Left pic is from May. Right pic is from today:
While I was sitting in my desk wondering what I was going to do next since I'm tired as all hell, I began to wonder on a question I never had until now: What am I going to do once I hit my goal weight?
I've lost 35lbs already. Down from 265. I'm aiming for ~<200. Since I've recently begun counting calories Jan 2nd and lost 5 lbs since then, I'm wondering what comes after hitting my goal weight.
I began losing weight and working out so I could be healthier and to finally respect my body. I mean, I do have more self-esteem now and my mind is a better place due to all the challenge of adopting new eating practices.
But what comes next?
I lift so stuff the lifting stuff. I find the assumption that I don't to be obnoxious.
On what I do to lift:
My concern:
I don't really have any goal after hitting my goal weight.
While I was sitting in my desk wondering what I was going to do next since I'm tired as all hell, I began to wonder on a question I never had until now: What am I going to do once I hit my goal weight?
I've lost 35lbs already. Down from 265. I'm aiming for ~<200. Since I've recently begun counting calories Jan 2nd and lost 5 lbs since then, I'm wondering what comes after hitting my goal weight.
I began losing weight and working out so I could be healthier and to finally respect my body. I mean, I do have more self-esteem now and my mind is a better place due to all the challenge of adopting new eating practices.
But what comes next?
I lift so stuff the lifting stuff. I find the assumption that I don't to be obnoxious.
On what I do to lift:
As far as me lifting 6x a week, I don't go to the gym on Sunday at all. I basically do the following - push, pull, and legs:
bench press 3x5
standing overhead press 3x5
incline bench press 3x5
dumbell side lats 3x10
rope pulldowns 3x10
dumbell tricep extensions 3x10
shrugs 5x10
deadlift 3x5
barbell rows 3x5
lat pulldowns 3x10
barbell bicep curls 4x10
hammer curls 3x10
squats 4x5
leg extensions 3x10
leg raises 3x10
calf extensions 5x10
So my week will look like PPLPPL*rest* then repeat for the next week.
So far, I haven't been feeling weak or tired or hungry. And even when I do get hungry, I space my meals out to I'm about to eat within an hour or so, you know?
I'm basically doing this for aesthetic purposes though lol. I know I'm weak as shit, but I've kinda accepted that and will see about increasing my strength more when I feel comfortable doing so. With Stronglifts 5x5, I went from squatting <125 lbs to 250 5x5 and realized I was fucking beat. Thus, this PPL thing I got going on.
My concern:
I don't really have any goal after hitting my goal weight.