Hope we can dual wield in the next crysis!
Sounds like you have never played FEAR.It looks that i'm defending this game non-stop, but i cant really understand complains about AI, because its very good, probably the best in any fps i've played.
Sounds like you have never played FEAR.
Good lord what's DF trying to prove by not adding some AA to the PC version?
Digital Foundry upped the face off images between PC 360 and PS3 already
Due to time constraints we were unable to verify if installing the entire game on the Xbox 360 hard drive fixes this issues
Ballmer has been through alot.
Holy shit the Soundtrack in this game is amzing. Best Soundtrack of the year so far. I'm so freaking addicted to the main theme.
I believe they try to make the comparison shots as close as possible to the console versions, ie 720P, lowest AA mode, and then they post a separate grouping of PC shots at the end with the highest AA settings and in 1080P
I think I'm going to make it my ringtone, or at least wake up to it every morning .Yeah, the main theme is mind blowing.
I believe they try to make the comparison shots as close as possible to the console versions, ie 720P, lowest AA mode, and then they post a separate grouping of PC shots at the end with the highest AA settings and in 1080P
Holy shit the Soundtrack in this game is amzing. Best Soundtrack of the year so far. I'm so freaking addicted to the main theme.
Sounds like you have never played FEAR.
Did that update do anything performance wise? I'm guessing not?
Wish my second gtx 670 would hurry up and arrive.....MUST NOT PLAY UNTIL SLI IS ENABLED...
Lens of the Truth fucked up with the X360 textures again.
Yeah, the main theme is mind blowing.
It's nowhere near as good as the Crysis 2 theme. That's probably the best menu soundtrack I have heard
It's serviceable and, again, it looks great on the PC, but was this trip really necessary? It's an average experience, overall, and in a genre that continues to be packed full of competition, you'd probably be better off finding a discounted copy of Crysis 2, or, if the open-world combat of the original Crysis really floats your boat, spend some time with Far Cry 3, instead.
The latest, and perhaps the most egregious of these, is the first time I encountered seth that carried ballistic weapons. I think it's the 4th level. It's night time, ruined buildings in a swampy area. I get to a section where they throw at least a half dozen of those guys at you, I clear them out and that spawns another wave that seem to be even tougher. So, I don't know if it's infinite or not(even though I spent a bunch of retries trying to clear the area completely), but that moment where I officially abandoned engaging guys to go after a marker happened. And, of course, they disappeared as soon as I hit that scripted marker, even though I'm still standing in the same open spot, about 30 feet from where they would have been.
You mean this zone?
Techreport drools at the graphics.
Techreport drools at the graphics.
Hmmm... Watch Dogs might be more impressive if you take its scope into account, but nothing I've seen yet makes me think it is on par with Crysis 3 in terms of sheer visuals. Same goes for Killzone: Shadow Fall, which had the extremely impressive city scape, but otherwise was not as strong graphically as Crysis 3, IMHO.Crysis 3's visuals are certainly impressive (having played the game at very high settings) but I'm hesitant to outright claim it will hold its own against the first wave of next-gen games, exclusives or multiplats.
Not so long ago I used to consider it as a good representation of what should be expected from next-gen early on but now I'm not so sure. Watch Dogs in my opinion is more impressive and it's a cross-gen game.
It's nowhere near as good as the Crysis 2 theme. That's probably the best menu soundtrack I have heard
That is awful
Just beat game on supersoldier. No achievement. Went to replay mission and all show beaten on supersoldier.
What gives?