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Coworker sniffed my lunch. I made him buy a new one. Am I being unfair?

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So I work for a medium-large Enterprise IT firm, and occasionally bounce from office to office, location to location to tackle projects and make sure things are how they are supposed to be. My name is attached to many projects, but unfortunately due to the type of work I really don't get 'close' with my coworkers.

So this past couple of weeks, I am put into a new office where I don't know anyone minus one older lady I worked with on a previous project (Serah). There are a few people on the team as well, but the only person who really talks to me besides Serah is an older fellow, Arnold. I don't mind too much, he's a funny guy and likes to laugh. It's funny seeing him excited about something because his accent (I believe he grew up in Austria? German and Russian roots?) comes out. He has this annoying habit of invading space, though. If we are having a conversation, he will slide up next to me like hes whispering a dark secret but continue to talk out loud. When he comes up to greet you, its always a slight 'massage' to the shoulder or back of the neck. Very weird but I guess he's just very extroverted and comfortable or something.

So today, I'm sitting in my little cubicle. The cubes are about 6' high and 7'x7' wide. Right outside the 'door' to my cube theres a big water tank. I come in with my glorious honey chicken from a chicken shack next door. The aroma is just as golden as the crispy skin and honey sauce, just emanating and beautiful. Arnold walks over to my desk after smelling and says "Oh my god what do you have? It smells so good!" and I tell him where and what I got. At the time I was refilling my water bottle with water, where I can clearly see Arnold pick up my food container, flip up the lid, and SNIFF my food. My food was so close to his face, I swear I could see the front part of the lid brush up against his top lip.

So as he tells me how good it looks/smells I go "Did you just sniff my food?" He says yes, and I immediately go "Well you can have that one and get me another one. I don't want your nose hair and breath and boogers in my food." We do a little back and forth about how he already ate and I wasn't going to eat that so he can just have it and he leaves my cube. I wait for a minute and put the container of food on his desk and go back to buy another container for myself. Needless to say, he went off to Serah and started complaining about how I was trying to 'get over' on him and I was rude (I said it in a very nice manner, IMO). Later, Serah comes over and explains how I was being crass and unprofessional etc etc. I explain to her that I think that it's gross, I barely know him and he's breathing on my food. I ask her point blank if she would have eaten the food afterwards and she says "No, but I wouldn't have made a scene about it or told him" and I make my point that if he didn't know, he would not change.

So in the end everyone leaves for the day and this is the first day Arnold didn't stop by to say "Have a good night". I expect many days of Arnold not stopping by in the future, but I'm only here for a few more weeks and who knows if I'll see him the next time I am here.

GAF, am I wrong for 'causing a scene'? Am I overreacting to someone breathing all on my food?


My food was so close to his face, I swear I could see the front part of the lid brush up against his top lip.

Were you going to eat the lid? And yes, you were overreacting.
Unless you made the food yourself, chances are someone else was even closer to that food at some point. That was kind of a jerk move. If I were you I'd buy him lunch tomorrow to make up for it.


Definitely a bit of an overreaction, yeah. Most likely no boogers or hairs happened to drop out of his nose when he was sniffing. He shouldn't have done that, though, of course.


The fuck is your problem dude. He sniffed your food, he didn't masturbaate in it.

At some point you are going to have to admit to yourself that your germaphobia is causing you genuine issues in everyday life and social situations.

Explain to him that you're ridiculously anal about food and germs, and that you didn't appreciate the completely innocuous thing he did because of it. This is on you.
Holy overreaction batman. I wouldn't have cared unless he was sick.

But even if you do, could just say it nicely? Say hey I really don't like people getting close to my food, please don't do it again, thanks. Anyways, (say something else and get your new food and move on with life with one more friend/not enemy)


The fuck is your problem dude. He sniffed your food, he didn't masturbaate in it.

At some point you are going to have to admit to yourself that your germaphobia is causing you genuine issues in everyday life and social situations.

Explain to him that you're ridiculously anal about food and germs, and that you didn't appreciate the completely innocuous thing he did because of it. This is on you.



did you see flecks of his dried snot fall into your food?

I think you overreacted OP. I'm onto you though. You overreacted just so you could post this thread. Classic!


I don't want your nose hair and breath and boogers in my food.

Are you 12? If so, I find the response appropriate.


Imagine how many people already breathed on your food at the restaurant it was being prepared at, given that they are humans and that is a thing they do.

Yes, you over-reacted and probably made an ass of yourself. Unless he had a visible cold or something, this was not worth getting grossed out or upset about.

I'd apologize for over-reacting next time you see him, make up some excuse about you being a germaphobe, and offer to buy him lunch to apologize.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
It had a lid on it...yeah...this sounds like a bit of an overreaction. I probably would have teased him about doing it so he was clear on the boundaries, but telling him to have that one and buy you another is over the line.


You overreacted for sure.

He's not going to 'learn' anything by what you did other than to avoid you in the future.


Yeah, you overreacted. He just smelled the food, he didn't lick it or touch it.

He also thinks you're kind of an asshole. I also doubt he'll keep that opinion to himself.


You asked him to buy you a new meal because he sniffed it? might as well get up in arms because he looked at it, they both have NO affect on the food.

C'mon bro...


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Hard for me to believe the OP is a real post. I'm pretty sure he's putting us on.
Is this some weird British thing?

OP, wait till you figure out what comes out of people's lungs. And don't even think about how it's possible to smell flatus. You'll never leave your house again.


The fuck is your problem dude. He sniffed your food, he didn't masturbaate in it.

At some point you are going to have to admit to yourself that your germaphobia is causing you genuine issues in everyday life and social situations.

Explain to him that you're ridiculously anal about food and germs, and that you didn't appreciate the completely innocuous thing he did because of it. This is on you.



Unless he was already sick or cough/sneezed on it, I wouldn't have said anything.

Maybe get him lunch or a coffee in the morning to make it up to him?


I understand where you're coming from, but yeah, you overreacted there. Having a coworker smell your food like that is weird, but not weird enough to force him to buy you a new one and make a huge scene.
Yes. Unless your coworker is sick, he has done nothing to your food that the world hasn't already done to it ten times over. People aren't the sole source of germs in the world, you know.


You acted like a child.

I wouldn't have used those words specifically, but if someone went to my desk, picked up my food, and proceeded to put it that close to their face, there would be problems and buying me new food would be the least of that person's concerns. I don't know what universe someone would have to live in to think that's even close to being okay.

It's completely unacceptable, OP.



Go apologize, tell him you overreacted. The guy sounds like he's like that and harmless, people like that keep you sane in an office environment. Really do apologize bro.

I feel bad for him now. God damn you really ripped into his soul

At least you are being honest about it all op, good on you.

Make friends with him, maybe something nicer comes out of this now.


What the fuck? He sniffs your food and you freak out like that? Extreme overreaction. I'd apologise to him if I were you.
Hard for me to believe the OP is a real post. I'm pretty sure he's putting us on.

Good point. Maybe OP is Arnold and he was just hoping for the thread backfire. No one is that oblivious that they think they're not being a jerk in this situation.


Were you going to eat the lid? And yes, you were overreacting.

I think he meant was that was how close to the food he was. How do I put this, I, assuming of course as I am not OP, that he didn't lift the lid all the way off and was so close to the food that he was able to actually hit the top of the lid with his lips. More of a example of how close he was to the food.

OP, I don't think you overreacted at all. I would have been furious if a coworker even thought about getting near my food let alone...sniffing it. Ugh. Just absolutely disgusting.

Man surprised again at Neogaf. Unless I am misreading the post? People are talking about how he is sniffing the lid...it says that the guy smelled the actual food. I REALLY hope ya'll don't go sniffing other people's food... It is VERY disrespectful.


My mouth is agape.


Please tell him that you overreacted. That you're a germaphobe about these things but that you don't want to cause friction between him and you.

This is so ... argh.


You overreacted a bit tbh but he's the one in the wrong. Personnally I would have said " Bro wtf don't touch my food " but i would have just eaten it and moved on. Case close.

If you've hurt his feelings then so be it. He won't be bother anymore so win-win ?
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