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Coworker sniffed my lunch. I made him buy a new one. Am I being unfair?

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Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Oh, and you weren't nice about it. Asking him to get you another could conceivably be done in a nice way. But he said he wasn't hungry and had already ate, right? So you put the container on his desk so he can come back to it. That's passive aggressive as fuck. That probably sent him over the edge and made him go run his mouth. Just say "Sorry about yesterday. I'm very anal about my food" and move on. No need for work drama over some chicken shack meal.


He probably shouldn't have smelled your food but you kinda went nuts. I would have eaten it with no worries.


I don't see the part where you made him buy you anything. Looks like he didn't do shit.

And are you overreacting? Yes and no. You don't touch people's shit without asking period. Dunno about demanding he buy another, I wouldve just ate it lol


What a ridiculous overreaction.

How do you think your lunch got made?

In outer space?

It already had germs on it dude.
I wouldn't have liked it either, but I have to agree with the other folks in this thread saying that you overreacted. Unless you want to be labeled as a difficult or weird coworker, I would apologize to him for how you reacted.


Where are all these crazies I see on GAF. I wish I got to see these lunatics in real life it would be super entertaining.


Considering your over reaction I can only assume you embellished the details a bit as well. Luckily you can save some face and tell Arnold you have a thing about germs you're not quite in control of and apologize. If you're nice about it most likely he will apologize as well and a situation like this will be avoided in the future.


So as he tells me how good it looks/smells I go "Did you just sniff my food?" He says yes, and I immediately go "Well you can have that one and get me another one. I don't want your nose hair and breath and boogers in my food."

You probably shouldn't have called him out on it that way. It's always better to keep a friendly atmosphere at work. Even when you believe a coworker is being unpleasant.


I believe there is an old french tale along these lines.

There was a marketplace and someone was selling roasted meat. One of the poor souls decided to stand near the stand, sniffing the roast, savoring the smell. The food vendor takes the man to french "court" and demands compensation for the smells that the man "stole" from him.

The defense lawyer had a brilliant idea -- he took several coins with him to court that day. While the vendor was describing his story, the lawyer constantly played with the coins, jingling them around, making a big racket. The vendor finally asked him "What in the world are you doing?"

The lawyer replied, "My client stole the smell of meat from you, so we are paying you back with the sound of coins." The judge thought this was so clever he immediately threw out the case.

So yes, you overreacted. You should buy him lunch and apologize.


Seems pretty harmless on his part. Now, maybe if he dipped his penis into your food there would be cause for concern.
If I was him I would have been like "oh you want some new chicken?" And then proceeded to punch you twice with that 1-2 and been like "there's a two piece, here come the biscuit" then give you that swift left hook to the temple.


You probably shouldn't have called him out on it that way. It's always better to keep a friendly atmosphere at work. Even when you believe a coworker is being unpleasant.

It's like people don't know basic human interaction anymore. Throwing a scene like this is downright embarrassing.
A lot of people are pointing out that it had a lid on it, but I'm not sure why that matters since OP says Arnold actually lifted the lid to get a good whiff.

I mean...you don't fuck with your co-workers' food. You just don't. People who do that are jackasses. So yes, Arnold is kind of a weird jackass for lifting the lid on your sandwich to smell it. That's incredibly weird. He's also kind of a jerk for reporting you to Serah.

Buuuuut you still overreacted. You could have just asked him to keep his hands off your food in the future and been done with it. I'm sure no harm was done to your sandwich and now you're probably going to have to deal with the entire office thinking you're the weirdo.

edit: also it says in the title that you made him buy you a new one but it doesn't sound like that actually happened? What's up with that?


Also, why did you put it on his desk anyway? I'd expect a 10 year old to do that petty shit.

I'm kind of shocked people can act like this tbh.


So as he tells me how good it looks/smells I go "Did you just sniff my food?" He says yes, and I immediately go "Well you can have that one and get me another one. I don't want your nose hair and breath and boogers in my food."

fyi there's fecal particles in the air at all times so you're eating way worse than breath


I think I found the real reason you can't seem to get close to your coworkers.

Buy him the same sandwich tomorrow as an apology and offer to smell his sandwich

This would be a great olive branch and everyone would have a good laugh. So you definitely won't be doing this.


You know how dogs always sniffs each other butts when they meet someone?

Well, it is like that but for humans.


Idk, i can see where OP is coming from

I just went all the way over there and brought it back, and you had your face 2 inches from it and now i don't really want the food even if it's fine

fuck that.

i probably wouldn't have said anything to him though.


The fuck is your problem dude. He sniffed your food, he didn't masturbaate in it.

At some point you are going to have to admit to yourself that your germaphobia is causing you genuine issues in everyday life and social situations.

Explain to him that you're ridiculously anal about food and germs, and that you didn't appreciate the completely innocuous thing he did because of it. This is on you.



He says yes, and I immediately go "Well you can have that one and get me another one. I don't want your nose hair and breath and boogers in my food."

I think what's killing me is the idea that inhaling over the food would have sprinkled it with nose hairs and boogers. He was a little over the line for the parameters of a work relationship, but that specific response makes you sound either crazy or like you're accusing him of being Booger Betty from Garbage Pail Kids.


You massively overreacted.

Sometimes i get the feeling people carefully craft troll threads to rile people up.
you did the right thing!

that guy was clearly Eastern European (they have a weird sense of humor)

I have a little bit of Larry David/ Seinfeld inside of me. I would have done the same as you OP or even worse
I'm amazed OP eats food made by others considering what a germaphobe he is.

That's what I'm saying. Guy at the restaurant probably spit in his food, but yet, he's upset at poor Arnold for just taking a sniff. It makes no sense to eat food from restaurants if you don't want other people near your food.
I have the urge to do a lot of crazy shit like you just described. Next time something like this happens just keep it in your head so everyone you work with doesn't know you're crazy. Sorry I couldn't give this advice to you sooner.

p.s. you realize the people who made your food handle it with their hands? A lot worse than a sniff. You should go back and request they make you a new batch without touching it.
I wouldn't have used those words specifically, but if someone went to my desk, picked up my food, and proceeded to put it that close to their face, there would be problems and buying me new food would be the least of that person's concerns. I don't know what universe someone would have to live in to think that's even close to being okay.

It's completely unacceptable, OP.

Thank you. Matter of fact he wiped his hands on his slacks because he had grease/sauce from the chicken on them. Of all the time I've worked with people, that's was probably the most invaded I ever felt. I don't know whether he washes his hands or is sick. He snorts occasionally and blames 'allergies'. He digs in his ears at his desk. I wouldn't touch anything of his, so why did he feel compelled to pick up and finesse and caress my food? I'm very particular about my food. I would hope most people are.
This seems like something you'd see on a show like Seinfeld or Always Sunny, not something a real person would do in a real situation.

Take from that what you will.


I think you are perfectly within your rights to be grossed out by this. Everyone is different. He should have some boundaries and not open someone's closed food without asking first. That's just rude.

Serah is almost worst because she agrees with you but says she wouldn't have said anything. Thats stupid as fuck. If it was the first time though you should have just told him not to do that anymore and eaten it. It wasn't contaminated, just rude.


Man, at first I was like, "Fuck OP" and than I pictured it in my head.

Yea, hell to the fuck no. I may not have told him off, but if I saw that I would definitely not be happy. I may just go get another one. I have a hard time believing anyone here would "not care" (as in literally feel nothing) in that kind of situation.

Anyways,OP, passive aggressive is not the same as being polite.
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