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Cruise on MSNBC (aka he's a nutcase)

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Loves the Greater Toronto Area
I actually agree with the Cruise missle on this ONE point (and have always felt this way, even before he went crazy). Psychiatric medication in most instances is really fucked up, and in most cases does more harm than good.

but yeah, aside from that he's a nutcase.


Hollywood Square
borghe said:
I actually agree with the Cruise missle on this ONE point (and have always felt this way, even before he went crazy). Psychiatric medication in most instances is really fucked up, and in most cases does more harm than good.

but yeah, aside from that he's a nutcase.

"Most" is one of hell of a generalization.

White Man

borghe said:
Psychiatric medication in most instances is really fucked up, and in most cases does more harm than good.

Can you qualify this statement? Keep in mind that a large numebr of kids being prescribed Ritalin and Adderol are getting it from primary care doctors, not psychiatrists.
It's sad. I think if he presented his view a little better I could probably respect it. The sad part is this is not Tom's view, it's Scientology's. He's probably so brainwashed that he will agree with whatever Scientology tell him.


Haha it's the top story on Drudge now. Pic from the interview.. Tom loves showing off the guns it seems like!



:lol @ Ritalin being a street drug. It works for those who actually have ADHD, though I agree that it probably is being overprescribed.

What I think is pathetic is that Scientology's entire "platform" is based around ridding the world of drugs and psychiatry. Mostly because Dianetics was widely denounced by the Psychiatric community as bullshit, which it is. So this anti-medication stance is L. Ron's way of getting his revenge. Notice how Scientologists never talk about anything related to actual issues, like poverty or the war or anything like that? Because that sort of stuff isn't important to them. It's all about teh drugs.

Justin Bailey

------ ------
White Man said:
I Godwined it. I mentioned Cruise saying that Jung was a Nazi. My fault.
I'd say the Jung comment was ok (especially since scientologists think that it's actually true), Godwin refers to making the analogy to nazis.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Willco said:
If your argument is illogical and made up of facts based on a crazy science fiction writer, why am I going to listen to it, regardless if some aspects have merit?

That's like saying, "Y'know, apart from the genocide and oppressive authoritarian rule, Hitler had some good ideas on genetics!"

Well I'm pretty sure that we both would agree that Tom isn't going to win any debates any time soon but there are plenty of people out there who use false information to back up their arguments. I don't think that automatically makes them "crazy" though. Just seriously uninformed. I've seen crazy plenty of times and Tom Cruise isn't there yet.

Now this next part isn't really directed towards you but to be honest... I'm quite sick of everyone in the media or people at large making a big deal about Tom Cruise's "religion". I mean heck, I don't agree with him but the last time I checked this was America. When you get right down to it... are the scientologists' beliefs that aliens once inhabitted and populated the Earth really less plausible than some of tenets of some of the world's other religions? They are equally ridiculous if you ask me. They should just leave the guy alone.
A couple of people say Cruise was owned by Lauer. WHere?? To mean, Lauer was acting like a spinless idiot. Not like he was standing up to Tom or challenging him at all. If Cruise was owned, it was due to self-owange, which is, of course, the worst kind. :)

The point Cruise is trying to make, which is kinda lost in the crap, is that while drugs may help people, they don't address the underlying issues that caused them to need help to begin with. Of course, he doesn't like therapists either, and they do try to help people face those issues that are lying underneath, and not always by writing them a perscription to some drug.

On a certain level, I kind of agree with him. I do see the point he is making. But to totally ignore the fact that a lot of people have made improvements through these drugs, is silly as well. I do think we have become an overmedicated society who doesn't take responsibility for our own actions. We're always coming up with some new syndrom or ailment to blame our problems on, and than we take a pill to fix it.


Hang out with Steve.
There is something to be said about the over-reliance the therapy industry has on drugs. It seems that the automatic answer to every complaint is Zoloft, Prozac or Lithium. And that's absolutely a bad thing.

That said, people in depression tend to STAY in depression. It's a cycle that is very, very hard to break, even if you have someone to talk to about. Depression is something that feeds on itself, and can make itself stronger. If a person can't pull out of their depression, even for a short period of time, the thing that these drugs CAN do is level out their moods a bit. If their outlook on life isn't so grim, a person in depression has a chance of breaking out of that depression, at which time the drugs can be stopped.

Thing is, most people who are prescribed these drugs are NOT in an endless cycle of depression. That's something that can only be determined over time, and only then should any drugs be considered.

So Tom's right in a sense, but he's wrong in saying that drugs CAN'T help.


Lol, that interview is awesome. The arrogance he sports on national tv is pretty amusing. It's kinda funny to watch people here declare that this might actually effect thier enjoyment of his films though. Since when was anyone in hollywood a reasonable person heh. Who cares what his beliefs are if he is a good actor. It's funny how people trust the opinions of an entertainer when it comes to anything outside of thier profession, because they are good at entertaining heh.

So then you get uber famous guy off his rocker, and people flip out, cause they can't believe they don't think like somebody on the cover of this month's Awesome Celebrities You Want To Be magazine.


Hollywood Square
JC10001 said:
Well I'm pretty sure that we both would agree that Tom isn't going to win any debates any time soon but there are plenty of people out there who use false information to back up their arguments. I don't think that automatically makes them "crazy" though. Just seriously uninformed.

Except Tom Cruise would argue he's not uninformed and he even said so in that interview. He's an obvious state of denial, and no amount of logic or reason will ever change his mind because of the brainwashing he has endured over the years.

Now this next part isn't really directed towards you but to be honest... I'm quite sick of everyone in the media or people at large making a big deal about Tom Cruise's "religion". I mean heck, I don't agree with him but the last time I checked this was America. When you get right down to it... are the scientologists' beliefs that aliens once inhabitted and populated the Earth really less plausible than some of tenets of some of the world's other religions? They are equally ridiculous if you ask me. They should just leave the guy alone.

Nobody cares about their beliefs, because they're laughable. People hate Scientology because it's a ruthless business cult that destroys lives by taking people's money and has led to suicide, as well as murder.


He seemed almost bipolar to me, it was a little scary.

I'm also a little annoyed about the whole suspension of disbelief thing, because I can't see him in movies anymore without thinking what a crazy ass he is.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Willco said:
Except Tom Cruise would argue he's not uninformed and he even said so in that interview. He's an obvious state of denial, and no amount of logic or reason will ever change his mind because of the brainwashing he has endured over the years.

No argument there.

Willco said:
Nobody cares about their beliefs, because they're laughable. People hate Scientology because it's a ruthless business cult that destroys lives by taking people's money and has led to suicide, as well as murder.

I'm not arguing with you on that point but the same thing can be said about other religions throughout history.


Kung Fu Jedi said:
Bi-polar you say? Hmm... what would you perscribe for that?

All he needs to do is embrace his gayness and all this would go away. He has so much rage inside of him you can see it leaking out... he's bursting at the seams.

Doth Togo


Cruise, Tom. Oh, definitely not a Friend Of Dorothy. Why would you ever think such a thing? No, certainly not. And he definitely doesn't force his gay lovers to sign lengthy non-disclosure contracts before he gets involved with them; that's just a vile, untrue rumor started to bring shame on this quite emphatically heterosexual movie star. Certainly not someone who has and enjoys sex with lots of men. One would never hear Mr. Cruise described as "awkward and inarticulate" when speaking without a script, and certainly never hear him described as "vain, shallow, and pretentious." No, certainly not--the reverse is true of Mr. Cruise! $cientologist. Vain & arrogant. Never graduated from high school. Acted badly towards Nicole Kidman during their break-up, which was caused partially by his insistence on raising the kids $cientologist (she wanted them raised Catholic) and partially because of her pregnancy, which may have been his and may have been Ewan McGregor's. Broke up with Nicole via his representatives. (Cruise, you swine.) Linked with Patricia Arquette, Cher, Penelope Cruz, Rebecca De Mornay, Nelly Furtado, Anthony Hopkins, Nicole Kidman, Heather Locklear, Paul Newman, Lisa Marie Presley, and Mimi Rogers.
JC10001 said:
I'm not arguing with you on that point but the same thing can be said about other religions throughout history.


Somebody else post the 10,000,000 reasons this is wrong that show up in every thread, I can't be bothered.


JC10001 said:
Now this next part isn't really directed towards you but to be honest... I'm quite sick of everyone in the media or people at large making a big deal about Tom Cruise's "religion". I mean heck, I don't agree with him but the last time I checked this was America.

Last time I checked this was America too, and when Tom speaks out on bullshit like saying what Brookshields is wrong because Master Xanzu said it was then he deserves all the punches he's been getting.

Tom Cruise is an idiot. He has NO facts to back up anything he's saying and all he does is attack the person questioning him.
JackFrost2012 said:

Somebody else post the 10,000,000 reasons this is wrong that show up in every thread, I can't be bothered.

I think he's saying that like other religions (cult, whatever), scientology has led to murder, has taken people's money, and all that jazz. Which is 100% true. Oh, and protip: losing your composure and flipping out with caps and profanity... not so helpful for getting a point across.
ManDudeChild said:
I think he's saying that like other religions (cult, whatever), scientology has led to murder, has taken people's money, and all that jazz. Which is 100% true. Oh, and protip: losing your composure and flipping out with caps and profanity... not so helpful for getting a point across.
I've been known to lie, cheat, and steal, too, but that doesn't make me a Kenneth Lay.


Shogmaster said:
Hey, I got a joke.

Q: What's the difference between Christianity and Scientology?

About 2000 years! *runs away*

If a christian God doesn't reside on earth, doesn't that make him an... OMG ALIEN. ROOFLES! :lol


I'll take Cruise's bait and reply to his outburst...

he says it would be an ideal situation if people didn't need to take drugs, and I would agree.

But that's the problem with alot of ideals, is that they don't quite bridge the gap between their ideals and reality... that is, even though it would be optimal to get there, if there's no solution on how to get there, or accounting for all the unchangables or unpredictable stuff, then the ideal falls flat on its face. Even worse, it acts as a corruption of thought.

It's true that drugs only really serve as a band-aid solution to problems. Not even that; it's like he says, they mask the symptoms of the problem.
But the reality is that, there are no conclusive super effective solutions in place, that the symptoms are really what people want to avoid anyway (I mean... herpes only sucks when its expressed... for the good portion of people that have it and never express it, it doesn't matter to them (ignoring its transmissability)). And that without the bandaid, worse problems can and do occur to those individuals.

As for a solution, the problem is a social one in some sense; we've become such a drugged up culture, we also see the drugs as a solution to the problem... but it's not a real solution; we need to recognise the reality of its uses, that it can serve to stem some effects, but can also cause other effects (side effects); that a real solution needs to be found, through whatever cure people have found for the problem.

But in the cases of these mental disorders, given the variability of environmental stresses as well as chemical balances and genetics, it's almost always the case that what works for some people might not work for another.
Root causes and solutions need to be found for these problems... but in some cases, the solution won't be forthcoming for years or decades... and in the meantime, all you can really do is patch the problem with the drugs, lest the problem get out of hand and cause more problems.

Personally, I think alot of modern problems lie in the chemical imbalances of a modern diet, as well as the hectic, dissonating lifestyle and culture that we've created. Solving these two problems will solve many issues. But identifying the specifics beyond broad strokes is a little trickier said than done.


Razoric said:
how long before he finally kills our suspension of disbelief and all we see on screen is a big fucking douche. thats what im scared of for wotw. ive lost all respect for that guy.
It's already dead for me, the last movie with him that I liked was the first Mission Impossible. I felt that in movies after that, he became a parody of himself. If he wasnt in War of the World, I would be first in line to see; now i'll rent it on dvd and that's it. Same thing with the Last samurai, the movie was alright, but his presence was too much for me to handle.

This psychotic act he's been pulling is gonna kill his career.
ManDudeChild said:
Oh, and protip: losing your composure and flipping out with caps and profanity... not so helpful for getting a point across.

Good thing I don't give a shit what you think of me, then. I mean, if you can't be bothered to find out the difference between Scientology and other religions, then your opinion of me can't be very well informed either, can it? :p
JackFrost2012 said:
Good thing I don't give a shit what you think of me, then. I mean, if you can't be bothered to find out the difference between Scientology and other religions, then your opinion of me can't be very well informed either, can it? :p

Give me a break. I did NOT say they were all the same, but strictly from the standpoint of saying that all religions have inspired murder and suicide in the past, is accurate. Because I'm sure you'll try and claim I'm saying that religion is the cause of all evil, I'm NOT saying that at ALL. Maybe you just don't understand what I'm saying, or are being a bit over zealous, so I'll re-post the quote that got your panties all in a bunch.

JC10001 said:
No argument there.

I'm not arguing with you on that point but the same thing can be said about other religions throughout history.

Now albeit a bit of a baiting comment, how is what he said NOT accurate?

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
how long before he finally kills our suspension of disbelief and all we see on screen is a big fucking douche. thats what im scared of for wotw. ive lost all respect for that guy.
Yeah, I kinda feel the same way. He's become like one of those Art Bell people now.

As for antidepressants, I actually know some people who got seemingly better by taking drugs like Paxil, but I also know some whose mind got literally screwed up even more by those. They seem to cause numbness and one friend got weird things like buzzing in his head while taking the drug, and told me he went through withdrawal hell when he gradually stoppped taking it, as per doctor's order (the buzzing and stuff like that got a lot worse before it eventualy disappeared). Also, it seems like doctors here (North America) are too quick to prescribe antidepressants to every kid who behaves a bit more active than normal. I don't know if that's smart seeing how these drugs can do weird things to people... I think parents should try more to set their kids straight by being more patient and insistent with them, instead of taking them to a doctor.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
JackFrost2012 said:

Somebody else post the 10,000,000 reasons this is wrong that show up in every thread, I can't be bothered.

Please show me where I said scientology is "just like" other religions. Go on, show me. Oh that's right....you can't because I stated no such thing! Their beliefs, their practices, the whole cult-like aspect of it is different from other religions. The only thing that I said was that I don't think the tenets of scientology are any less plausible than the tenets of other religions and that other religions have done just as much harm to people as scientology (if not moreso). Do you mean to tell me that isn't the truth?

If you are trying to argue that scientology isn't a "real" religion because its all a scam I've got news for you...that is not a valid argument. Lots of religions are scams. What makes something a religion (or not a religion) is not whether or not it is a scam. If someone believes and/or practices something then it becomes their religion.

Razoric said:
Last time I checked this was America too, and when Tom speaks out on bullshit like saying what Brookshields is wrong because Master Xanzu said it was then he deserves all the punches he's been getting.

Tom Cruise is an idiot. He has NO facts to back up anything he's saying and all he does is attack the person questioning him.

And I don't think its something to make fun of. If anything I think its sad. What's even sadder is the fact that its all the networks can seem to talk about right now.
Zaptruder said:
Personally, I think alot of modern problems lie in the chemical imbalances of a modern diet, as well as the hectic, dissonating lifestyle and culture that we've created. Solving these two problems will solve many issues. But identifying the specifics beyond broad strokes is a little trickier said than done.

That is cool, but I think a lot of modern problems aren't actually problems. They only have become problems because we invented the idea that a lot of the things that occur around us are problems. Much of what we consider problematic now was considered normal and every day fare. Some things we found problematic in the past are now every day fare. It is all a matter of perception. Oh crap I am starting to sound like Tom Cruise!!


Hollywood Square
JC10001 said:
If you are trying to argue that scientology isn't a "real" religion because its all a scam I've got news for you...that is not a valid argument. Lots of religions are scams. What makes something a religion (or not a religion) is not whether or not it is a scam. If someone believes and/or practices something then it becomes their religion.

It's more than a scam, and it's pretty unhealthy for all those involved. A lot of people like to point out and go, "Hey, other religions have led to violence!"

... Yes, at some point, but not now. There's just not even a comparison. And I rarely read people belonging to Christian, Judaic or Muslim faiths having all their money and posessions swindled away from them, and problems with suicide and murder.

And I don't read about countries banning such religions as organized crime.


not an idiot
Shig said:
If I were in Lauer's position, I would have done a little something like this:

Lauer: Okay. You don't think medicine can be conclusively proven to have positive effects when used correctly, and that some people do in fact need medicine sometimes. Fine, new subject, then; for those who don't know, please tell us Scientology's theory of creation.

Cruise: [all that Xenu crap]

Lauer: Okay, you fucking moron, you have absolutely no grounds to debate with anyone about anything's veracity if you believe that bullshit. Get the fuck off my set.


hey, I've not admnstr priviledges nor do I've macromedia 7. Does anyone have another link, I'd like to save this vid :D
Willco said:
It's more than a scam, and it's pretty unhealthy for all those involved. A lot of people like to point out and go, "Hey, other religions have led to violence!"

... Yes, at some point, but not now. There's just not even a comparison. And I rarely read people belong to Christian, Judaic or Muslim faiths having all the money and posessions swindled away from them, and problems with sucidie and murder.

Right there, that's the big issue there. That the other beliefs don't pull the bullshit scientology does. Sure the origins are as questionable, though given a bit of space with a thousand years or more, but that's never the issue. I'm glad the cult's getting more attention though. More attention, at least potentially, means more people google'ing it, reading the Xenu story, and understanding to stay the fuck away.
I think next time I get together with my friends, we are going to use the last half of that interview as a drinking game. Drink every time Cruise says "understand."

Cruise said:
And he has tremendous power because he understands the medium.

Yeah. But they're still writing it. You got to understand.

You know, Scientology is something that you don't understand.

I understood more and more why I didn't believe in psychology.

And as far as the Brooke Shields thing, look, you got to understand...

Matt, you have to understand this.

Do you know what Aderol is? Do you know Ritalin? Do you know now that Ritalin is a street drug? Do you understand that?

And if you understand the history of it, it masks the problem.

And she doesn't understand the history of psychiatry.

She doesn't understand in the same way that you don't understand it, Matt.

Matt. Matt, Matt, you don't even — (ah ah, close one!)

Because I don't talk about things that I don't understand.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Willco said:
It's more than a scam, and it's pretty unhealthy for all those involved. A lot of people like to point out and go, "Hey, other religions have led to violence!"

... Yes, at some point, but not now. There's just not even a comparison. And I rarely read people belong to Christian, Judaic or Muslim faiths having all the money and posessions swindled away from them, and problems with sucidie and murder.

nm... I'm getting ready to leave work. I'll respond to this statement in a little bit.


Cruise is so programmed into Scientology it's scary:

MATT LAUER: But you're now telling me that your experiences with the people I know, which are zero, are more important than my experiences.

TOM CRUISE: What do you mean by that?

MATT LAUER: You're telling me what's worked for people I know or hasn't worked for people I know. // i'm telling you i've lived with these people and they're better.

TOM CRUISE: So, you're-- you're advocating it.


Hollywood Square
JC10001 said:
nm... I'm getting ready to leave work. I'll respond to this statement in a little bit.

There's not really much to respond to.

Find me a religion that has been labelled as organized crime in many judiciary findings. Find me a religion whose sole basis is to take more and more money the longer you're with it, until you have nothing left. Find me a religion that has basically forced people to commit suicide, or die in pain, or even worse -- enforced homicide. Find me a religion that sponsors a drug rehab program that preys on vunerable addicts, takes their money, uses treatments that are proven to be harmful and then tries to recruit them into their religion. Find me a religion that endorses brainwashing. Find me a religion that does all of these things. Right now.

You can't. Scientology is so fucked up.


Please show me where I said scientology is "just like" other religions. Go on, show me. Oh that's right....you can't because I stated no such thing! Their beliefs, their practices, the whole cult-like aspect of it is different from other religions. The only thing that I said was that I don't think the tenets of scientology are any less plausible than the tenets of other religions and that other religions have done just as much harm to people as scientology (if not moreso). Do you mean to tell me that isn't the truth?

If you are trying to argue that scientology isn't a "real" religion because its all a scam I've got news for you...that is not a valid argument. Lots of religions are scams. What makes something a religion (or not a religion) is not whether or not it is a scam. If someone believes and/or practices something then it becomes their religion.

You could say the same thing about David Koresh or The Heavens Gate cult. Anything can be called a religion, but not all religions are called Organized Crime. Nor do they have celebrity spokespersons who have no idea what they're talking about dispensing medical advice. Whether it's his "religion" or not, it's moronic. I don't even understand how you can honestly say their tenets are no less plausible than other religions. I mean believing in a soul, or a god, or the teachings of the buhdda is one thing. It's probably as old as humanity itself. But believing that an ancient galactic ruler kicked intergalactic space walruses out of spaceships, kidnapped billions of people and brainwashed them with movies before dumping them into volcanoes and setting off hydrogen bombs with the help of extraterrestrial psychologists... and believeing it's real even though it was created by a science fiction writer... well that's another thing altogether.


Count of Concision
Mermandala said:
I've got a theory that people who repeat your name constantly when they are talking to you are douchebags.

Mermandala: Tom. Tom, Tom, I now have more evidence. Tom, I want to thank you. Tom.


Hah, I've always felt the same way. :D

There is no such thing as a chemical imbalance


I also love the part where he calls psychiatry a "pseudo-science". There's no question that psychiatry, due to its very subject matter, is less of an empirical endeavor than, say, cardiology; however, the standards for the acquisition and review of information, and the process by which change is implemented within the discipline certainly meets as rigorous a scientific standard as can be expected given the subject.

Psychiatric medication in most instances is really fucked up, and in most cases does more harm than good.

No. Schizophrenics do not get better through therapy, save for the most mild of cases (which may well be schizoaffective disorder as opposed to true schizophrenia, anyway); people with bipolar disorder seldom improve as a result of therapy; people with severe clinical depression rarely get better through therapy; people with many mood disorders can be effectively treated through therapy, and therapy is a wonderful complement to medication in most instances (i.e., studies show that the two in tandem are more effective than medication or therapy alone). But to suggest that pharmacological solutions are not efficacious-- or to suggest that therapy/vitamins/naturalistic remedies would produce similar results in the cases described above-- is silly.

Are we overmedicated as a society? Yes, of course, and the reasons for this are myriad. But that has absolutely nothing to do with the validity of the medical science behind psychiatry.


I can't even watch all of that video. I honestly feel embarassed for the guy. He's become a self parody of himself.


segatavis said:
I think next time I get together with my friends, we are going to use the last half of that interview as a drinking game. Drink every time Cruise says "understand."

That was beautiful. I'm going to weep tears of joy everytime I hear someone say "understand" for the rest of the day.

Meanwhile, a point that seems to have been overlooked somewhat. Tom Cruise just spent the second half of that interview pimping Scientology non-stop. He's not arguing that psychiatry is bad because he has any empahty for theoretically over-medicated kids. He's just trying to recruit new members on the basis that if you repeat something often enough people might believe it. In particular, he's selling the Purification Rundown. From the alt.religion.scientology Acronym/Terminology FAQ, courtesy of Operation Clambake:

"Purif, the Purification Rundown. A cleansing process, intended to remove drugs supposedly stored in body fat through running, taking megadoses of vitamins and minerals, and sweating in a sauna for hours every day. The Purif costs roughly $1,500, and takes about two weeks to do. There is no scientific evidence to back up the cult of Scientology's claims about the supposed benefits of the Purif. See Grades, Guk Bomb, Dianazene."

The "scientific evidence" part should have been the end to that little discussion in the interview. I'm envisioning something like this:


Lauer: That's nice, Tom. Let us know when Scientology starts submitting their methods to medical journals for peer review.

Seriously, where did all this batshit insanity come from? We all knew Cruise was into Scientology, but ever since this whole Katie Holmes thing, he's kicked into overdrive. Does he have some Thetan quota to meet that he's just now starting on, or what...?
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