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Customs/other charges when using Play-asia?


I guess other importers too.

I ordered Katamary Damacy and Wawaru Made in Wario recently, and the invoice quotes $50 (about £34)

I got a bill through from TNT yesterday asking for £17 in duty/VAT. Thats 50% of the original bill!

Looking at it though, it looks like only £6.10 for actual duty/VAT, and £11 for processing fees. Is that a TNT added charge because they paid on my behalf?

If so, first I'm going to complain, then I'm going to be concerned about my PSP preorder. Thats $400. I don't want a bill for $200 a week after it arrives.

Anyone know if these 'processing' fees are fixed? Any good couriers to use? Can I tell play-asia its a gift for someone and get them to send it to a different address marked as gift?


I was afraid of this. TNT is more or less like UPS then. They do the custom stuff themselfs. That would mean that there are a much greater possibility for packages to get custom fees.
The 11 pound bill sounds like a handling bill from TNT and should be the same no matter how low/high the the duty fee is. UPS does the same. My local postoffice does the same.

About the PSP, yah I am personally going to change TNT to EMS Speedpost. I have had numerous EMS Speedpost stuff shipped from all around the world and not once have I got any custom fees to pay.


Rang them. £11 is their fee, so is fixed unless the duty/VAT is over £200, then its 5%. So should still be £11 with PSP, but VAT potentially another £35. Not happy.

Is EMS quick? I'd want it before Christmas if possible.


Well, there we have it. Better call my friend that pre-ordered with TNT.

EMS is fast. Fastest I've seen. Bought two GBA's and four games from HK, parcel was sent out on a friday and the doorbell rang monday morning. Never been that fast again though, but it's not slow. :)
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