1. Christianity has contributed to the proliferation of AIDS in Africa and the subsequent deaths of hundreds of thousands of people (and probably millions more to come) because the people there are taught by the church not to practice any means of contraception/safe sex.
Christianity teaches abstinence until marriage. It isn't telling people to go have unprotected sex with as many partners as they can find and promising that nothing bad will happen to them. Right or Wrong, the idea is that you don't NEED contraception because you shouldn't have sex until you're married in the first place. If Christians are willing to break the churches rules on sex before marriage and adultery, they're willing to break it's rules forbidding contraception.
2. Religion has taught people that homosexuality is a sin and that people who are gay choose to be gay and are evil people. As a result gays and lesbians are discriminated against, assaulted, etc. Thousands of teens have comitted suicide because they were gay or lesbian and they would rather die than get beat up every day or otherwise treated like crap by a bunch of idiots who think "they should burn in hell".
That is paper thin. The church sees all sorts of sexuality as sin, especially regarding sexuality amongst
heterosexuals. Religion isn't solely to blame for peoples attitudes towards homosexuality. The bulk of religion isn't much more than a collection of cultural ideals. Anyway, scientology regards it as "distorted".Only extremists walk around telling people to burn in hell and calling them evil.
3. The catholic church protects child molesters. A lot of the priests who were said to have molested children are now residing in the Vatican and will never see the inside of a courtroom.
That's a messy situation full of wrong, but it's nothing the church teaches.
4. Islamic theocracy (Iran, etc) and muslim extremists. Do I really need explain why these are messed up?
Come on, the keyword here is extremists.