Creators of Pentiment and Dragon Age criticize Neil Druckmann's recent comments on AI

Disco Dave

The best implementation for AI in videogames would be the ability to dynamically change the content based on the players social leaning.

A simple question could be asked at the start of the game, something like, "Are you woke?".

The AI would then generate content based on your answer. For us normal folk, we would have female protagonists with voluptuous chesticles and legs that go on forever, physics be damned. Male protagonists would be 6ft, with chisel chins and abs like slabs.

For the wokies, you would have non binary, fat chick's with Mary Sue abilities and emasculated males.


Weeb Underling
Pentiment has better (and more interesting) writing than most AAA games made in the last several years.
It must also have required research beyond watching a few zombie flicks and shows.
And almost no one played it, and even fewer people bought it. Pentiment's accolades (industry or critics acknowledgements) were meager at best. Josh Sawyer will mostly never have the notoriety Druckmann has.

That's not me dunking on him or Pentiment - I'm interested to play it myself, and I was surprised by how many of the same people who claim to want new interesting games (not that Pentiment was groundbreaking in any way - as I said when fanboys) no matter their scope wrote it off the moment it was revealed. But it's the only logical explanation as to why a professional would publicly give this knee-jerk reaction to another writer and studio head talking about AI in clearly understandable ways if you read past the title. Like many in this thread, he clearly didn't.


Marlboro: Other M
Holy shit, you can't even post a meme on social media without someone making a article out of it.
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Honestly someone finally pushes back!
Donald Glover Reaction GIF


Gold Member
Remember kids, all boundaries are man made. It us who find delimitations in things, rightfully or not.

There's no limitation in story telling, apart if you think technical limitations prevent you from telling the story you want to tell (I suppose michael bay would agree with druckman, im sure Mark Twain would not).
As a simple exemple, nothing prevent me from telling a banal story of revenge full of angst and characters acting more stupidly than they would if they had half a brain cell to share between them. Making this story engaging and interesting though is a harder task, and IA could help someone not good enough to be a writer on their own, but wouldn't be useful for a "real" writer.
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