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Crysis 3 |OT| 1. Nomad / 1.5 Psycho / 2. ??? / 3. Prophet


Any news on another double xp weekend? I didn't really have time to play on launch weekend and won't touch this piece of shit mp before they have double xp. Thank god I only need to get to level 20.
Just completed it and I can honestly, one of the worst games I've played in the last few years hands down. While the gameplay itself is fairly generic and while a nice looking game, the style and environments of the game leaves a lot to be desired in many places. However my big problem with the game is: The bullet sponging. It's the reason why I loathe games like Halo, fucking shields and insane health bars.

You start out slow with the Cell forces where the game shines because you feel sort-of badass sneaking around and using all those fancy little features but as you get to about the halfway point and it becomes Ceph dominated the game turns to utter shit. Enemies that just soak up bullets left and right, a million of them and then they start throwing bigger dues into the mix, that can take even more shots. I was basically just standing behind rocks most of the game and looking for ammunition - Oh god the ammunition! Fucking weapons were empty all the time due to the amount of bullets the enemy could take, constantly picking up new weapons and ... Eugh. It's not a hard game, it's a frustrating and boring game.

I started to ignore secondary objectives, I ran past enemies just to get the objectives complete and get it over with. I even turned the difficulty all the way the way down towards the end to ease up on the bullet sponge effect and complete the game, so I could end my misery. The last part of the game is so catastrophically bad, I simply can't believe it.

I'm sorry but this game is garbage and this is not hyperbole, this game is utter trash. Generic, boring, uninspired, flaccid and frustrating game.
Did you try shooting them in the jelly?


Infact if there was anything that I'd complain about it's the level design, the game feels less open eventhough it has bigger areas than Crysis 2, think it peaked at the Dam level. Also Crysis 2 felt more....I donno, epic ?

I kinda like the levels better than C2 but they're still not great by any means. Some levels are large but have these small sections you can go to surrounded by walls you cant climb with areas that are out of reach. Then there's that crappy vehicle section. I wish they had gone for Crysis 1 approach here. Now the borders of levels are pretty obvious and artificial.

It also seemed like the level design went down the further you got into the game. Fewer small details, more straightforward areas.

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This is such a load of bullshit. I just got to the Chinatown part and prophet jumps down into a little pond underwater and I'm like "allllrofht lets sneak around and kill these dudes" so I engage stealth and nothing happens, for a second I thought my controller lost battery power.... NOPE, I just got to sit back and literally watch the game play itself. :| Ugh, this game. The novelty of the visuals still hasn't worn off but I can tolerate for about a half hour at one time,
I just realized that there is no nomad dog tag, they are Jester's, Aztec's, and from that cupcake guy from warhead.

NOMAD isn't more dead than a man who puts a bullet in his head, which by this series logic is as good as alive.


Finished it yesterday, the end literally made me freeze in horror. Beat the final boss on hardest difficulty four times only to always get a freeze during the following cutscene. Had to replay the whole mission and beat him a fifth time. And then it glitched on my achievement.

I spent 12 hours with the game, taking my time all the way to enjoy the surroundings and find stuff. It's gorgeous, it's without a doubt the best looking game this gen on consoles and as long as you're playing it stealthily you're gonna have a lot of fun with it. This is how Halo 4 should've been. The game takes you on a rollercoaster ride with huge open areas and vehicle fights, awesome scale and skyboxes that make Halo Reach jealous. And then you have your corridor fights. It's a great variety and it never felt boring, the last level is an effect overkill tech demo like Halo 3's ending. Get this game, it's gonna be tough for any shooter to beat it this year.


Just started to play (PS3) and the button prompts are so annoying. Like "press R3 to release bow without shooting". Can you turn those prompts off?
Finished it yesterday, the end literally made me freeze in horror. Beat the final boss on hardest difficulty four times only to always get a freeze during the following cutscene. Had to replay the whole mission and beat him a fifth time. And then it glitched on my achievement.

I spent 12 hours with the game, taking my time all the way to enjoy the surroundings and find stuff. It's gorgeous, it's without a doubt the best looking game this gen on consoles and as long as you're playing it stealthily you're gonna have a lot of fun with it. This is how Halo 4 should've been. The game takes you on a rollercoaster ride with huge open areas and vehicle fights, awesome scale and skyboxes that make Halo Reach jealous. And then you have your corridor fights. It's a great variety and it never felt boring, the last level is an effect overkill tech demo like Halo 3's ending. Get this game, it's gonna be tough for any shooter to beat it this year.

Took me around 12 hours as well. Same as you I took my time, tried to complete all secondary objectives and clear all areas of Cell operatives. Also took some time to take in the views :).


I got a new AMD card so got this game free, and played through it to test the new card.

I beat it last night after about 8 hours of play time (according to Origin). Or I should say I TRIED to beat it last night. About 5 times. And it crashed every single time in the cutscene after beating the fucking Alpha Ceph.

Anyways, the game is gorgeous, and runs great on my new 7950 maxed out with FXAA. I actually enjoyed it for the most part when I got to play the games (minus the vehicle segments and some of the latter half with the aliens. Why do aliens always ruin these games?)

But the story. My god the story. So terrible. All the built in dramatic moments with Psycho fell completely flat and just felt awkward due to terrible direction and acting. Some times I actually thought the scripting broke only to realize it was an extended "dramatic" moment from Psycho.

The suit powerup system was more or less useless for me. I purchased one "slot" of upgrades and never felt the need to change it or even purchase more.

I don't know if it's just cause I'm playing Max Payne 3 at the same time as I was working through this, but I appreciated that the game actually let you PLAY it. They would have brief cutscenes at the beginning of levels, but then they just gave you an area and let you go through it and PLAY more or less how you wanted. Contrasted to Max Payne 3 where they give you control, you move forward literally 5 seconds and another cutscene plays.
I wasted $65... game is now sold for $39 which is not a surprise considering EA published it, but that's not even a problem... the problem is that game is sooo boring I cannot play it for more than 20min.


Holy shit does this game look good.

There are also some neat combat scenarios they put you through, along with impressive setpieces, but it's a far cry from the first Crysis.
I just finished this. I played through the whole game in 3D on Very High on my HMZs. Holy crap was this an improvement on Crysis 2. Graphically and gameplay wise... this was much better. Story wise too, though still nothing to brag about. It doesn't reach the highs of the first Crysis, but it doesn't reach the lows either.

It's probably a better game, even if playing it here in 2013 wasn't anything as good as playing the first Crysis back when that launched, if you catch my drift. Such a great game to play in 3D. I had a blast with it. Great work Crytek.


Whoah! There's a lot of hatred for Crysis 3 in this thread. I just don't understand it. I'm playing on 360 on Veteran, am probably three-quarters of the way through, and am LOVING it. It does everything I want a sci-fi FPS to do, and does it well. The graphics are gorgeous, controls are tight, weapons are varied, gun play is exciting, it can be played any number of ways, the story keeps things moving at a good lick, voice acting and animation are stellar... I dunno. Maybe I'm just easily pleased. I'm taking my time, soaking it all up, doing all the secondary objectives, methodically levelling up my suit, and I've easily clocked over ten hours already. Yeah, you could probably do a speed run on easy in 4-5 hours, but you'd have to be an idiot (or an impatient reviewer) to do that and waste the experience. I'm having an absolute blast with this game.


I beat it yesterday. The final boss wasn't very fun but the preceding two levels were IMMENSELY enjoyable. Felt very open.


Very pissed off right now. I've just beaten the (very annoying) final boss on 360 (veteran) and the game crashes right during the final cut scene. Same thing happens over and over again when restarting from the final checkpoint. Google tells me this is affecting a LOT of people on PC, PS3 and 360. I really enjoyed the whole game up until this point, but if I'd had known about this bug I probably would have waited a few months until the game was £5 and the problem patched. But being EA, the problem won't ever get patched. Fucking idiots. Apparently the only possible solution is to replay the whole last level from scratch, but even that is not guaranteed to work.

Absolutely brilliant.
Above bug didn't effect me...never heard of it.

Didn't find the final boss too annoying, but was on standard diff (whatever it's called) and it was still challenging. So I can imagine higher difficulties being problematic.


well not really...yet
Started playing this tonight, an hour of campaign and multi respectively.

It looks so fucking ugly I want to cry.

Stealthin' around with the bow is amazing, and the multi is actually really fun so far, but good god. Multi especially looks like trash.

If I was to upgrade my PC just getting a new vc wouldn't cut it...god damnit


I am done with Crytek and Crysis games. I wasted about five hours on this boring, insipid, frustrating POS before checking the trade-in value on Amazon and ordering a UPS pickup tag.

That's it. I just stopped playing and sent it back. I've never done that with a game before, but I can tell you what, it feels good man.

Should have learned my lesson after the last two Crysis games. I only ever completed the second, but that too was a bland slog that I simply forced myself to finish.

Over, finished, gone, done, out.


Very pissed off right now. I've just beaten the (very annoying) final boss on 360 (veteran) and the game crashes right during the final cut scene. Same thing happens over and over again when restarting from the final checkpoint. Google tells me this is affecting a LOT of people on PC, PS3 and 360. I really enjoyed the whole game up until this point, but if I'd had known about this bug I probably would have waited a few months until the game was £5 and the problem patched. But being EA, the problem won't ever get patched. Fucking idiots. Apparently the only possible solution is to replay the whole last level from scratch, but even that is not guaranteed to work.

Absolutely brilliant.

Well, here's a big fuck you and a kick in the balls to whoever did the QA on this game. As I've said before, I really enjoyed it all the way through and couldn't understand some of the criticism it received, but after clearing my memory cache I've just spent the last couple of hours playing through the whole final level AGAIN on Veteran (and I fucking HATE replaying levels, especially so close to the first time), beat the annoying final boss AGAIN, and STILL the game crashes during the final cut-scene. My service record (ie my cheeves) record the fact that I still haven't actually completed the game.

What a big sloppy anticlimax after what was (up until then) a pretty thrilling ride.


4 hours 40 minutes on Veteran? No wonder you only gave it 5/10. You only saw 5/10ths of the game.

Why do a speed run for an in-depth review? Seems crazy to me.

It wasn't my attention to speed run through the game. That's how short it was for me; or atleast that's what the ingame time tells me. I completed all the side missions and replayed areas in different ways.


Started yesterday. Game so far is fantastic.

The open areas remind me a lot of Crysis 1.

Why are the review scores so low?


i finished up with my review of Crysis 3


TL:DR read version;

I had more fun taking screenshots than I did actually playing the game.

I agree with your review. There is really nothing wrong with how the game plays (even though the AI seemed better even in Crysis 1) and it looks absolutely gorgeous but the level design is rather limiting. There's a bunch of invisible walling (like not being able to jump on fire escapes that are well within jumping/climbing reach) and even the open spaces are just wider tunnels rather than truly open areas where you can explore. In Crysis 1 you could get yourself to places you were not supposed to go but that didn't usually break the game but gave you a feeling of being able to freely go where you want.

The level design also deteriorates when you get towards the end, with the otherwise impressive detail level dropping noticeably.

Also like Crysis 1, at some point 3 throws in the aliens and almost completely drops the human soldiers and generally makes the game just less fun.


A little GDC souvenir.


Slides: http://www.crytek.com/download/Sousa_Tiago_Rendering_Technologies_of_Crysis3.pptx
Short video about the grass tech: http://www.crytek.com/download/Sousa_Tiago_Rendering_Technologies_of_Crysis3.mov

GAF mentioned in the slides, by the way.

What's next for CE?
I loved the NeoGAF reference. THat thread he linked was hilarious when it came out.

Interesting to see some of their techniques. NOt using A2C and instead... supersampling.

Also the volumetric part was interesting.

Would love to have known more about their water!
If you are reading this Tiago.. I am curious about the Glossy LPV reflections!
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