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Cruise on MSNBC (aka he's a nutcase)

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Willco said:
Shut up.



jesus christ. it's like you are more pathetic than him babbling about his scientology mumbo jumbo. get off his dick.


Chalk me up to one who sees America as an over-medicated community. I stay away from meds as much as possible, but I don't side with the 'Wildcard'. In my mind vitamins aren't that far off from meds. Just full of useless junk and have just as much addictive qualities as meds do. Yeah for the most part they are not as harmful to the body but physchologicaly they can provide just as much masking to the mind as meds do.

Secondly I keep waiting for the Christian voice that voted in the Prez to start backlashing against this. They raise up against everything else from Spongebob to professors using the Socratic method of teaching and yet 'Wildcard' and his group get a free pass?

Also, while listening to the insane BS about Oprah and her most humiliating moment in life, one of the reports mentioned the 'Wildcard' speaking out on O's behalf so watch for it.

Lastly to anyone who says that they can't understand how people can't seperate the stars real life from their movie work, to me it has nothing to do with suspension of disbelief. How about I just don't feel like giving the guy's personal life a chunk of my hard earned cash


Hollywood Square
Fixed2BeBroken said:

jesus christ. it's like you are more pathetic than him babbling about his scientology mumbo jumbo. get off his dick.

Ring ring.


Shut up, again.



I just saw the Oprah thing after hearing non-stop talk about it (how late am I? :lol). I also saw part of the Today Show interview and the water squirt thing.

Out of all of that, he only seemed insane on Oprah.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Fixed2BeBroken said:
good response. you sure are an intelligent one.

He's got you to stop posting "peace" in your last two posts,I think he's pretty damn intelligent :p
Matrix said:
He's got you to stop posting "peace" in your last two posts,I think he's pretty damn intelligent :p

i was just joking but, PLEASE..... (it was my own choice....i usually only post peace after long posts.....unless i do it by habit on short posts.)


in the middle east


trippingmartian said:
Pharmaceutical companies pretty much own the USA, but that's not to say that some people don't need prescription medicine for psychiatric disorders, just that there is sometimes a lot of power and influence behind the prescriptions. Medical journals read like catalogues for prescription drugs. I've even seen reports of pharmaceutical companies bribing doctors with money and "corporate prostitutes". :lol

I'll second...

I've seen how people who supposedly study aspects of human behavior can steer far off into the abyss(anthropologists for instance). I've also seen how fcked up the FDA(example, pbs frontline "dangerous prescription" info) is, and how easily sht passes the drug cartel's pet boy. Put 2 + 2 together, good stuff can come out, sure, but I'm pretty certain many a horror movie could be based out of many of the results given by such a grouping.

Eventually knowledge gained from the hollistic understanding of the mind, from the molecular level to the highest emergent properties of the whole, will allow neuropsychology to absorb(merge more coherently with) all other branches in psychology. And it'd be then that the crudeness will disappear. It's just like in general medicine without treatments tailored to your genetical makeup, many a times you're just playing russian roulette, you know you could get better, but you also know you could end up quite dead(or fcked up in any case, some of the possible side-effects I've seen generally bring up multiple WTFs...).

PS Seeing how easily something like scientology's kept going, despite it's nature/history/writings, gives me great hope. If such can succeed than certainly when I create my new religion, obviously self-consistency and with infinitely more plausible concepts, I'm sure it'll spread like wildfire(on a forest with trees bathed with gasoline :lol !!! ).


I am very much against the the over abundance of diagnosises of depression in this country and the over use of anti-depressants instead of actual life changes....

..but I still wouldn't touch scientology ever you crazy motherfucker LET KATIE GO


etiolate said:
..but I still wouldn't touch scientology ever you crazy motherfucker LET KATIE GO

It's pretty obvious that she was held captive and programmed by the Cult of Scientology over the 16 days she was missing.


go eat paint
Someone needs to make a Cruise toy that just repeats "Matt" over and over...


And then the toy's head explodes

J2 Cool

"So is Cruise Crazy?"
"In technical terminology: he's a loon."



Tenacious-V Redux
Yup. His stance vs Matt actually did make alot of sense in one area regarding overmedicating & Ritilin but he gave no options for those in need.

Unfortunately he's attacking patients/victims instead of the doctors & authorities prescribing the meds. He actually made Matt look rather uninformed and foolish 'cause Matt could have beat him down with simple statements like...

"Tom, If a licensed doctor feels Ritilin is the best treatment for a child and the parent agrees, how can you fault this line of treatment when you in fact are unlicensed nor trained as a physician." But Matt badly failed here.

GMA is 100% hype machine so this type of timebomb is rather amusing.

radioheadrule83 said:
I don't think he's totally insane.

Drugs should be a last resort imo. In the case of Ritalin, there are quite simply entire countries that find other courses of action to take. Some children WILL have ADHD and perhaps could be helped, you never know... but some parents would do well to cut out letting them eat shit full of E numbers, and improve their general lifestyle. That can help with a variety of problems: a healthy diet and exercise can help people... and I think we are too eager to just go the easy road and send out invites to superbugs by pumping people full of crappy drugs too early...

but denying people are mentally and chemically imbalanced sometimes, or that every case is different... I mean what if someone can't be motivated into healhtier living in the time needed to make them better? What if that wouldn't help anyway? There's a limited course of options there.

He seems to want empirical proof that these things work... that doesn't happen all the time. Sometimes it's randomly discovered that something will help alleviate a problem without knowing the full whys or wherefores. But even then, what they usually have in terms of evidence is more than enough to convince any of us.

Tom Cruise - he's read some papers. He's famous. He's into scientology. He preaches it on TV. To the inevitable detriment of his career.


Jesus christ, the two people in this thread defending scientology need to fucking stop. We don't give a flying fuck about your attempts to rationalize scientology as a religion or to compare it as such, scientology is fucked up and does not deserve to be given any merit whatsoever.

If you already acknowledge that scientology is wrong, then stop opening your damn mouths and trying to defend the "religion" on the grounds of their supposed similiarity to other religions.

Oh and Tom Cruise sucks. Can't wait til scientology extorts all his money or ends up killing him since he'll end up refusing to get proper medical attention if he gets cancer or something.


White Man said:
Please tell me that Lauer meant this line to be ironic? Tom Cruise thinks Jung was a sieg heil-shouting Nazi and claims that methadone used to be called Adolphium or something. He's done his homework, but he was huffing a fucking sharpie while doing it.
:lol :lol :lol White Man with his latest laugh-out-loud bon mot. Keep it up!

I saw the interview, and Cruise is fucking nuts.

As for Matt Lauer, I imagine that he must have been caught TOTALLY off-guard by Cruise's behavior. An interviewer's job is to keep the subject talking -- calling him on his bullshit, while satisfying, would have resulted in a blown interview since THAT level of confrontation would have likely resulted with Cruise storming off. Also, since Lauer's job depends somewhat on his likeability, it would be HIGHLY risky to be seen as an asshole, even if Cruise deserved to be put in his place.


It's really unfortunate that this is the way of things in the media these days, though. The people who control whether interviews happen or not figured out, at some point, that they could keep the media from asking questions they don't expect if they just keep the carrot of future interviews and exclusives dangling in front of their faces. That goes for politics and celebrities.

What it means to us is that we never get the whole story.
tt_deeb said:
Crusie doesn't believe in aliens by the way:


It isn't surprising since he is not using the definition of aliens as in 'little gray men/Roswell type from another planet'-type aliens. Most likely he doesn't consider Xenu an alien at all. Similar to some religious beliefs of 'otherworldly' people and places, but still not 'from another world' or 'alien' in their definitions.

Also, Cruise may be against drugs, but I think he has to watch what Katie is doing herself. She looked totally out of it in that interview. Or maybe it's the mind conditioning. :lol


Zaptruder said:
I'll take Cruise's bait and reply to his outburst...

he says it would be an ideal situation if people didn't need to take drugs, and I would agree.

But that's the problem with alot of ideals, is that they don't quite bridge the gap between their ideals and reality... that is, even though it would be optimal to get there, if there's no solution on how to get there, or accounting for all the unchangables or unpredictable stuff, then the ideal falls flat on its face. Even worse, it acts as a corruption of thought.

It's true that drugs only really serve as a band-aid solution to problems. Not even that; it's like he says, they mask the symptoms of the problem.
But the reality is that, there are no conclusive super effective solutions in place, that the symptoms are really what people want to avoid anyway (I mean... herpes only sucks when its expressed... for the good portion of people that have it and never express it, it doesn't matter to them (ignoring its transmissability)). And that without the bandaid, worse problems can and do occur to those individuals.

As for a solution, the problem is a social one in some sense; we've become such a drugged up culture, we also see the drugs as a solution to the problem... but it's not a real solution; we need to recognise the reality of its uses, that it can serve to stem some effects, but can also cause other effects (side effects); that a real solution needs to be found, through whatever cure people have found for the problem.

But in the cases of these mental disorders, given the variability of environmental stresses as well as chemical balances and genetics, it's almost always the case that what works for some people might not work for another.
Root causes and solutions need to be found for these problems... but in some cases, the solution won't be forthcoming for years or decades... and in the meantime, all you can really do is patch the problem with the drugs, lest the problem get out of hand and cause more problems.

Personally, I think alot of modern problems lie in the chemical imbalances of a modern diet, as well as the hectic, dissonating lifestyle and culture that we've created. Solving these two problems will solve many issues. But identifying the specifics beyond broad strokes is a little trickier said than done.
Wow, that's one of the best posts I've ever read on GAF. Thank you.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
ohamsie said:


Willco: Find me a religion that has been labelled as organized crime in many judiciary findings.

Me: Christianity, 2000 years ago

There was never any mention of christians killing anyone 2000 years ago. Merely that they were put on trial. Which they were.
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