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Creepy image thread.

Ratrat said:

waaaaaaaa....this looks incredibly disgusting.

sucks for you. you have two of them


I took this in India recently. I was in Agra, and I got up early to go the Taj Mahal at sunrise. I was taking a picture of the outside wall when an old woman walked by. This is the effect I got:



Mama Robotnik said:

In case anyone's still looking from where this is from, it was done by someone who called himself Lego Robot on the SA forums.

He was later banned after being accused (or outed) as a paedophile.

His website, containing the original comic is here: http://www.plasticbrickautomaton.com/?id=71

His MS paint comics were quite famous, and he was responsible for some originals that grew into internet memes.


Post Count: 9999
Summary Man said:
Not an image, but the video for Genesis' "Land of Confusion" gave me nightmares as a child. Those puppets...oh god.


FYI - the puppets were actually taken from a UK celebrity and political satire show entitled Spitting Image.

The show was actually pretty good - particularly the political stuff. It reminded me of SNL's political coverage (which is where I argue they are generally at their best).


DOO13ER said:
Alright I need some goddamn closure here, what the hell am I looking at? Where is this from?

If I remember correctly, this is from an photo session (there are more with this character in a toilet, in the shower, etc.) meant to be "artistic". They were kind of popular as a lolwut meme around 2004-2006.
DOO13ER said:
Alright I need some goddamn closure here, what the hell am I looking at? Where is this from?
It's an artwork, by Charlie White. Part of an exhibition called In A Matter of Days. Very weird stuff.


The only creepy pic I've ever seen and still cannot get out of my mind was of that boy with makeup in a chair. It was posted here and actually found by a GAFFER. I get scared rarely but just thinking about it makes me cringe.

Maybe someone still remembers...


TheAzRim said:
The only creepy pic I've ever seen and still cannot get out of my mind was of that boy with makeup in a chair. It was posted here and actually found by a GAFFER. I get scared rarely but just thinking about it makes me cringe.

Maybe someone still remembers...
Is it this? D:
TheAzRim said:
The only creepy pic I've ever seen and still cannot get out of my mind was of that boy with makeup in a chair. It was posted here and actually found by a GAFFER. I get scared rarely but just thinking about it makes me cringe.

Maybe someone still remembers...
I remember. Hella creepy. And I don't usually throw the word 'hella' around.
Roto13 said:
And this is Un Chien Andalou, one of the earliest pieces of surrealist film. It's really more weird than creepy.

I love, love, LOVE this film. I was pretty young when I saw it but it's probably what got me interested in Salvador Dali. If I remember correctly that's actually a cows head and eye that they are using right there.
The only one to really get under my skin on this page is the Black Swan one. It's amazing how something so simple can be creepier than skeletons, ghosts, monsters, etc.

G_Berry said:
The fuck?

Pretty sure that's a Charlie White photo. For what it's worth, it's fake.
TheAzRim said:
The only creepy pic I've ever seen and still cannot get out of my mind was of that boy with makeup in a chair. It was posted here and actually found by a GAFFER. I get scared rarely but just thinking about it makes me cringe.

Maybe someone still remembers...
haha that was mine.

I'm still around if anyone has any questions about that pic, but the story in the link is pretty comprehensive:

MooMoo said:
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