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Cxllege Fxxtball 2016 Week Thirteen: Whx gets the best lxss?

I always am, but this time not because of Auburn, but because I want to see how hungry Alabama shows up.

Johnson is starting for the barn, not really worried there. It will be a slug fest to start and the better team, Bama, will win the war of Attrition.
I've always been a pessimistic sports fan, so I typically expect the worst even if it's not very logical. Less disappointment that way!


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Sorry Andy GG

You guys could have won if you'd have just stuck to running it all 4th quarter.

Kirby got too full of himself with the plays.

Velcro Fly

The least Ohio st. can do is lose so we aren't all forced to suffer the indignity of Penn St. winning the east.

No Taco Charlton = no pass rush
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