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Cruise on MSNBC (aka he's a nutcase)

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jett said:
Huh, Cruise didn't come off as crazy as some of you said.

I agree. After seeing the video, he doesn't come across as crazy as some here have said, at all. He's certainly annoying, in the way he keeps saying "Matt", and in the way that he's kind of pompous about his ideas being right and dismissing others. But who here can say that he hasn't studied the history of psychiatry? Perhaps he has, and does have some great understanding of it. What he is saying is not really all that bad. As I said earlier, we have become an over-medicated society.

And by the way, I'd say Tom owens Matt when he asks him if he is "advocating it". In a sense, that was what Matt was doing. He was telling Cruise that he knew, and "lived with" people who were better after taking these drugs. But when challenged on it, he backed off very quickly. In that sequence, for me, Matt came across looking like a tool. Of course, he looks like a tool most of the time anyway.


Kung Fu Jedi said:
I agree. After seeing the video, he doesn't come across as crazy as some here have said, at all. He's certainly annoying, in the way he keeps saying "Matt", and in the way that he's kind of pompous about his ideas being right and dismissing others. But who here can say that he hasn't studied the history of psychiatry? Perhaps he has, and does have some great understanding of it. What he is saying is not really all that bad. As I said earlier, we have become an over-medicated society.

And by the way, I'd say Tom owens Matt when he asks him if he is "advocating it". In a sense, that was what Matt was doing. He was telling Cruise that he knew, and "lived with" people who were better after taking these drugs. But when challenged on it, he backed off very quickly. In that sequence, for me, Matt came across looking like a tool. Of course, he looks like a tool most of the time anyway.
Uh, you don't understand. Maybe once you begin to understand, then you can really understand.


Kung Fu Jedi said:
I agree. After seeing the video, he doesn't come across as crazy as some here have said, at all. He's certainly annoying, in the way he keeps saying "Matt", and in the way that he's kind of pompous about his ideas being right and dismissing others. But who here can say that he hasn't studied the history of psychiatry? Perhaps he has, and does have some great understanding of it. What he is saying is not really all that bad. As I said earlier, we have become an over-medicated society.

And by the way, I'd say Tom owens Matt when he asks him if he is "advocating it". In a sense, that was what Matt was doing. He was telling Cruise that he knew, and "lived with" people who were better after taking these drugs. But when challenged on it, he backed off very quickly. In that sequence, for me, Matt came across looking like a tool. Of course, he looks like a tool most of the time anyway.

A) No he has no great understanding. Very rarely does he back up anything he says with any kind of medical knowledge and / or facts to support it. He is just spouting what Master Xanzoop is telling him. The fact that he has a little bit of a point means nothing. Yes we are over-medicated in many ways but that doesnt make the medicine or the science bad. It just makes people lazy and want a quick fix in our fast as balls society we live in now.

B) I don't think he wanted Tom to go apeshit on the air... it's not for that kind of audience. He obviously told him what he wanted to hear just to calm is ass down. I don't think anyone expected Cruise to go off on his little soap box as much as he did. I personally know people who have been helped by these drugs and are now OFF of them and living a normal life. They do good but they can also be abused.

Cruise has no medical background, he is a pretty boy multi-millionare actor who is in a brainwashing cult and should be looked at as such.


Kung Fu Jedi said:
I agree. After seeing the video, he doesn't come across as crazy as some here have said, at all. He's certainly annoying, in the way he keeps saying "Matt", and in the way that he's kind of pompous about his ideas being right and dismissing others. But who here can say that he hasn't studied the history of psychiatry? Perhaps he has, and does have some great understanding of it. What he is saying is not really all that bad. As I said earlier, we have become an over-medicated society.

If he's studied the history of Psychiatry he really needs a refresher course. He's only saying what scientology wants him to say, that psychiatry is evil. How does he know what Brooke Shiels or Matt Lauer know about the field? It's not like they've opened their mouths and proved themselves to be clueless. Tom goes around saying he's studied the history of psychiatry/psychology but nothing that he says about the subject supports that claim. he jsut repeats it over and over in the hope that he'll covince someone. He never tells you what he's studied. All he says is Ritalin is bad, think of the children.

And by the way, I'd say Tom owens Matt when he asks him if he is "advocating it". In a sense, that was what Matt was doing. He was telling Cruise that he knew, and "lived with" people who were better after taking these drugs. But when challenged on it, he backed off very quickly. In that sequence, for me, Matt came across looking like a tool. Of course, he looks like a tool most of the time anyway.

All Matt did was point out that it obviously works for some people, and with that in mind who is Tom Cruise to say it's wrong and only masks problems? Tom's entire argument is based on the idea that psychiary is psuedo-science. He says there's no such thing as a chemical imbalance. What is his history with depression and where did he obtain his medical degree? Has he ever been on medication? Sure the system is abused by some, but all systems are, that doesn't render them null and void.


I hate these threads, but that was just disturbing to read. I felt like I was reading a George Bush speech or Scott McClellan attempt to answer a question. A lot of interrupting yourself, a lot of running around in circles, a lot of misinformation. I never thought I'd say it, but it is getting to the point where I won't be able to seperate Tom's behavior from his acting, but thankfully, I'm not even looking forward to War of the Worlds.
After watching the feed I don't see Tom Cruise as a disturbed individual. He has trouble finding the words in this interview but that happens sometimes. I don't think he pulls all this information from his ass, but I'm not sure if his study approach has been open minded.

I don't know anything about medical science. I know it involves a lot of money. I'm sure there are immoral stuff attached to this business.
I do at least agree with you guys that Cruise has no medical training and is just spouting off what the Scientologist want us to hear. But that doesn't mean that he hasn't studied this stuff. I do admit thought that he does nothing in this interview to prove that he has. Somehow Matt can tell that he's read up on it though. :lol

Does he look like a pompous ass in the video? yes, at times he does. Is he "batshit insane"? Nah, not at all. At least not here. The content of the video was not nearly as bad as some people have made it out to be.

Still, there has been a change in his personality of late, that I can't deny. He was annoyng with calling lauer by his first name all the time, and that over the top giddy laugh everytime they mentioned Katie was just so put on it seemed.
Where then is he getting his information from? He just keeps spouting the same lines over and over again. Like perhaps he's been uh, brain washed?

Him trying to say that his source of Dianetics > Medical Science is so funny, even if there is a general overuse of psychiatric medications.

Hard to stomach people saying how do you know he isn't right?


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
:lol He's fucking lost it
Mr. Rellik said:
Hard to stomach people saying how do you know he isn't right?

I certainly wasn't saying that he is right. Not by any means. Just that perhaps he has studied this stuff. I know I haven't researched, nor would I ever care to, it's not my thing, but perhaps it is his. People should at least be open to the possibility that perhaps he has done some research into the History of Psychiatry, but his Scientology background has skewed his entire perspective.

As I said before, however, he doesn't say anything in the interview to make anyone believe that he has done extensive research in this area. He comes across as a pompous ass when he says that Matt doesn't know, but he knows.

The sad thing is that I can see a lot of Americans agreeing with him. They'll watch this clip, not through GAF-hued glasses, and say Cruise is right. We do take too many medications, and they do hide the real problems. They'll see him asking Matt if he adovated it and Lauer backing down quickly, and they'll see Cruise saying he knows these things, and they'll believe him. After all, he is Tom Cruise.

Cruise needs to do an interview with someone who will really press him on these issues. Somone who won't back down from, nor be afraid of hurting his feelings. Someone who will mix it up with him a bit. Smells like a job for Bill O'Reilly! :lol


radioheadrule83 said:
Yeah he never talks about this shit unless people bring it up.

People don't go into interviews without knowing what's going to be discussed. And interviewers rarely go off on subjects they've been told not to. Fact is, these interviews always go on this track because he either wants them to or is willing to let them.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Kung Fu Jedi said:
I certainly wasn't saying that he is right. Not by any means. Just that perhaps he has studied this stuff. I know I haven't researched, nor would I ever care to, it's not my thing, but perhaps it is his. People should at least be open to the possibility that perhaps he has done some research into the History of Psychiatry, but his Scientology background has skewed his entire perspective.
Why do we have to be open to it? Cruise has done nothing to support the claim that he's done research and that he's well educated in the area. All he does is tout unsupported claims about pharmaceuticals and attack the basis of psychiatry by pointing out some abuses. He couldn't possibly say the things he says if he knew what he was talking about. Only an idiot tries to say that Ritalin is a horrible drug simply because some people misuse it. I'm not sure how you can reasonably defend a man who claims that chemical imbalances don't exist. His logic is completely flawed.
Dan said:
Why do we have to be open to it? Cruise has done nothing to support the claim that he's done research and that he's well educated in the area. All he does is tout unsupported claims about pharmaceuticals and attack the basis of psychiatry by pointing out some abuses. He couldn't possibly say the things he says if he knew what he was talking about. Only an idiot tries to say that Ritalin is a horrible drug simply because some people misuse it. I'm not sure how you can reasonably defend a man who claims that chemical imbalances don't exist. His logic is completely flawed.

I'm actually not trying to defend him all that much. I've taken all kinds of shots against him in my posts as well. I've said in at least two posts that he didn't say anything that would lead one to believe that he has studied this stuff. All I'm saying is that it is a possibilty. Heck, in my last post, I even said that it was a possibility, but that his perspective is totally skewed by his "religion". Perhaps Tom Cruise's idea of a hobby is to study the "History of Psychiatry". I don't know. It sounds kind of stupid to me, but like I said, it may be what he is into.

If I'm trying to offer up any defense for him at all, it's that that video clip is not nearly as bad as what others here have said, and that he doesn't come across as crazy in it. Uninformed? Yeah, probably. Steadfast in his personal views? Most definitly. "Batshit insane"? Nah.

One of my very best friends in the world has had his life turn around due to these types of drugs. He went from being someone who was depressed all the time. We're talking deep deep depression. Once it was diagnosed and he got on the meds though, he is a much happier, and more stable person. You'd hardly know it was the same guy. So I've seen first hand, with someone I love, that these things work. I'm certainly not arguing in favor of what Cruise is saying.

All that said, I still feel that we are an over-medicated society that relies to much on quick, easy fixes with drugs like these, which can indeed mask the real issues. And you'll have no problem finding reports of Ritallin being a horrible drug if you search around. I'm not saying they are wrong or right, just saying there is research going in both directions.

Edit: Mr Rellik: No problem man! :)
Pharmaceutical companies pretty much own the USA, but that's not to say that some people don't need prescription medicine for psychiatric disorders, just that there is sometimes a lot of power and influence behind the prescriptions. Medical journals read like catalogues for prescription drugs. I've even seen reports of pharmaceutical companies bribing doctors with money and "corporate prostitutes". :lol

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Willco said:
It's more than a scam, and it's pretty unhealthy for all those involved. A lot of people like to point out and go, "Hey, other religions have led to violence!"

... Yes, at some point, but not now. There's just not even a comparison. And I rarely read people belonging to Christian, Judaic or Muslim faiths having all their money and posessions swindled away from them, and problems with suicide and murder.

There's not really much to respond to.

Oh no, there's more than enough to respond to actually.

Your original statement is so wrong that I literally took a double take and read it twice because I couldn't believe that I read it the first time. Those religions still cause problems to this very day. I was going to go into a long rant but it struck me that its not worth arguing with you about it. I'll just give you a few brief examples.

1. Christianity has contributed to the proliferation of AIDS in Africa and the subsequent deaths of hundreds of thousands of people (and probably millions more to come) because the people there are taught by the church not to practice any means of contraception/safe sex.

2. Religion has taught people that homosexuality is a sin and that people who are gay choose to be gay and are evil people. As a result gays and lesbians are discriminated against, assaulted, etc. Thousands of teens have comitted suicide because they were gay or lesbian and they would rather die than get beat up every day or otherwise treated like crap by a bunch of idiots who think "they should burn in hell".

3. The catholic church protects child molesters. A lot of the priests who were said to have molested children are now residing in the Vatican and will never see the inside of a courtroom.

4. Islamic theocracy (Iran, etc) and muslim extremists. Do I really need explain why these are messed up?

Willco said:
Find me a religion that has been labelled as organized crime in many judiciary findings.

Christianity.... 2000 years ago.

Willco said:
Find me a religion whose sole basis is to take more and more money the longer you're with it, until you have nothing left.

Can you prove that this is scientology's sole reason for existance? Even if it was...if other religions did this it would be the least of their problems.

Willco said:
Find me a religion that has basically forced people to commit suicide, or die in pain, or even worse -- enforced homicide.

See my post above. Those things still happen because of other religions to this very day.

Willco said:
Find me a religion that endorses brainwashing.

Newsflash!!! All organized religion is brainwashing to some extent!

Willco said:
Scientology is so fucked up.

Hey we agree on something! But guess what? Scientology isnt' alone in that regard.
I would add to that, that during the Middle Ages the Catholic Church became quite wealthy by bilking cash out of it's members by charging them to forgive their sins, etc. Rich noblemen and women were able to live a life of decadence, but by donating enough cash at the end of their life, they could still buy their way into heaven. Things like this are common in religious history.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Kung Fu Jedi said:
And you'll have no problem finding reports of Ritallin being a horrible drug if you search around.
That may well be true, but Cruise doesn't talk about it. He just talks about possible misuse, not whether the drug can do more (or only) harm than good. Oh no, it's a street drug! All kinds of things can be misused, that doesn't mean they're condemned.


When you get right down to it... are the scientologists' beliefs that aliens once inhabitted and populated the Earth really less plausible..
It's not the beliefs that are the problem it is the actions of the Church of Scientology that is the problem. Your need to equate Scientology to every other religion out there blinds you to this I think.

Edit: To wit the problem isn't that Scientology says we're all infected with body thetans, the problem is that the organisation of Scientology says the only way to get rid of the thetans is to pay the organisation a lot of money.


Hollywood Square
JC10001 basically was grasping at straws to find something to counter my argument and he comes up with irrelevant banter (omg christians killed peoples 2000 years ago!) and fanatics. He also basically had to find a smorgasboard of religions to counter everything stated about Scientologist, but he knows he can't find one single religion that is as despicable as Scientology. A cult, mind you, that wasn't even labelled a religion until the IRS denied their tax exemption status and L. Run Hubbard quickly adapted his organization to religious terminology as Scientology's sole reason for existence is to extort money from people.

Oh, and conveniently ignored the following posts:

Willco said:
Find me a religion that sponsors a drug rehab program that preys on vunerable addicts, takes their money, uses treatments that are proven to be harmful and then tries to recruit them into their religion.

Find me a religion that does all of these things.




JC10001 said:
1. Christianity has contributed to the proliferation of AIDS in Africa and the subsequent deaths of hundreds of thousands of people (and probably millions more to come) because the people there are taught by the church not to practice any means of contraception/safe sex.

Christianity teaches abstinence until marriage. It isn't telling people to go have unprotected sex with as many partners as they can find and promising that nothing bad will happen to them. Right or Wrong, the idea is that you don't NEED contraception because you shouldn't have sex until you're married in the first place. If Christians are willing to break the churches rules on sex before marriage and adultery, they're willing to break it's rules forbidding contraception.

2. Religion has taught people that homosexuality is a sin and that people who are gay choose to be gay and are evil people. As a result gays and lesbians are discriminated against, assaulted, etc. Thousands of teens have comitted suicide because they were gay or lesbian and they would rather die than get beat up every day or otherwise treated like crap by a bunch of idiots who think "they should burn in hell".

That is paper thin. The church sees all sorts of sexuality as sin, especially regarding sexuality amongst heterosexuals. Religion isn't solely to blame for peoples attitudes towards homosexuality. The bulk of religion isn't much more than a collection of cultural ideals. Anyway, scientology regards it as "distorted".Only extremists walk around telling people to burn in hell and calling them evil.

3. The catholic church protects child molesters. A lot of the priests who were said to have molested children are now residing in the Vatican and will never see the inside of a courtroom.

That's a messy situation full of wrong, but it's nothing the church teaches.

4. Islamic theocracy (Iran, etc) and muslim extremists. Do I really need explain why these are messed up?

Come on, the keyword here is extremists.
JC10001 said:
1. Christianity has contributed to the proliferation of AIDS in Africa and the subsequent deaths of hundreds of thousands of people (and probably millions more to come) because the people there are taught by the church not to practice any means of contraception/safe sex.
This is a stupid argument if you know anything about Christianity. The church teaches abstinence, which is a 100% effective means of preventing venereal diseases and unwanted pregnancies.

I'm not saying that it's how people should go about their lives, but you really can't blame the church for people fucking outside marriage.

JC10001 said:
2. Religion has taught people that homosexuality is a sin and that people who are gay choose to be gay and are evil people. As a result gays and lesbians are discriminated against, assaulted, etc. Thousands of teens have comitted suicide because they were gay or lesbian and they would rather die than get beat up every day or otherwise treated like crap by a bunch of idiots who think "they should burn in hell".
I don't think any religion condones violence of any kind.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Willco said:
JC10001 basically was grasping at straws to find something to counter my argument and he comes up with irrelevant banter (omg christians killed peoples 2000 years ago!) and fanatics.

What a pathetic attempt at spin/damage control. Where did I say anything about christians killing people 2000 years ago? Now you are just putting words in my mouth and making shit up as you go along. And I'm the one grasping at straws? :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Willco said:
He also basically had to find a smorgasboard of religions to counter everything stated about Scientologist, but he knows he can't find one single religion that is as despicable as Scientology.

So two religions comprise a smorgasboard do they? You heard it here folks. 2 = a fucking smorgasboard according to Willco!

You wanna talk despicable? Its despicable when a church protects child molesters and tries to cover things up. Its despicable when a church would rather cling to old philosophies and let millions of people die than take measures to save their lives. The Africa situation all by itself is more despicable than anything that's happened as a result of scientology. You have no idea about the kind of stuff that's been going down over there, do you? Its absolutely deplorable. Its even worse when you realize that most of these deaths could have been prevented. You've got aid workers over there trying to educate people and save their lives but then when those people go to church they are told "Pay no attention to them, using a condom is a sin! You shouldn't sin. You don't want to go to hell do you?" Its a fucking outrage!!! And you expect people to believe that taking people's money via scientology is worse? You can even begin to equate the two.

Willco said:
A cult, mind you, that wasn't even labelled a religion until the IRS denied their tax exemption status and L. Run Hubbard quickly adapted his organization to religious terminology as Scientology's sole reason for existence is to extort money from people.

No. Finances may be involved but scientology's sole reason for existance, like many other religions and cults out there, is control. Scientology, christianity, islam, Waco, Heaven's gate. They are all about control.

Willco said:
Oh, and conveniently ignored the following posts:

That's because those points didn't merit a response. No two religions are exactly alike so it would be impossible for me to find a single religion that meets all of your criteria. As if a religion is only despicable if it meets those criteria and only those. Don't be ridiculous.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
trippingmartian said:
This is a stupid argument if you know anything about Christianity. The church teaches abstinence, which is a 100% effective means of preventing venereal diseases and unwanted pregnancies.

I'm not saying that it's how people should go about their lives, but you really can't blame the church for people fucking outside marriage.

You're right. They do teach people not to have sex out of wedlock and in theory if everyone practiced that then AIDS wouldn't be as much of a problem over there. That's not the way a lot of people live though. I just think they should tell people "look, don't screw around out of wedlock but if you are going to for God's sake use a condom". They should be teaching people to use condom in the marriage as well. I just think that some of the church leaders are do dead set against their use that they are missing the larger picture.

trippingmartian said:
I don't think any religion condones violence of any kind.
I don't think so either...at least not explicity...but that doesn't stop people from using religion as an excuse/justification for all sorts of violent acts.

I think it ultimately depends on what you definition of the word religion is. If you think of religion as strictly what is taught in the bible or in the koran then no...none of those religions condone violence. For me, I think of religion as something that people believe. Take the islamic terrorists for example. They don't practice islam in its true form. They practice an extreme, distorted version of it. Its still their religion though.


Hollywood Square
trippingmartian said:
This is a stupid argument if you know anything about Christianity. The church teaches abstinence, which is a 100% effective means of preventing venereal diseases and unwanted pregnancies.

I'm not saying that it's how people should go about their lives, but you really can't blame the church for people fucking outside marriage.

I don't think any religion condones violence of any kind.

JC10001 is just grasping for straws to try and fit Scientology into his cynical view of world religions. As someone who is agnostic, I can understand someone not want to joining or even recommending an organized religion, but I'm not ignorant enough to compare a damaging cult to a major religion.


JC10001 said:
You're right. They do teach people not to have sex out of wedlock and in theory if everyone practiced that then AIDS wouldn't be as much of a problem over there. That's not the way a lot of people live though. I just think they should tell people "look, don't screw around out of wedlock but if you are going to for God's sake use a condom". I just think that some of the church leaders are do dead set against their use that they are missing the larger picture.

"Look, I know the Bible says not to murder anyone but if you're going to do it at least use a silencer."


Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
ManaByte said:
"Look, I know the Bible says not to murder anyone but if you're going to do it at least use a silencer."


Its time for the catholic church to adapt in a changing world. They have changed their stances on several issues over the years but they have always stuck with this one (no contraception). This aspect of christianity was never practical but now its outright dangerous.

AIDS is so widespread over there that if a husband or wife cheats on a spouse...boom! Chances are the innocent party will get AIDS. Thats why I think the church should teach people to use contraceptives even while they are married. Christianity doesn't go far enough to protect these people IMO.
Willco said:
JC10001 is just grasping for straws to try and fit Scientology into his cynical view of world religions. As someone who is agnostic, I can understand someone not want to joining or even recommending an organized religion, but I'm not ignorant enough to compare a damaging cult to a major religion.

Most major relgions were just a small cult at some time. Granted, for the major ones today, thats thousands of years ago, but still...


JC10001 said:
Its time for the catholic church to adapt in a changing world. They have changed their stances on several issues over the years but they have always stuck with this one (no contraception). This aspect of christianity was never practical but now it outright dangerous.

And you completely missed the point.


Hollywood Square
Kung Fu Jedi said:
Most major relgions were just a small cult at some time. Granted, for the major ones today, thats thousands of years ago, but still...

I could care less that Scientology is a cult, but rather that is a damaging cult that actively seeks out followers.
Damn, yall really do hate tom Cruise.

I dislike the guy cause he is now banging my favorite white girl...but other than that....

The only time he seemed crazy was on the oprah shit.

ON the today show thing, he seemed fine to me, very serious, but not crazy.

and i think someone said he was acting crazy when he got squirted with the water in the face?

that wasnt crazy. I thought he handled himself in a very smart and classy way, and made the guy who squirted him want to cry. He got that guy internally. I mean me, I would have beat his ass which would have been stupid in tom cruise's position because of the money he has and the fact that it was on camera.

I think yall are making this whole tom cruise shit bigger than it is.



Hollywood Square
Fixed2BeBroken said:
Damn, yall really do hate tom Cruise.

I dislike the guy cause he is now banging my favorite white girl...but other than that....

The only time he seemed crazy was on the oprah shit.

ON the today show thing, he seemed fine to me, very serious, but not crazy.

and i think someone said he was acting crazy when he got squirted with the water in the face?

that wasnt crazy. I thought he handled himself in a very smart and classy way, and made the guy who squirted him want to cry. He got that guy internally. I mean me, I would have beat his ass which would have been stupid in tom cruise's position because of the money he has and the fact that it was on camera.

I think yall are making this whole tom cruise shit bigger than it is.


Shut up.



Alright you know what screw scouring the net and my cache for an obscure gif.

Help me GAF. I want to get a link to the animated gif with Cruise electrocuting Oprah, my sister would love to see that.
I don't believe his opinions are that totally fuckin crazy but it's just the fact that he's so damn POMPOUS about it! This little fancy boy actor thinks that he knows EVERYTHING about psychiatry and how the mind works that he totally disregards everybody elses opinions. I tend to notice that the more people learn about a subject, the less sure they are about making definite statements. This makes me think that this little bitch doesn't know half the shit that he's spouting out of his mouth and is hiding his ignorance with overconfidence of his knowledge. IGNORANT DOUCHEBAG.

J2 Cool

Fixed2BeBroken said:
Damn, yall really do hate tom Cruise.

I dislike the guy cause he is now banging my favorite white girl...but other than that....

The only time he seemed crazy was on the oprah shit.

ON the today show thing, he seemed fine to me, very serious, but not crazy.

and i think someone said he was acting crazy when he got squirted with the water in the face?

that wasnt crazy. I thought he handled himself in a very smart and classy way, and made the guy who squirted him want to cry. He got that guy internally. I mean me, I would have beat his ass which would have been stupid in tom cruise's position because of the money he has and the fact that it was on camera.

I think yall are making this whole tom cruise shit bigger than it is.


Yeah, I guess he's not really crazy. Just Tom Cruise gone gangsta.
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