If they stick with the story that could be seen in the C2077 teaser trailer, we will play as that woman who became a psycho - a person who has lost her mind because of the presence of too much augmentations. Each Cyberpunk 2020 char has a "Empathy" stat and presence of each new augmentation lowers that stat. When it hits zero, char loses its connection with humanity, all those implants push their brain over the edge of insanity and starts a murderous rampage against ordinary humans around him. And since only heavily augmented people can lose their Empathy completely, they are usually though to stop. Most psychos are killed by elite police squads that can manage such crazy threats, but some surviving psychos are rehabilitated and turned into members of police Psycho Squads. At the end of the trailer, the girl is one of them.
Most likely we will play a new Psycho recruit, hopefully with a great backstory of what pushed him/her into insanity. That will give players a chance to enjoy a heavily agumented badass, who is an outcast [both as a police member and an ex-psycho] and a member of a organization that is pushed into bad situations all the time. Perfect for a main game protagonist.