I tried to make something similar to it and this is my result. Theres a small difference in the front picture, couldn't align it as the one you've linked.
The Dark Souls cover I made (but didn't post because you guys don't like the XBL logo) has the same front but a different art on the back.
well done Kid! I like the first one, Bison really brings the whole thing together. Too many SF and MVC covers are two separate artworks with different art styles on each side. Needs the title on the spine though, so you can tell what it is when its on the shelf.
deadpool is a nice touch too, well done
This is great. I'm going to try printing it on thick map paper. I'll post how it looks.
Why is this happening when I try and make a fancy 3D picture to display my cover? I'm following the provided instructions to the letter.
Portal 2 Cover
I'm currently trying to create PS2 style front/back covers for some of my old favorite PSONE games. Namely Spider-Man 1 & 2 in one double CD box, Dino Crisis 2, WCW Mayhem, Resident Evil 2, Resident 3. Sick of having those massive boxes on my shelf next to regular DVD boxes.
http://www.thecoverproject.net/ Already has a ton.
Why is this happening when I try and make a fancy 3D picture to display my cover? I'm following the provided instructions to the letter.
a little off topic, but since we love videogames and printing, heres a little printable valentine card i made
I'm not sure on this but I think it may be due to the fact that the cover isn't properly sized. The readme tells you the exact dimensions it must be for the script to work.
Call the image "Layer 1".
Why is this happening when I try and make a fancy 3D picture to display my cover? I'm following the provided instructions to the letter.
are you using the script launched from windows explorer or the action command from within Photoshop. I had some issues when i was messing with actions, but the script works great. From the screenshot it looks like you might be using the older one. Here is the version 2 hotness just pasted from the OP
Those are great!! I love them!! Reminds me of cover art works my teacher once told us to do.
One question: Does anyone here actually uses those covers instead of the original ones?
Those are great!! I love them!! Reminds me of cover art works my teacher once told us to do.
One question: Does anyone here actually uses those covers instead of the original ones?
AC Revelations and Enslaved, hope you like!
I love this AC one my favorite I've seen so far, I love the subtle Altair on the back to great touch. Also I would love to see a full set of AC covers done up with this style.
anyway we could either get the image sans xbox stuff or you could do a ps3 version?
Keep up the awesomeness ^^
I'll see what i can doI need to be better about making versions for both consoles
If you could do a ps3 version of the portal 2 cover also that'd be awesome