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Cxllege Fxxtball 2016 Week Thirteen: Whx gets the best lxss?


Someone just needs to turn off the broadcast teams mics in the OSU Mich game you can't here them over the band or crowd noise.


I'm sorry Andy.
Not too shocking. First head coaches facing the option often have a rough game. That said, shouldn't have gotten cute and done the long pass on our next to last drive that resulted in a tipped pass and interception that set up Tech's winning score. I'm a fan of boring and conservative rushing when it was working so well and you have the lead.


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I'm nervous as hell for this Iron Bowl.

I always am, but this time not because of Auburn, but because I want to see how hungry Alabama shows up.

Johnson is starting for the barn, not really worried there. It will be a slug fest to start and the better team, Bama, will win the war of Attrition.
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