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Cyberpunk 2077 is EVERYTHING I Needed it to Be


If you peel back the layers of the god awful launch that is up their with the biggest fucks you in the business and observe the critical merit it really hasn't made the splash people where hoping for, certainly nowhere near the scale of the Witcher 3

Seems people who are enjoying it are having fun with it and thats cool but it is kinda humourous how all over the internet people where hyping this game to redefine RPG player agency when really it's just a Shooter with a good story, again not bad or anything but maybe a lesson in hype culture and such


All these things aren't next level Open World. It's not even modern day standard compared to previous Open World games that have come out this gen. Nobody should've expected the moon from this game, but we definitely deserved more than what we got.

deserved more than what we got? i think you are very wrong there. we got more than we deserve. the open world aspects might not be on par with a rockstar game but call me when rockstar has a main story and side missions 1/10 as good as cyberpunk. you think you deserved all the open world activities that a rockstar game offers AND also the best main and side missions in gaming history AND add rpg mechanics and economy on top of that. cmon... if that isn't unreal expectations i don't know what else to tell you.

people fail to realize that the things you can do in rockstar's open worlds is not something they added on top of the game. IT IS the game. without that there is no game. In cyberpunk you have literally a thousand missions to tackle. i keep hearing people saying the world is dead and there is nothing to do when in fact when you open the map every single ? symbol (and the map is full of them) is a gig or a side quest which are amazing and on top of that you have assaults and gang shootouts. there is a lot to do as a mercenary.

it's not second life you can't do any of the things you are asking in any rpg (witcher 3 was even worse) and nobody criticize them for it but because they thought cyberpunk would cure cancer they do criticize cdpr for it.

people where hyping this game to redefine RPG player agency when really it's just a Shooter with a good story, again not bad or anything but maybe a lesson in hype culture and such

if cyberpunk is just a shooter with a good story then describe to me what every bethesda game is... lol. a piece of shit shooter with a mediocre story?
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absolutely love the game.

the bitching about minigames is so fucking stupid. sad everyone seems to be trying to force it to be just like Rockstars games.

hey maybe Rockstar fills their games with minigames because playing the main game sucks so bad. ever think of that?

shooting/combat/missions in CP77 blow anything Rockstar has out of the water just on a gameplay level alone.


Gold Member
deserved more than what we got? i think you are very wrong there. we got more than we deserve. the open world aspects might not be on par with a rockstar game but call me when rockstar has a main story and side missions 1/10 as good as cyberpunk. you think you deserved all the open world activities that a rockstar game offers AND also the best main and side missions in gaming history AND add rpg mechanics and economy on top of that. cmon... if that isn't unreal expectations i don't know what else to tell you.

people fail to realize that the things you can do in rockstar's open worlds is not something they added on top of the game. IT IS the game. without that there is no game. In cyberpunk you have literally a thousand missions to tackle. i keep hearing people saying the world is dead and there is nothing to do when in fact when you open the map every single ? symbol (and the map is full of them) is a gig or a side quest which are amazing and on top of that you have assaults and gang shootouts. there is a lot to do as a mercenary.

it's not second life you can't do any of the things you are asking in any rpg (witcher 3 was even worse) and nobody criticize them for it but because they thought cyberpunk would cure cancer they do criticize cdpr for it.

I'm having a great time with the game man, but you're in some heavy denial if you think we got more than we deserved.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I wouldn’t frame it as “whining”, people have legitimate grievances. Personally though, yea, I am loving it. Maybe that’s because I have a high end PC, maybe I am just more forgiving of what I view are minor issues, whatever. But this is def in my top five for 2020 - maybe top three once it’s all over and patched.

Ivory Blood

absolutely love the game.

the bitching about minigames is so fucking stupid. sad everyone seems to be trying to force it to be just like Rockstars games.

hey maybe Rockstar fills their games with minigames because playing the main game sucks so bad. ever think of that?

shooting/combat/missions in CP77 blow anything Rockstar has out of the water just on a gameplay level alone.

I especially don't get the complaints about gunplay - itemization? Sure. But the guns themselves sound, feel, animate and handle better than almost anything on the market right now, bar latest CoDs or Destiny, cover system is intuitive and once you get some actual perks with cyberware it turns shooting into a very cinematic experience.


I wouldn't quite say it's everything I need it to be. The shooting could feel better, it would be nice if the next gen upgrades were out at launch instead of sometime next year, I've had some bugs that required reloading saves or restarting the games (no hard crashes of the game on XSX yet though) etc.

But content wise, I'm loving it and how detailed the world is, how the sidequests have solid little stories etc. and am enjoyed just getting immersed in the world, taking in the sites, reading everything I find to soak up the lore etc.

Ryu Kaiba

Same I was mostly in it for the aesthetics which I love, no other depiction has done the grungy yet futuristic cyberpunk look better.
Rumor mill has it there working on a soft relaunch that I hope fixes a lot of the other issues.


Gold Member
Dang, realizing lot's of peeps got the ban hammer as I was re-reading this older thread 😄

Its hard to find an older thread these days without half the names crossed out...

Might be because they necro'd an old thread of course.
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