demosthenes said:I did not see a template posted yet and nobody has contributed to it yet.
Added it b/c someone wanted to see some stuff in the future, so w/ this thread hopefully we'll get some stuff![]()
MushroomSamba said:Eh, I'll take a crack at this, too.
Alice: Madness Returns - Full Image
Do you guys know of a resource to get clean images of cover logos? Especially the one's on the spine?
AbsoluteZero said:Wow, where'd you get some of this artwork?
alr1ghtstart said:don't upload to imgur. It compresses everything to jpeg hell.
zazrx said:MushroomSamba if I had that game I would so print that cover for Alice, holy crap!
MushroomSamba said:When I tried imageshack for the 3D boxart, it came out all funky.
EDIT: Nevermind what I just said. I got things mixed up.
Rengoku said:Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Rengoku said:Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Check post #2 for the naruto one.PerZona said:Finally a new thread for all platforms!
And there's so many MGS4 covers to choose from! Still deciding which to print....@_@
Oh and can someone do a nice Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 cover pleaseeeeeee?![]()
Holy balls that looks great.Rengoku said:Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Every company should offer a contest for custom covers and make it the reversible art.Billychu said:Goddamn. If companies would sell game boxes that looked like these for a premium (maybe they'd be online only) I'd buy them. All of these covers are great.
Penguin nerd said:Hey Beats want to try a Kirby's Epic Yarn boxart in that style?
wrowa said:I would love someone to make a good-looking cover from the reversible cover of Xenoblade. The original one has only artwork without any kind of system or game logos. Makes it look like a cheap fandmade cover instead of a classy, "artsy" one.
Android18a said:Here's a few I made earlier:[/mg]
[URL=]De Blob 2 - PS3[/URL]
[URL=""]Atelier Rorona - PS3[/URL]
[URL=""]MVC3 - PS3[/URL]
[URL=""]Hyperdimension Neptunia - PS3[/URL]
[URL=""]Killzone 3[/URL][/QUOTE]
These were in my new batch...but I can't save it b/c I went over the char limit :(