financial compensation as a way to settle pending lawsuits. Why on earth would you trust these people or compel others to do so?


Lil’ Gobbie
Dear lord, bring on the next NPC...

Conspiratorial beliefs about vaccines are probably wrong, but perfectly justifiable considering a number of individuals within some government agencies just conspired with several pharmaceutical companies to get a not insignificant amount of US citizens addicted to prescription painkillers. They're still completely unapologetic about this, despite basically destroying countless lives, but have (surprise) offered financial compensation as a way to settle pending lawsuits. Why on earth would you trust these people or compel others to do so?
bro it's fine that you don't trust them, but don't act like there isn't mounting amount of evidence and research that shows that you can.

conspiratorial beliefs are PROBABLY wrong? anti vaxers will never be able to tell us anything about vaccines; they have little to no understanding of vaccinology or immunology which is largely why they are so afraid of them in the first place. and if there problems down the line, it won't be thanks to them that we know about it (๑•﹏•)


bro it's fine that you don't trust them, but don't act like there isn't mounting amount of evidence and research that shows that you can.
The vaccines? Yeah sure. Pharmaceutical Companies? Different story.
conspiratorial beliefs are PROBABLY wrong? anti vaxers will never be able to tell us anything about vaccines; they have little to no understanding of vaccinology or immunology which is largely why they are so afraid of them in the first place. and if there problems down the line, it won't be thanks to them that we know about it (๑•﹏•)
What I mean to say is that there may be some parts of it that are true in different specific cases, but on the whole it's bunk. It's true that anti vaxxers can't tell us much about vaccines. But they do know something about the people that are making them available. But I guess I've driven that point into the ground now, I'll give it a rest
bro it's fine that you don't trust them, but don't act like there isn't mounting amount of evidence and research that shows that you can.

conspiratorial beliefs are PROBABLY wrong? anti vaxers will never be able to tell us anything about vaccines; they have little to no understanding of vaccinology or immunology which is largely why they are so afraid of them in the first place. and if there problems down the line, it won't be thanks to them that we know about it (๑•﹏•)
I actually agree with you. But I think the movements going on to quash anyone, especially potentially credible people, sort of entrenches the idea in some people’s minds. I think it’s possible to win the debate about covid vaccines with reality. I can tell you that I have seen the impact of the vaccines in the patients we see at the hospital I work at. Most people can be convinced by the facts. But if they feel like the people in charge are trying to hide things, they’ll go the other way.

We need to level with people as much as possible. No banning on social media. People who believe crazy things aren’t going to stop because Facebook banned their favorite lunatic. If the vaccines are as effect as they seem, the argument can be won without needing to rig the game.
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Well I was cornered into getting the vaccine and since my shit country only provides pfizer I had no choice. I wish I could have taken novavax tbh. Oh well seems I am part of the experiment now.
I’m celebrating one less idiot with a radio show infecting the minds of his listeners with anti vaccine conspiracy theories. Anyone who actually wants this country to return to normal should be pushing the vaccine instead of scaring people. He learned the stupid way, but at least now he’s pro vax.
There is no "returning to normal" ever again. The pre-covid world is not coming back and people need to realize it already. Covid is probably gonna be endemic anyways just deal with it.


Well I was cornered into getting the vaccine and since my shit country only provides pfizer I had no choice. I wish I could have taken novavax tbh. Oh well seems I am part of the experiment now.

There is no "returning to normal" ever again. The pre-covid world is not coming back and people need to realize it already. Covid is probably gonna be endemic anyways just deal with it.
I am dealing with it. I got vaccinated.


I am dealing with it. I got vaccinated.
Then blame your government for placing restrictions for so long. Vaccines are readily available in the US so they could just open everything up and let people decide if they want to take the jab or not. I haven't seen a single antivaxxer say that they want any kind of restrictions. Unless you don't trust the efficacy of the vaccine then that is another story.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I can't seem to find the source data on the Israel Ministry of Health website, but in Dr. Campbell's latest video, he went over an article that explains the reduced efficacy of the Pfizer vaccine against Delta variant infection (now claimed to be 39% overall) in Israel to be caused by declining efficacy as time goes on rather than any specific weakness to the Delta variant.

Take with a grain of salt until clear source data are provided, but according to the report, they looked at different cohorts depending on vaccination month and found:

Those vaccinated January now have just 16% efficacy against infection,
those vaccinated in February have 44% efficacy against infection,
those vaccinated in March have 67% efficacy against infection,
and those vaccinated in April still retain 75% efficacy against infection.

Crazy if true and we will surely start to see it play out soon in next month or so in the US as well, since our first large batch of people fully vaccinated with Pfizer completed their vaccinations in February of this year, with the vast majority completing in April, May, and June.
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Then blame your government for placing restrictions for so long. Vaccines are readily available in the US so they could just open everything up and let people decide if they want to take the jab or not. I haven't seen a single antivaxxer say that they want any kind of restrictions. Unless you don't trust the efficacy of the vaccine then that is another story.
Of course antivaxxers want no restrictions. They’re idiots.


Of course antivaxxers want no restrictions. They’re idiots.
But you want things to go back to normal and at the same time want restrictions. If they are so dumb then why not open up everything, lift restrictions and let them die if they don't want to get vaccinated? I don't understand.


But you want things to go back to normal and at the same time want restrictions. If they are so dumb then why not open up everything, lift restrictions and let them die if they don't want to get vaccinated? I don't understand.
Because antivaxxers can pass covid on to people and children who can’t get vaccinated. This isn’t difficult to comprehend.


I can't seem to find the source data on the Israel Ministry of Health website, but in Dr. Campbell's latest video, he went over an article that explains the reduced efficacy of the Pfizer vaccine against Delta variant infection (now claimed to be 39% overall) in Israel to be caused by declining efficacy as time goes on rather than any specific weakness to the Delta variant.

Take with a grain of salt until clear source data are provided, but according to the report, they looked at different cohorts depending on vaccination month and found:

Those vaccinated January now have just 16% efficacy against infection,
those vaccinated in February have 44% efficacy against infection,
those vaccinated in March have 67% efficacy against infection,
and those vaccinated in April still retain 75% efficacy against infection.

Crazy if true and we will surely start to see it play out soon in next month or so in the US as well, since our first large batch of people fully vaccinated with Pfizer completed their vaccinations in February of this year, with the vast majority completing in April, May, and June.

If that’s true, it’s a lucky thing we didn’t have huge numbers of people that refused to get vaccinated and cause another surge just in time to impact the most vulnerable… oh wait.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
If that’s true, it’s a lucky thing we didn’t have huge numbers of people that refused to get vaccinated and cause another surge just in time to impact the most vulnerable… oh wait.

That sure is an interesting take...

If it is true, and you hypothetically got all 330,000,000 Americans to get vaccinated all in the same month, what do you do half a year later when the immunity fades? Just close down your borders forever?
But you want things to go back to normal and at the same time want restrictions. If they are so dumb then why not open up everything, lift restrictions and let them die if they don't want to get vaccinated? I don't understand.
We could have been back to normal or close to what "normal" was if we achieved herd immunity. But of course, the more people decide to not get the vaccine, the more it could spread and eventually mutate. Covid is probably here to stay now, but we could have done so much better and kept infections at a minimum.


That sure is an interesting take...

If it is true, and you hypothetically got all 330,000,000 Americans to get vaccinated all in the same month, what do you do half a year later when the immunity fades? Just close down your borders forever?
Why do we need that hypothetical? We didn’t have the doses or capability to administer that many in one month.

What’s happened in the past? We have effectively eradicated other infectious diseases through vaccines. We needed herd immunity and boosters as needed but we didn’t get that.

As for closing down, no I don’t want that, never did.

I wanted people to use common sense but this country can’t even keep it’s shit together when a new fried chicken sandwich goes on sale so that was always a fool’s hope.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Why do we need that hypothetical? We didn’t have the doses or capability to administer that many in one month.

What’s happened in the past? We have effectively eradicated other infectious diseases through vaccines. We needed herd immunity and boosters as needed but we didn’t get that.

As for closing down, no I don’t want that, never did.

I wanted people to use common sense but this country can’t even keep it’s shit together when a new fried chicken sandwich goes on sale so that was always a fool’s hope.

We need to give up on the idea that these vaccines can induce herd immunity or even help make it a reality. It's clearly not panning out.

Over 90% of people in the UK now have antibodies whether through natural infection or vaccination. There is clearly no herd immunity. Look to Israel with their high vaccination rate. No herd immunity.

Look to Gibraltar with its 100% vaccination rate. Their cases are now rising.

It will not happen because it cannot happen. This will be common sense by the end of winter.
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We need to give up on the idea that these vaccines can induce herd immunity or even help make it a reality. It's clearly not panning out.

Over 90% of people in the UK now have antibodies whether through natural infection or vaccination. There is clearly no herd immunity. Look to Israel with their high vaccination rate. No herd immunity.

Look to Gibraltar with its 100% vaccination rate. Their cases are now rising.

It will not happen because it cannot happen. This will be common sense by the end of winter.
Well then I goes we have covid season to join the yearly flu season since that never went away either.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
Conspiratorial beliefs about vaccines are probably wrong, but perfectly justifiable considering a number of individuals within some government agencies just conspired with several pharmaceutical companies to get a not insignificant amount of US citizens addicted to prescription painkillers. They're still completely unapologetic about this, despite basically destroying countless lives, but have (surprise) offered financial compensation as a way to settle pending lawsuits. Why on earth would you trust these people or compel others to do so?
Life will and has resumed more or less completely normal honestly as early as like late summer to fall of last year. If you were teleported in from 2019 or just dropped on earth as an alien you probably wouldn't even know anything was happening except you might ask why some people were wearing mask at Walgreens or something. Socially in many countries this pandemic is done whether you agree thats appropriate given the case load or not. COVID will ultimately become endemic and be a blip in history and nobody will give a shit. Just like every other event like this in human history basically.

I think people spend a lot of time on reddit or forums and get a little immersed in a niche of people who track this and are a little sharper and more self aware but also but perhaps a little less social and more anxious. Case in point, me. I checked the news every day and was on reddit constantly stressed out and despairing. You could name a random country and I could probably tell you exactly how many cases they reported the day prior. I knew when we were rising and falling globally and domestically at all times. Eventually this was just... bad for mental health and I just stopped one day a few months ago. I'm still knowledgable and generally aware of trends but I got my shot and have moved on with life. Theres a real disconnect between outside and online on COVID I've come to learn. And I don't think people online realize how big the disconnect is in many respects.
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