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john tv

Oops, couldn't fit it all in the title. Ahem.




A new version of Yuji Horii's popular (in Japan) board game featuring characters and settings from Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy. Coming this Winter on PS2 from Square Enix, according to Quiter.





JackFrost2012 said:
Do you get to move a little pewter slime figurine around the board? cause that would rule.
that's called unlimited saga.



This would be like Sega and Nintendo doing a vs./teamup game, but a board game instead of a fighter, racer, or platformer.


This game will certainly push me to play online:)

Hopefully all the main characters from both series will make it...though they'll probably save most for the sequel...
First Konami makes a Metal Gear card game, now SquarEnix make a FF/DQ board game?

Nintendo is once again the innovator.

Thank you, Super Mario Sunshine pachinko mini game.


jiggle said:
This game will certainly push me to play online:)

Hopefully all the main characters from both series will make it...though they'll probably save most for the sequel...

I don't think SE will use any FF characters before FFVII unless remakes of FFIII-VI are released.


(more a nerd than a geek)
At times I wish Square would return to the "new characters each game" model, instead of the myriads of "cameos" and semi-sequels they have now.
AniHawk said:

This would be like Sega and Nintendo doing a vs./teamup game, but a board game instead of a fighter, racer, or platformer.

Or like Capcom and SNK doing a vs. teamup game, but a card battle game instead of a fighter.

Which ended up rocking! And we got our fighter in the end, to boot.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!

a Dragon Quest/FF tactics would have rocked...



is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Board game? What a total cocktease... That's about as disappointing as finding out the FF7 "sequels" were a movie and a cell phone game...

Have Yuji Horii and Hironobu Sakaguchi work on a new Chrono Trigger to make up for Chrono Cross...
djtiesto said:
Have Yuji Horii and Hironobu Sakaguchi work on a new Chrono Trigger to make up for Chrono Cross...

Didn't Sakaguchi leave Square? Not like it really matters, both of them were just really used to hype CT.
Man, that doesn't look fun. They sure know how to take a perfect match of games and then fucking stab all their fans in the back. But I guess SE fans don't really care what game it is, cause they'll buy it anyways. But I know on the inside they're hurting.
I hate the Kawaii Tifa/Cloud look. What the fuck were they thinking? AND what the fuck is with the love that some of you guys are giving this game? Some games should not have genre offshoots that doesn't fit the game lineage.

FUUUUCCKKKK.. this ruins that image I have of the FF and DQ series. URGH!
TheGreenGiant said:
I hate the Kawaii Tifa/Cloud look. What the fuck were they thinking? AND what the fuck is with the love that some of you guys are giving this game? Some games should not have genre offshoots that doesn't fit the game lineage.

FUUUUCCKKKK.. this ruins that image I have of the FF and DQ series. URGH!
But to be honest Dragon Quest was a boring series anyway. It's only golden moment was Slime Mori Mori.
I don't think that a traditional RPG would be the best choice for a crossover, but I would love to see a game that is in a genre I play and has some amount of RPG to it as the crossover.

A strategy game would be perfect, as would a competitive/cooperative Dungeon Crawl that lets you choose from a host of Square Enix characters.

I would also love to see other characters from their stables, such as characters from Star Ocean, Tactics Ogre, Grandia (if they still have gamearts connections), Vagrant Story, Dewprism, and Xenogears (if they retained any rights to the original).

I dearly hope this has characters from Final Fantasy VI and before, such as Celes, Cecil, Gogo, and Queen Hilda.

Still, this is better than a Chocobo Racing type title with just mascot characters (although there were some awesome secret characters in that game such as the Invincible and 3D World Runner).
While I agree that a board game isn't the best place fvor a DQ/FF crossover, I cannot deny the awesomeness of seeing Cristo, Alena, and Tifa together like that.


Diomedeskun said:
I don't think that a traditional RPG would be the best choice for a crossover, but I would love to see a game that is in a genre I play and has some amount of RPG to it as the crossover.

A strategy game would be perfect, as would a competitive/cooperative Dungeon Crawl that lets you choose from a host of Square Enix characters.

I would also love to see other characters from their stables, such as characters from Star Ocean, Tactics Ogre, Grandia (if they still have gamearts connections), Vagrant Story, Dewprism, and Xenogears (if they retained any rights to the original).

I dearly hope this has characters from Final Fantasy VI and before, such as Celes, Cecil, Gogo, and Queen Hilda.

Still, this is better than a Chocobo Racing type title with just mascot characters (although there were some awesome secret characters in that game such as the Invincible and 3D World Runner).

The god damned thread title had me thinking of something like Time Stalkers except done right. I sure as hell wasn't thinking of a fucking board game. More power to those of you looking forward to it.

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
Well, you should note that this is just synergy in action. Square's properties and Enix's properties combine to help revitalize an old Enix game series that hasn't been heard from in a while. It could sell all right.
Alena's team was definitely my favorite DQ4/DW4 group (which was my favorite in the series as well). Torneko/Taloon was fun, but he is terribly overused.

I envision a game where you fight anothor player as the two of you run through small dungeons collectiong famous items from various games and casting spells at each other with major characters from every Square Enix series. The game could be played as a versus game, where you are just searching for items to battle your opponent, or as a co-op game where the two of you fight enemies and large, powerful bosses as well.

But, those are just my personal dreams (I would love to throw Ultima characters in there too and have the Guardian as the final boss after Chaos and the Dragonlord, since this is a dream).
Bizarro Sun Yat-sen said:
Crossovers are dumb, but I guess better in a board game than in some more serious themed game.

Kingdom Hearts was VERY well done. Konami World was also excellent. I'd always wanted a sequel to this game.
Diomedeskun said:
Alena's team was definitely my favorite DQ4/DW4 group (which was my favorite in the series as well). Torneko/Taloon was fun, but he is terribly overused.

Agreed. I like your idea too.

I actually think this game looks like a blast. I hope it comes out here. It might be a good way to get general Square fans somewhat acquainted with Enix's series.

Ranger X

I hope Metal Gear Acid would be a card game of MGS + Splinter Cell.

God damned Nintendo where's my Mario trivia game??

Sonic chess maybe Sega?
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