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Coworker sniffed my lunch. I made him buy a new one. Am I being unfair?

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Thank you. Matter of fact he wiped his hands on his slacks because he had grease/sauce from the chicken on them. Of all the time I've worked with people, that's was probably the most invaded I ever felt. I don't know whether he washes his hands or is sick. He snorts occasionally and blames 'allergies'. He digs in his ears at his desk. I wouldn't touch anything of his, so why did he feel compelled to pick up and finesse and caress my food? I'm very particular about my food. I would hope most people are.

Find a therapist. Life's not worth living if stuff like this makes you fly off the damn handle like a petulant child.


Is this satire / wait am I reading The Onion / joke post / lol'd at the title / mod title change?

OK, that's out of the way

Yes, you're being unfair. It's food. You could eat it off the ground and be fine. We're animals.


It legitimately blows me away that people are upset with OP because he went off on a dude who did this. It's fucking weird!

I would be upset as well. But for the sake of a friendly work environment I wouldnt make such a huge deal, and just toss out the food.


Not eating food someone breathed on - finicky but understandable if the person is gross.

Making a big deal about someone breathing on your food and asking them to pay plus creating drama at work - really dude?
Fact you wrote so much says to me you overreacted. Though your coworker sounds weird to be sniffing your stuff so close. You should drop him as your coworker.
It legitimately blows me away that people are upset with OP because he went off on a dude who did this. It's fucking weird!
Exactly this shit is crazy. OP you did nothing wrong. The amount of people in this thread ok with someone holding their food so close to their face and smelling it is just weird. There are just certain boundaries you don't cross and Arnold crossed it.


You don't mess with another man's food. It's an unwritten code, passed down through generations. Arnold broke that code by sniffing your food. Half the taste is in the smell, and he went and snorted it all up. Your reaction and comments were justified.


This is the 2nd story that is nothing special in a world where Trump is half way to presidency where Neogaf is "Dur this can't be real! I can believe all the horrible and almost impossible things that happen every day, but a person getting upset that someone goes way to close to their food- IMPOSSIBLE!!!"

Like, this week has not been a nice side on Neogaf. It is alright to disagree and believe the OP overreacted, but now people are being even more of an asshole than the OP (if you disagreed with him).

This happened in a thread like a week or 2 ago? They had to even shut it down. Doesn't it make the point of him overreacting completely moot when you're even overacting more then the OP?


Thank you. Matter of fact he wiped his hands on his slacks because he had grease/sauce from the chicken on them. Of all the time I've worked with people, that's was probably the most invaded I ever felt. I don't know whether he washes his hands or is sick. He snorts occasionally and blames 'allergies'. He digs in his ears at his desk. I wouldn't touch anything of his, so why did he feel compelled to pick up and finesse and caress my food? I'm very particular about my food. I would hope most people are.

Unless he finger-fucked your food, you have no reason to be so over dramatic.

I am 100% in agreement with you in this thread.

You are also 100% right! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Civilized people don't smell co-worker's food at point blank nasal hair range

Miles X

You overreacted, but also disagree with people here saying he didn't do anything wrong. I'd find it pretty gross someone being that close to my food as well.

I'm a forward person but I'd have just binned it, bought my own lunch again and told him not to go near my food again.


What is your problem?

I can understand that if the person is gross or if you have germophobia you don't like it, maybe even call him on it so that he respect your space in a friendly way. But telling him to the face that he is dropping boogers on your lunch and he needs to buy you a new one... again... what is your problem?


We've seen worst

If I was him I would have been like "oh you want some new chicken?" And then proceeded to punch you twice with that 1-2 and been like "there's a two piece, here come the biscuit" then give you that swift left hook to the temple.
No you wouldn't have, its important to keep jobs now an days.


Well you're going to be the office dick now unless you apologize. You might be right or you might not, but either way by normal standards you went way over the line.
Im surprised people don't have an issue with someone random touching their food esp sniffing it with a close proximity to their face.

Thats weird. But OP didn't make it better by the way you reacted. You can't fly off in office environments, it always comes back to you negatively.


Exactly this shit is crazy. OP you did nothing wrong. The amount of people in this thread ok with someone holding their food so close to their face and smelling it is just weird. There are just certain boundaries you don't cross and Arnold crossed it.

You don't cross that line, but you also don't make a big deal out of it at work.
I bet that your co-workers is probably that guy in a gym locker room who walks around without a towel almost grazing their package too close to others.
Seems pretty damn presumptuous to just pick up someone's food and sniff it. I'm not sure I would've instantly gone at somebody for it though, just tell them not to do it again because you're a germaphobe.


Thank you. Matter of fact he wiped his hands on his slacks because he had grease/sauce from the chicken on them. Of all the time I've worked with people, that's was probably the most invaded I ever felt. I don't know whether he washes his hands or is sick. He snorts occasionally and blames 'allergies'. He digs in his ears at his desk. I wouldn't touch anything of his, so why did he feel compelled to pick up and finesse and caress my food? I'm very particular about my food. I would hope most people are.
Good job selectively choosing one of the few posts agreeing with you in order to justify your actions while ignoring all the ones telling you you overreacted like a petulant brat.


y'all should be ashamed
Thank you. Matter of fact he wiped his hands on his slacks because he had grease/sauce from the chicken on them. Of all the time I've worked with people, that's was probably the most invaded I ever felt. I don't know whether he washes his hands or is sick. He snorts occasionally and blames 'allergies'. He digs in his ears at his desk. I wouldn't touch anything of his, so why did he feel compelled to pick up and finesse and caress my food? I'm very particular about my food. I would hope most people are.
Man, you best pray you never find out what happens before the food even reaches your hands. I've worked in the service industry previous, and boy oh boy the stories I could tell you.


Rapid Response Threadmaker

Who picks up someone's food, opens the container lid, and takes a huge inhale of someone's food?


Do you think the person who made your food used a ten foot pole ?

No they used their hands. The same hands they use to scratch their nose or sneeze in or touch a dozen other things just before making your food.

try working in a restaurant sometime.
Find a therapist. Life's not worth living if stuff like this makes you fly off the damn handle like a petulant child.

I didn't 'Fly off the handle'. I said it in a half-joking way. He didn't even think I was being serious, and it was definitely said too low for anyone else around to hear. We even briefly talked about something else in the same exchange after I told him to get me another one and he told me he ate.

People just expect the story teller to be the absolute worst, and I guess thats as expected seeing previous topics...


You don't cross that line, but you also don't make a big deal out of it at work.

Why not? I thought the whole point is to make sure the person understands what they did was wrong and make them learn from their actions. That is literally what punishment is.

How would Arnold know what he did was wrong?

Party phone said to just say "What the fuck dude". Uh, we are talking about adults right? Not children? Because, surprisingly, just saying what the fuck doesn't do anything to help Arnold learn from his mistake. Some people may find that reaction funny and then do it again. Because people are assholes. Letting it go doesn't do anything to make him understand that what he did was wrong.


aka IMurRIVAL69
Yeah, it probably would've bugged me too but you overreacted. Leaving the food on his desk after the fact seems pretty theatrical.


That bro shouldn't have done that. But the fact that you wrote a 650-page essay about it says more about your overreacting than anything else.

Seriously. Chill out.
You don't cross that line, but you also don't make a big deal out of it at work.
I don't believe he made a big deal he simply told him to buy him another which is completely justified. Idk maybe he could've brought it up to him after work or something but it definetly had to be addressed.


It legitimately blows me away that people are upset with OP because he went off on a dude who did this. It's fucking weird!
Maintaining peace and fitting in at the work place is worth more than a single lunch. Sure, what the guy did was a bit weird, but it's one of those things you suck up and move on from. The OP is going to be the office pariah now.
Your co-worker is weird and what he did definitely would have annoyed me.

You still overreacted and you now look worse than he does.
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