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Crytek Engineer praising PS5 and Chris "Series X PS5 difference is staggering" Grannell may be both complete utter frauds


You're intersecting two different posts spanning a 7 month gap with no relation to each other, the first post is what people like Klee and Reiner ran with and Matt made no efforts to curb anything even though he's in direct contact with these people.

I'm so sick of any of this Era junk being quoted in general, it's been the most all over the place nonsense I've witnessed in damn near a decade.

Of course you would double down. Sorry I’m not sorry for not feeding into your fud. You lied.
You're intersecting two different posts spanning a 7 month gap with no relation to each other, the first post is what people like Klee and Reiner ran with and Matt made no efforts to curb anything even though he's in direct contact with these people.

I'm so sick of any of this Era junk being quoted in general, it's been the most all over the place nonsense I've witnessed in damn near a decade.

Wtf man .how much of a troll do u have to be to lie that he said ps5 is 13 tf and when I provided proof for u that he said xsx has power advatge and then later on he said difference is around 15%, u say u r tired of Quotes? U asked for direct link for it.didnt seem u were tired of it and wanted to pretend u r confident about ur lie . Man up to your fucking lie and say "I made mistake". Typical fanboy behaviour😂😂😂😬😬

His job is not to correct other people . He gave his "personal" opinion and left it at that . Next time dont lie for ur favorite plastic box
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I provided for him . Waiting for his apologies that will never come haha
Of course it's not going to come because you already misrepresented your argument. You said Matt said the Xbox was 15% more powerful, he didn't say that. He said a system was 15% more powerful to which Klee and Reiner ran with that nonsense to no end and he could have curbed it. Even 7 months later when he made that follow up post and it was leveraged as just a guess people still ignored it because again Klee and Reiner had already tanked the mindshare.

Matt is directly complicit in that whole 13 Teraflop PS5 mess by a total state of inaction or attempt to correct people he's directly communicating with.
Wtf man .how much of a troll do u have to be to lie that he said ps5 is 13 tf and when I provided proof for u about that he said xsx has power advatge and then later on said difference is around 15% u say u r tired of Quotes? U asked for it . Man up to your fucking lie and say "I made mistake". Typical fanboy behaviour😂😂😂😬😬

His job is not to correct other people . He gave his "personal" opinion and left it at that . Next time dont lie for ur favorite plastic box
When he's on the same board as these people, and in direct communication with them and the community then yes it's his responsibility to curb the flow of nonsense if he knows differently.
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Of course it's not going to come because you already misrepresented your argument. You said Matt said the Xbox was 15% more powerful, he didn't say that. He said a system was 15% more powerful to which Klee and Reiner ran with that nonsense to no end and he could have curbed it. Even 7 months later when he made that follow up post and it was leveraged as just a guess people still ignored it because again Klee and Reiner had already tanked the mindshare.

Matt is directly complicit in that whole 13 Teraflop PS5 mess by a total state of inaction or attempt to correct people he's directly communicating with.
When he's on the same board as these people, and in direct communication with them and the community then yes it's his responsibility to curb the flow of nonsense if he knows differently.
Haha it sure seems like u r salty . U lost what u were doubling down on and trying to run away from it .dont lie next time for ur precious xbox we won't fall it dude .thanks bye
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CliffyB's Cock Holster
Why do you believe a 'coder' would be any more likely to be seconded than a 'designer'.

Bottom line is that designers aren't that high on the totem-pole. An experienced physics coder is an expensive specialist with a lot of ownership over their particular domain. There's no real analog to this on the design side because it still needs to be folded into the overall design-direction and vision of the game.
Haha it sure seems like u r salty . U lost what u were doubling down on and trying to run away from it .dont lie next time for ur precious xbox we won't fall it dude .thanks bye
I'm running away? I'm addressing everything as it comes and I'm pretty sure you just said "bye"..

Meh, that reddit post reads more like someone who's salty the Ali stuff got torn down so they want to take down and discredit the "other side's" dev credit source. Scorched Earth policy, internet style.

I would not ever say that either Ali or Chris's opinions are worthless or should be discredited; they both still have more connections to the industry than most insiders and the data miners, and they managed to get things right regarding the next-gen systems (the latter moreso, but that's not the point). If people were able to practice some nuance in analyzing their statements, there's a few nuggets of truth to what they were saying.

As in, there are aspects of PS5 which seem they'll be easier for developers to make use of (mainly the memory bandwidth and probably latent SSD speed advantages, the latter you could say is "brute force" though because it's just all hardware doing that with no dev input), and the XSX does hold at least a 18.2% - 20.6% TF advantage over PS5 that could increase even moreso depending on if frequency drops on PS5 (due to any variety of factors Sony likely won't disclose publicly) go beyond 2% (there are already reports of devs running devkits in profiles where certain components are reduced in power load to provide sufficient power to other components, so that could be where we're getting some of the (albeit fringe) 30% claims from).

That's essentially what these guys were saying, even if they did have their own biases and preferences. That said, what would you want them to do, say it like robots? I took the general gist of what they were saying and assumed there's a possibility some of it could be true, even if that was just in regards to selective things they mentioned. Does it really change my perspective on the systems? Nope. In fact it reinforces a few things for me. But this "all or nothing" attitude people have nowadays where they need people to 100% say the things they want them to say about their preferred brand in order to consider them a good source, that shit's weak.
I'm running away? I'm addressing everything as it comes and I'm pretty sure you just said "bye"..

U said matt said ps5 was 13tf : first lie
U said matt said ps5 was stronger : second lie

Now u switch angle as to why he didn't prevent other from speculating ? Lol wtf u have lost the plot.

U were trying to discredit his credibility as someone who doesn't know anything, after proven being wrong now u r trying to say he was not a good forum member to tell the truth to everyone else and stop others from speculating. Haha get a grip dude .
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ChatGPT 0.1
For the first time since the PS1 SONY will not include Killzone in their lineup, their future is in games like Spider-Man and Horizon, they know they'll never have a Halo levels of FPS.
U said he said ps5 was 13tf : first lie
U said he said ps5 was stronger : second lie

Now u switch angle as to why he didn't prevent other from speculating ? Lol wtf u have lost the plot.

U were trying to discredit his credibility as someone who doesn't know anything, after proven being wrong now u r trying to say he was not a good forum member to tell the truth to everyone else and stop others from speculating. Haha get a grip dude .
Incorrect, I said and I quote "Matt is part of the propaganda team which spawned the 13 Teraflop PlayStation 5 and was in cahoots with Kleegamefan."

I never said he said that, merely that he made no effort to contradict it or curb it when he was directly in a position to. You're lying.
Incorrect, I said and I quote "Matt is part of the propaganda team which spawned the 13 Teraflop PlayStation 5 and was in cahoots with Kleegamefan."

I never said he said that, merely that he made no effort to contradict it or curb it when he was directly in a position to. You're lying.
He was never part of it. He never participated in any of those conversations as I m there and know the conversations there. Now ur turn to prove ur claim. Prove how he was part of it .

Ur saying lots of nonsense bs about xbox all the time , does that mean our developers like BGs are bad for not correcting u ? Lol

They , just like matt, rather stay out of it

He said his opinion and as proven now it is the closest thing to reality
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The Amiga Brotherhood
Bottom line is that designers aren't that high on the totem-pole. An experienced physics coder is an expensive specialist with a lot of ownership over their particular domain. There's no real analog to this on the design side because it still needs to be folded into the overall design-direction and vision of the game.
Ok I bow to your superior knowledge of how all studios are resourced and the individual expertise within each.

I'll forgot things like actual facts.
He was never part of it. He never participated in any of those conversations as I m there and know the conversations there. Now ur turn to prove ur claim. Prove how he was part of it .

Ur saying lots of nonsense bs about xbox all the time , does that mean our developers like BGs are bad for not correcting u ? Lol

They , just like matt, rather stay out of it

He said his opinion and as proven now it is the closest thing to reality
I already stated exactly how he's complicit, as a senior member and 'insider' of that forum much like Klee and Reiner; even when in direct contact with both of them and seeing what they were doing he made absolutely no attempt to curb or correct it. He allowed that 13 teraflop lie to fester and spread when in a position to stop it.

He's complicit by inaction.
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I already stated exactly how he's complicit, as a senior member and 'insider' of that forum much like Klee and Reiner; even when in direct contact with both of them and seeing what they were doing he made absolutely no attempt to curb or correct it.

He's complicit by inaction.

So u have no proof i take it ?

Thanks .dont make up bs next time


Why even care? I mean, either have some faith in your brand, or jump ship. Most important of all, relax a little:)
Both consoles are gonna blow our minds anyway. That RAD dev. was right, after we have experienced what they can bring to the table, y'all forget this petty bickering in an instant.
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CliffyB's Cock Holster
Ok I bow to your superior knowledge of how all studios are resourced and the individual expertise within each.

I'll forgot things like actual facts.

You do understand I have a longer and more varied track-record in the business than the guy you're so adamantly defending, right?

Couldn't give a toss what you think, I've been there walking the walk for fucking years my guy.

I have nothing to prove to anyone, and especially not to mouthy forum posters. Try again.
What proof do I need? Klee is banned, Reiner fell off the face of the Earth and during that entire period of time Matt said nothing.

There's your proof.
What ? U r not making sense .not his job to tell them anything. This is the most childish moving the goal post I have ever seen 😂 😂😂😂

Show proof by posting his post that links him to that fiasco to show he supported them. Waiting while knowing u wont provide any proof as u r a hardcore fanboy with zero backing of ur statements. Typical 😂😂
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What ? U r not making sense .not his job. This is the most childish moving the goal post I have ever seen 😂 😂😂😂

Show proof by posting his post links to that fiasco to show he supported them. Waiting while knowing u wont provide any proof as u r a hardcore fanboy with zero backing of ur statements. Typical 😂😂
I'm making perfect sense you merely don't like what's being said because I'm not following along with your charade. I never said he supported it, you're now putting words in my mouth but he was in a position to say and do something about it but instead let it fester and spread for over half a year. He could have put an end to it immediately whether publicly on the forum putting them on blast or in the backend with the moderation staff by vetting that they were lying, he did neither.

You have no argument.
The fact the Crytec comments were expunged indicates an air of legitimacy, otherwise why kill the story?

The other guy is just an obvious fraud the fantastical nonsense he spins.

Funny how that works now with the Crytek dev comments but when the Github leak was immediately removed folks were quick to use that as grounds to disregard them as being legitimate of anything.

Now, whether Crytek guy is legit or not, or Chris is legit or not, first of all people all over are misconstruing their comments because they seem they don't want to parse them for what bits could be indicative of anything possibly truthful. They don't have their own personal opinions on the systems that they formed through critical thought, so they need authority figures to spell everything out for them exactly the way they want to hear it or that person is disregarded as having any credibility whatsoever. So some of what's going on can be directly blamed on people who are reading their statements the wrong way to begin with.

But I would like to point out the irony in people who take quickly redacted statements in one instance to point to legitimacy, while in other instances they're reason enough to disregard that source altogether. And this is with sources in both cases having no actual confirmation or circumstantial evidence to back them up (i.e real-world results, hard data etc.).
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I'm making perfect sense you merely don't like what's being said because I'm not following along with your charade. I never said he supported it, you're now putting words in my mouth but he was in a position to say and do something about it but instead let it fester and spread for over half a year. He could have put an end to it immediately whether publicly on the forum putting them on blast or in the backend with the moderation staff by vetting that they were lying, he did neither.

You have no argument.
He came in at the exact time ,in June after e3, and said xbox has power advatage when everyone was saying ps5 is ahead. He is not a mod on RE to moderate others .all he can do is to give his opinion.

U r being disingenuous. He did what he could . Dont slander people just cause u r a fanboy. Use ur brain next time .
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I believe if someone clicks on an article, reads the headline, disagrees with the person & then obsesses over whether that person is legit or not, that person actually has issues. For argument sake, what the hell does it matter if some people out there criticize one of the consoles?

It's militant fanboyism to a comically nuts degree to hunt down dissenters (on either side) & attempt to discredit them at all costs. Who cares. The specs speak for themselves, i.e. you shouldn't need validation at this point.
So I haven’t read the whole thread, but is the TL-DR of this that neither Crytek Guy or Chris Guy has access to either devkit so forget what both of them said?

The fact the Crytec comments were expunged indicates an air of legitimacy, otherwise why kill the story?

I don’t think that’s how it works, bud
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He came in at the exact time ,in June after e3, and said xbox has power advatage when everyone was saying ps5 is ahead.

U r being disingenuous. He did what he could . Dont slander people just cause u r a fanboy. Use ur brain next time .
First off it's "you are", second it would be libel and not slander, thirdly there's a 7 month period from December to June that he said and did nothing to curb the spread of other 'insider' lies.


after this we should be carefull before posting something as it could be incorrect or fake

what make things worse, lot of journalist out there lurking here and that other forum for clickbait article...we best not contribute to feed them with stuff like this


That's not how game development works, and it would be a scaling device meant to identically mirror what the Series X is doing merely at lower resolution.

No. That is not how game developement works. Technologies have minimum requirements. If system doesn't have power to run that minimum it won't be used. Otherwise you would see Witcher 3 on PS3 just with 320x240p.

No one also will make 2 different assets for two different versions of console which means if you have lockheart and sex then assets will be made for lockheart and directly transfered without any upgrade other than some slight texture improvements to sex.
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The Amiga Brotherhood
You do understand I have a longer and more varied track-record in the business than the guy you're so adamantly defending, right?

Couldn't give a toss what you think, I've been there walking the walk for fucking years my guy.

I have nothing to prove to anyone, and especially not to mouthy forum posters. Try again.
Sorry if I hit a raw nerve. Not defending him, just highlighting that people are making assumptions (based on pure speculation) that he was not actively working on KZ2 on site for Gorilla. You don't have to prove it either way, I'm just highlighting the fact you simply don't know.
after this we should be carefull before posting something as it could be incorrect or fake

what make things worse, lot of journalist out there lurking here and that other forum for clickbait article...we best not contribute to feed them with stuff like this

There are gonna be tons and tons of clickbait quotes, interviews, tweet headlines, etc, from anyone who has been in the same area code as a devkit in the coming months. a lot of stuff is gonna get posted without properly vetting the sources.

If a guy who sweeps the floors at Rockstar tweets one console is better than the other it will be a 30 page thread within hours
First off it's "you are", second it would be libel and not slander, thirdly there's a 7 month period from December to June that he said and did nothing to curb the spread of other 'insider' lies.
He is not a mod on era. He has no power. All he can do is give his opinion.

Anyways unfortunately I noticed u r way pass normal discussion due to being disingenuous with everything u say and being a blind fanboy and your bans prove that point. Have no choice but put u on ignore. Have fun . I wish u find peace in life. Cheers
No. That is not how game developement works. Technologies have minimum requirements. If system doesn't have power to run that minimum it won't be used. Otherwise you would see Witcher 3 on PS3 just with 320x240p.

No one also will make 2 different assets for two different versions of console which means if you have lockheart and sex then assets will be made for lockheart and directly transfered without any upgrade other than some slight texture improvements to sex.
This has been argued to death and is wholly incorrect. Also throwing the PlayStation 3 into the ring was a big mistake on your part because it bears no architectural kinship or resemblance.

The fact of the matter is an RTX 2060 can run the same game as an RTX 2080 Ti at the same settings at a lower resolution. Settings and resolution scale hardware pretty uniformly and with a fixed function system designed to do exactly that it's even more assured.

Given the ethos of what Lockhart is proposed as being it would take a Series X game and run that at a lower configured resolution, that's it.
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Guys, the difference IS staggering.

Look, the PS5 can do about 10TF while the XSX is 12TF, locked.

12 - 10 = 2.

That's two whole extra TF to work with..! Look at what Sony could do with 1TF: Horizon: Zero Dawn. That means that XSX games will have two H:ZDs extra on every PS5 game..! That's loads! Who can say that's not a staggering difference.

Can you imagine what that would look like? Doing an XSX game on the PS5 would likely be like ports of arcade game to home systems, back in the early 90s.

To illustrate, here's the Amiga version of Street Fighter 2:

And the arcade version:

Now, these two look quite similar, but if you look closely you can see the arcade version has the edge. And that's not even in motion!

So, yes, the XSX is going to be way more powerful than the PS5.

As a bonus, here's what the C64 version of SF2 looked like. This is sort of what one could expect from a XSX game after being ported to a Lockhart (a 4TF machine):
I have no idea if this is a joke, but this is pure nonsense.

The XB1X is ~43% faster than the PS4 Pro. Or in absolute terms; 6TF vs 4.2TF, which is a difference of 1.8 TF or one whole PS4. How big is the visual difference between games on either system? Was it the equivalent of an entire PS4 (wtf does that even mean?)? No. Differences were there, but nothing insane.

The PS4 was ~42% faster than the XB1. Or in absolute terms; 1.8TF vs 1.3TF, which is a difference of 500 GF or two entire Xbox 360's. How big was the visual difference between games on either system? Was it the equivalent of 2 entire 360 games? No. The difference was there, but again nothing insane.

Now the XSX is 18% faster than the PS5. Or in absolute terms 12TF vs 10.2TF, which is a difference of 1.8 TF or one whole PS4.
Even if you assume that the PS5 normally operates at 9.7TF (the average between 9.2 and 10.2TF) on average, the performance difference is gonna be at most 23%, which is just over half of the performance differential between the PS4/XB1 and XB1X/PS4Pro.

Resolutions and frame pacing aside, we aren't going to see much in the way of any differences at all.


His credibility left the building the moment he agreed to go on that fanboy podcast. So reading everything else in the OP comes as no surprise.

As others have said, let's just wait for the games, shouldn't be too long now.
But but dealer tells the truth and doesnt spread lies and missinformation for the past 4 years.
I sad it before and say it again. Every dealer thread should be locked cuz of fake news enhanced with fanboy war content


This has been argued to death and is wholly incorrect. Also throwing the PlayStation 3 into the ring was a big mistake on your part because it bears no architectural kinship or resemblance.

The fact of the matter is an RTX 2060 can run the same game as an RTX 2080 Ti at the same settings at a lower resolution. Settings and resolution scale hardware pretty uniformly and with a fixed function system designed to do exactly that it's even more assured.

Given the ethos of what Lockhart is proposed as being it would take a Series X game and run that at a lower configured resolution, that's it.

You don't have any idea what you are talking about. It is completely the other way round. IT will be SEX running lockheart games with extra effects res and framerate.

I mean we literally have answer already. Look at Xbox One and Xbox One X or PS4 and PS4pro.
Did those more powerful version run base games with upgraded effects, res and framerate or did base games played shittier versions of pro version games ?

Again simple questions. You make asset for SEX. That asset can't be handled by Lockheart. Do you make second completely separate asset for lockheart or not ? No you don't. You don't make asset for SEX. You make one for lockheart and use that for SEX version.
Everything he says regarding the consoles comes from the input he gets from devs.
Dude come on. he is always talking to dealer and tim dog for fuck sake about how great xbox is. He would be the last person to give fair view on things . Let it go or don't whatever 😂
You don't have any idea what you are talking about. It is completely the other way round. IT will be SEX running lockheart games with extra effects res and framerate.

I mean we literally have answer already. Look at Xbox One and Xbox One X or PS4 and PS4pro.
Did those more powerful version run base games with upgraded effects, res and framerate or did base games played shittier versions of pro version games ?

Again simple questions. You make asset for SEX. That asset can't be handled by Lockheart. Do you make second completely separate asset for lockheart or not ? No you don't. You don't make asset for SEX. You make one for lockheart and use that for SEX version.
You don't seem to understand that both systems will be capable of the same peak rendering at different resolutions. It doesn't matter if a game was built for Lockhart or if it were built for the Series X, they both have the same theoretical rendering capabilities at different scaled resolutions.

This is fundamentally simple to understand.
Dude come on. he is always talking to dealer and tim dog for fuck sake about how great xbox is. He would be the last person to give fair view on things . Let it go or don't whatever 😂

Weren’t you bending over backwards to defend Crytek Guy though? So are they both full of shit or is just the “Xbox Guy” full of shit? Just wanna make sure I understand the rules of this game. Seems like it should work both ways, but that’s just me.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
Everything he says regarding the consoles comes from the input he gets from devs.
He backtracked on his open world statement.
He other games have been confirmed to have real time ray tracing, backing up Mark Cerny's statement.

I think it's clear that he's not very credible.


Well the CryTek dude didn’t say anything wrong or not know already... he basically talked about what Road of PS5 shared and how DirectX made for multiplatfom use compared with a single platform API... something that any game developer will share the same.

The ex-Sony made a lot of mistakes (to not say lies) and after questioned he said he never said these things lol
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Well the CryTek dude didn’t anything wrong or not know already.

The ex-Sony made a lot of mistakes (to not say lies) and after questioned he said he never said these things lol

Give me a break.

Crytek Guy said a weaker GPU is better than a stronger GPU, all his comments were opinions, not facts, so of course he could be wrong.

In fairness, he could be right, we’ll see, but holding his words as golden legitimacy while the other guy’s comments are immediately discarded is, AT BEST, disingenuous.

It needs to work both ways.
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Weren’t you bending over backwards to defend Crytek Guy though? So are they both full of shit or is just the “Xbox Guy” full of shit? Just wanna make sure I understand the rules of this game. Seems like it should work both ways, but that’s just me.
Both. I never defended the crytek guy I just pointed out that he is not a mobile dev like the reddit post suggested and he works on consoles as well .

No one is gonna break NDA now from people whose opinion matter .so all we can do is wait . Hope its clear


Give me a break.

Crytek Guy said a weaker GPU is better than a stronger GPU, all his comments were opinions, not facts, so of course he could be wrong.

In fairness, he could be right, we’ll see, but holding his words as golden legitimacy while the other guy’s comments are immediately discarded is, AT BEST, disingenuous.

It needs to work both ways.
He did not say that lol

Fail interpretation.

He said it is easier to use lower CUs with high clocks than more CUs with lower clocks and that several elements of the GPU and system can affect the fully potential of the CUs.

And he cite the example of the leaks about PS5 and Xbox having similar performance even with the big difference between CUs count.

Any game devs will say the same.

Just to add he said the software (devkits and APIs) are directly related to how you use the hardware... so easier and better Dev Tools allow devs to fully archive the potential of the hardware.

Another truth.

He again cite the leaks about PS5 DevKit being way easier to use than XDK.

Ar the end he says the DirectX multiplatform model makes the use specific hardware optimizations hard to devs and it is easier, fast with better results to use the specific hardware API like the PS5 has.

Another claim that any gaming developer will 100% agree.

DirectX has overhead due the abstraction to multiplatforms and general functions to work across all hardware that indeed hold performance and optimizations compared with platform specific and more code to metal API.
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You don't seem to understand that both systems will be capable of the same peak rendering at different resolutions. It doesn't matter if a game was built for Lockhart or if it were built for the Series X, they both have the same theoretical rendering capabilities at different scaled resolutions.

Oh i see. So developers will make games for lockheart and the only difference between game from lockheart and SEX will be that SEX games run at higher resolution and framerate.

Good. We have an agreement.
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