Neo Member
What brand is your printer?
Canon Pixma, it was cheap too, only $90 AUD
What brand is your printer?
Anyone know if there is a 3D script for the PS4 case yet? I found 3D templates very helpful when making covers for last-gen games.
awesome gui!
glad you liked my Halo covers, I dont know of anyone else who used em (feelsgoodman)
I hope they worked out well on your end!
I need to get my entire MGS series customized now, I love the way my Halo shelf looks
Amazing. Here's hoping my PS4 collection looks something like this.
I bought Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands used and unfortunately they had THIS cover.
Speaking of cases, I didn't like the Valkryia Chronicles default cover since it had the spider-man font on it, so I changed it up.
Hey they look great so thanks for the good work on all the covers.
Got some PS2 and PC covers printed out. I'm not finished yet, but decided to print out the first 20 or so.
Looks nice but I can't be the only one thinking you're a weirdo for buying physical on PC![]()
Got some PS2 and PC covers printed out. I'm not finished yet, but decided to print out the first 20 or so.
Titles not centered on spine sends me bonkers O_O but they do look beautiful. Great work.
Anyone want to give a shot of making a Halo set of covers using these posters?
Got some PS2 and PC covers printed out. I'm not finished yet, but decided to print out the first 20 or so.
I hope this thread gets flooded with PS3 covers for games like Drakengard 3 that are adopting the new box art standard. That 'blue' bar on the top should have been reserved for PS4 to differentiate it from PS3 games.
Wait, no offense but why are you printing out covers for digitally purchased games on Steam?
Read 5 posts up.
Wait, no offense but why are you printing out covers for digitally purchased games on Steam?
I have fun creating these covers and I would like my collection to encompass all of my favorite games.
Getting the physical versions of these PC games would not only be expensive, but also pointless. This is the next best thing.
Can totally relate. Always got asked why I would do something like this when I talked to some friends about the cover thing. "This doesn't make any sense! They are digital! And Arcade Games! Why are you doing this?"![]()
I actually already have the Steam version of it, just wanted to get the PS3 version since I got a PS3 again recently and it was one of the games I had played but never finished back when I had my original PS3, I just wanted to make sure I completed it for completions sake.I'm surprised you didn't get the Steam version of this Raven
You mean the red PS3 logo on the spine? I hate that both Demon Souls and Valkyria Chronicles have that issue in my collection. I'm planning on changing the covers for both.
I have Valkyria Chronicles and Demon's Souls that have the red PS3 symbol for them, so I have to print out new covers.
I actually don't like any of the Demon's covers that are available.
Also need to print out a Last of Us cover as my PS3 came with the game without a box.
Did you buy the Limited Edition like I did? A wrap around sleeve?
Where did you find that art you used on the back? Wayy better than mine!
I made it myself out of another piece of art I found.
My copy of Scribblenauts Unlimited on the Wii U is atrocious. It's from GameStop (surprise), and I would LOVE to make a new cover. But, I can't find a template for the Wii U anywhere on the web, nor have I been able to locate a cover someone else has done. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I've been making a bunch of templates with a consistent style for awhile now. I originally had planned for some kind of logical repository for them, but it might be a good idea to get them all in one place. Some of them are heavily based on other people's templates with only slight modifications.
Just for reference, here are the various templates and their sizes. (All at 300 PPI)