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Cyberpunk 2077 is EVERYTHING I Needed it to Be

Of course you are lol

So you do understand when a game simply has...better quests. Thats what matters, are they good? Are they not repetitive in context? Are they putting you in interesting situations?

so logically, that means you feel cyberpunk has better quests as well, since the writing is the strength there also. Naturally considering its the same developer.

I mean thats if you're consistent with your own logic of course :)

But you did try your best to distort the quality of the cdpr quests. Which i dont understand the point, if you knew the quests were great what the fuck would be the point of that whole exchange? To elevate bethesda? Shame on you.

Mate. This entire argument spanned because you were praising W3 quest design, which isn't good.

You only assumed I thought Skyrim was this amazing game because you got triggered to shit

And yes I also think the quest design for CP is better than Skyrim's or W3s.
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Mate. This entire argument spanned because you were praising W3 quest design, which isn't good.

You only assumed I thought Skyrim was this amazing game because you got triggered to shit

And yes I also think the quest design for CP is better than Skyrim's or W3s.
But you dont value quests as much as...sandbox play correct?

You place that higher, or am I wrong?

Which is an odd thing to value most in a cdpr game.
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But you dont value quests as much as...sabdbox play correct?

You place that higher, or am I wrong?

Which is an odd thing to value most in a cdpr game.

No, I expected more sandbox elements because this is a different IP to Witcher, and they themselves marketed it as something more than just Witcher 3 in a cyberpunk skin
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No, I expected more sandbox elements because this is a different IP to Witcher, and they themselves marketed it as something more than just Witcher 3 in a cyberpunk skin

Different IP, same dev. Same genre. Both open worlds, why would they be that different?

Once again: same genre, same dev, both open worlds.

You saw how they handle open world rpg's already, how would you not expect similar design? Because one has guns and cars?

They advertised it as an open world rpg and said what it was that far more than implying its a sandbox. Which i dont think they ever did.

As soon as I saw the first trailer of this game i knew it was going to be the witcher 3 in a different setting and first person gameplay.

Why were so many others confused? (Guns and cars)
Different IP, same dev. Same genre. Both open worlds, why would they be that different?

Once again: same genre, same dev, both open worlds.

You saw how they handle open world rpg's already, how would you not expect similar design? Because one has guns and cars?

They advertised it as an open world rpg and said what it was that far more than implying its a sandbox. Which i dont think they ever did.

As soon as I saw the first trailer of this game i knew it was going to be the witcher 3 in a different setting and first person gameplay.

Why were so many others confused? (Guns and cars)

Wait, so you think they can go from a third person melee game to a FPS but not improve on AI and world interactions?

Do devs not aim to improve on their games in your eyes?

Back in 2012 they called this game a sandbox RPG. In their initial gameplay pitch to us NPCs would have their own day and night routines. They themselves wanted to do this, but clearly you know better then them right?

They even advertised the game with the stupid montage of jackie in their latest gameplay trailer making us think we'd have all these different ways to "spend out dirty money" < quote from that fucking trailer voice

No. This was not meant to be more than just "Witcher 3 with a Cyberpunk skin". but after all the development troubles, the reboot, it's clear they aimed to high.
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I have to wonder how many people said the same thing about their reputation after the Witcher III launch or Bethesda after... well... any launch they've had, yet still ravenously await Starfield and Elder Scrolls VI. I'm sure this is a victory for people on gaming forums who love complaining about everything but I doubt it has much real world impact.
The only people "ravenously awaiting" Starfield and ES6 are Xbox fans under the mistaken impression that these games are going to be exclusive, so starved are they of actual good first party games. Like I've said, anybody with sense knows to wait for CDPR and indeed Bethesda games. It is what it is. Stevie Wonder could see this coming. You trying to deflect on to Bethesda only makes CDPR look terrible, because that Bethesda quality bar couldn't be any lower.
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Gold Member
Sad to read this. How is the level/mission design then? More linear and thought to be played shooting?

Level design isn't that great honestly, especially for the generic gig side missions you do. Lots of areas are either lacking in ways to move around or riddled with crap to scan and interreact with to distract enemies. The really bad AI doesn't help either. If you go in guns blazing it won't really matter, but for my character who uses stealth and hacking to get around easier it really stands out.

You'll have moments when the AI will see you through objects like abandoned cars and such. Also the mini map shows the "cone" of vision for enemies, but it's not actually their cone at all. They can still see you outside of it. Hell, the gig events with "cyberpsycho" enemies can't even be taken down from behind as there is no button prompt.
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Wait, so you think they can go from a third person melee game to a first person FPS but not improve on AI and world interactions?

Do devs not aim to improve on their games in your eyes?

Back in 2012 they called this game a sandbox RPG. In their initial gameplay pitch to us NPCs would have their own day and night routines. They themselves wanted to do this, but clearly you know better then them right?

They even advertised the game with the stupid montage of jackie in their latest gameplay trailer making us think we'd have all these different ways to "spend out dirty money" < quote from that fucking trailer voice

No. This was not meant to be more than just "Witcher 3 with a Cyberpunk skin". but after all the development troubles, the reboot, it's clear they aimed to high.

Simple. I knew they could do first person because well...its easier to design. Third person is generally more difficult hence why you saw they had issues with the combat there. So when i saw them go first person i said. "Good move cdpr, the gameplay will be better now"

If it aint broke dont fix it, they made a dream rpg with the witcher 3. And if they could do the same with better gameplay and a cooler world that allows them to be even more creative then thats a fucking winner.

The sandbox elements werent even on my radar, as that's less of what they do than transistioning into first person. They are about the quests, atmosphere, and rpg mechanics. Thats what they do.

I was being realistic, ratger than superimpose a mystical game that would suddenly beat rockstar at the one thing they focus on lol
Simple. I knew they could do first person because well...its easier to design. Third person is generally more difficult hence why you saw they had issues with the combat there. So when i saw them go first person i said. "Good move cdpr, the gameplay will be better now"

If it aint broke dont fix it, they made a dream rpg with the witcher 3. And if they could do the same with better gameplay and a cooler world that allows them to be even more creative then thats a fucking winner.

The sandbox elements werent even on my radar, as that's less of what they do than transistioning into first person. They are about the quests, atmosphere, and rpg mechanics. Thats what they do.

I was being realistic, ratger than superimpose a mystical game that would suddenly beat rockstar at the one thing they focus on lol

That's all fine and good but those of who expected them to give us the game they marketed to us are free to critise them for it.

You enjoy the things they did good, cause I'm not going to downplay them on that.

I'm 40 hours in and yes, the writing and side quests are phenomenal
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but i do actually completely agree with your jackie mintage point, i was dissapointed with that aswell. Along with the origin story. See, we can agree on something
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Look, I'm a little sick of all the whining and complaining. I can't be the only one. The worst part is when I see people say stuff like 7/10 like this shit is the annual CoD campaign or something.

I get it, we take no prisoners when it comes to bad launches even if the game is great, we won't give Cyberpunk 2077 more leeway than Fallout 76 even if one is actually a mediocre game and the other isn't.

So... let's get past the bugs, I mean... let's get one thing straight first off, The Witcher III, winner of GAF's GOTG had a buggy launch as well, so assuming this shit is fixed like Witcher III was the bug argument is TEMPORARY.

Okay, we remove bugs from the equation while admitting yes they are a problem CURRENTLY... now let's get past prior gen consoles and acknowledge PS5 and XSX will perform much better when they get a proper next-gen patch. Personally I'm playing the game on PC, and not a particular advanced one but it performs really well for me all the same.

If we ignore those two big arguments against the game what's left?

1. AI - So, I get the AI complaints mostly. For me AI has never been the strong point of RPGs and it never really had to be. If the challenge came from AI then that would diminish the RPG elements but you don't want 100% braindead AI either. I've seen some arguments I can't tell if they're disingenuous or if I'm just getting lucky or if platforms are different for instance... people say the AI is brain dead... yet for me, one of the first encounters I entered was some place full of goons and once I began attacking I saw some decent AI. As an example enemies would evade my grenade throws, take cover and some of the robot enemies when I kept tossing 'nades actually found a way around behind me, flanking me. With the police AI we're mostly talking about their inability to get into vehicles and chase you, there's some kind of weird problem with traffic AI essentially and yes... this does mean you just need to drive away from police to have things calm down. I get the complaints about that but did I need exciting police pursuits not tied to specific missions? Not really. My needs for this game centered around it being an RPG, not an open world sandbox.

Like, okay, I get where you're coming from if you wanted something more like GTA, one could even argue they tried to advertise it that way. But for ME this game was always going to be an RPG first and CDPR were pretty up front about that in interviews. Compare it to Deus Ex, can you name a Deus Ex game that's more sophisticated with these issues? They're not even proper open worlds, more like open hubs. It's telling that when complaining about this people compare it to non-RPGs, how would you compare it to Fallout 4? Are there any AIs that can give you a good pursuit across the map? Was AI the game's strong suit, is it the strong suit of any Fallout from Bethesda? What about Elder Scrolls? Mass Effect doesn't even have this level of freedom. Again, I come back to the question of what RPG is doing what this game does? Nevermind as well, are they even attempting it?

2. This one is similar to one, the lack of emergent gameplay in the sandbox. It's true, this game's sandbox isn't really a sandbox, it's an open world more for immersion and to cram it with stuff to do. Is that so bad? And what was the last sandbox game that felt truly emergent? Ass Creed, GTA, RDR? Aren't these games now just littered with encounters that are wholly scripted to feel emergent? They may still have more emergent gameplay than this but compared to say early entries in the GTA franchise? Honestly, emergent gameplay has been on a downhill trend in the open world genre and it's a bit hard to deny. Very few open world games have been about placing systems in the game and letting you see how they interact over the past generation, maybe it was those jaguar CPUs, not sure. It's weird it's so expected of this game when Witcher III had none of it. Tell me what was truly emergent in Witcher III? Tell me what wasn't something carefully planned for you? Why is Witcher III GOTG to this forum with all the same "problems" this game has?

3. Loot system - I guess this one bothers people, they don't like loads of useless loot, but honestly you need the materials breaking it all down gives you and you also need the eddies you get from selling them. The game has a pretty strong economy that isn't easily broken from what I can tell, a problem many games like it suffer from lately. My all-time favorite RPG, Fallout: New Vegas has an easily breakable economy, for instance, though with time we may find ways to do it here as well, that said this game will get better support than New Vegas ever did, too.

I don't mean to leave out any big issues people have but most the rest don't mean much to me... so let's move on...

I say this game is everything I NEEDED it to be, this means it's not everything I wanted, though, There's a distinction to be made there.

Why is it everything I needed?

1. Choices matter - Some of the early ones might not but the further you get the more you find your choices do matter. I can see being upset you can't play this a million different ways, that V is to some degree a set character and not entirely a blank slate. While your choices have consequences there's only so far in whatever direction you can go. But did I need more than this? No, I needed a FPS RPG that had more meaningful choices than games like Fallout 4 or Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, I'd even say in some ways it beats Prey 2017 for choices that matter but that's a whole other discussion almost. BTW part of making those choices matter...

2. Story - The Story is stronger than games like Mankind Divided, Fallout 4 and for me... Witcher III. I didn't expect the best story ever, but I expected greatness and I have trouble believing I didn't get it.

3. Characters - Another major component in appreciating the story/choices, these are done exceptionally well. Again much better than this game's actual contemporaries.

4. Visuals - Holy fuck does it hit the mark on PC here. Witcher III was one of the most gorgeous games I'd ever played and this game trounces it soundly.

5. Gunplay - Now, I wasn't expecting Destiny 2 or Call of Duty from this but I was hoping for good stuff and it has it, I can easily say the gunplay is more fun than in the Deus Ex games with real meaty oomph to the gunshot sounds with some neat looking weapons as well. There will be bullet spongy enemies but that fits the RPG aspect of this, to me. The combat is so beyond what I expected considering it wasn't that great for me in Witcher III.

6. The World - You can complain it isn't emergent enough but I wanted IMMERSION and it delivers, this world feels amazing and looks amazing. Mankind Divided annoyed me so much with it's little immersion breaking hubs that didn't feel real enough, games like Fallout 4 didn't feel real enough for me either, it's just a giant map of dungeons with a few small settlements and one big settlement. Witcher 3 felt too sparse in between the areas that mattered, as much as I loved Witcher III the open world felt like padding between stuff that mattered... beautiful padding but padding all the same.

7. Side content - Holy shit, this game delivers. I wanted some Fallout New Vegas level side content and I got it. Didn't you?

I'm gonna be honest, I'm a shooter nut but also an RPG fan and as someone in that position so few games deliver like this one does. If I was more of a sandbox guy I might be more on board with people about this game's problems but even then what other RPGs are providing more engaging sandboxes? I hope the problems are fixed and I want all sorts of things you guys want, too but is the game missing those things really taking away from what it is? It's the most beautiful game on the market, it's an RPG with choices that matter, lots of customization, characters you care about, a great story, tons of side content, a gorgeous open world and shooter combat that's more than sufficient. What should I be playing if not this? When someone says this is 7/10 what are the comparable recent games that are 8, 9 or 10/10? If there are none then how can you blame someone for thinking this is the best there is? It's like when Destiny was out for a few months and people decided it was crap and I'm sitting here like "okay, I get all your complaints but... what else is giving me this experience and better?"

I feel like too many people who are angry at the game are people who weren't quite as hyped as the rest of us and not quite as invested. Like if the new Ass Creed was a buggy mess full of issues I could post about how angry I am but I'm not, because it's not what I need from a game anyways. How many people are like me who genuinely want the beautiful melding of RPG and FPS in an open world setting and actually think this game isn't up to snuff compared to the competition? I feel like when I see someone say they'd rather play say RDR 2 or GTA V there's no question they were coming to this game for a different experience than me. You can talk what this game is missing GTA V or RDR 2 have but what about all the things it has they don't? Non-linear missions, dialogue and other choices, more combat options, upgrade systems, etc. When I see someone give this game crap for the police not chasing you I think "well, why can't I do the GTA heists in different ways?" isn't it just as valid a question? We've become so accepting of games being linear as a style choice even when they're sandbox games we're less likely to critique it but the second a game includes an open world and doesn't feature the sandbox features other games might it's this big problem. But that's the thing, if we have to compare GTA to Cyberpunk there are so many ways GTA comes up short in comparison, it's hard to deny. It's why the comparison is as faulty as comparing Prey 2017 to Doom Eternal. As wrongheaded as comparing Hollow Knight to Sackboy. As thoughtless as comparing Forza to Burnout. As senseless as comparing Civilization to Dawn of War. As problematic as comparing Devil May Cry to Dark Souls.

Maybe I'm hung up on how things relate to each other, but all things are relative and without being able to relate one thing to another where do we even begin? Most complaints are people relating it to something else anyways, it's just often the wrong thing.

And again, to be fair to many of you, I want a lot of the same things you do, but then there is no game that launches with everything I want, is there for you? Besides very specific games that have very specific limited goals what games can you think of that couldn't be improved? What games are perfect as they are? Give me your examples.

The A.I in this day and age, given than it's not even better than the original Deus Ex game is unforgivable. That said I'm having a blast with the game because it's essentially another Deus Ex variant but apart from the world design nothing else in this game has brought anything new to the openworld rpg, it's all been done before and that is what is disappointing. The writing is good though.

I never set my hype bar that high because the Witcher 3 was also hugely overrated.

Any other quality issues can be offset by playing the Blade runner OST while playing.
Yeah and the only reason i picked nomad was because of the slow burn concept lol i might aswell have went corpo or streetkid xD i feel like those might have fit that pacing better lol

missed opportunity there

Even corpo is just nonsense in how you start off

One second you're a corpo and then you're not. Just banging chicks and getting pissed.

You're meant to die a corpo lol.

Streetkid is really the only one that feels natural because the montage just looks like something you'd already be doing.

Nomads was the most jarring though yeah.

I 100% believe they had more ambitous plans for the lifepaths. Following the development timeline, I think they had the same issues as the Anthem devs where they were stuck scrapping plans, and when they finally hit their stride, they only had 2 or 3 years of actual development to get it done
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This is what I mean, though, Deus Ex is the closest you came to a game that's like this at all and even then there's so much you're sacrificing from this experience to get the "better" Deus Ex experience (and honestly there's only 2 Deus Ex games that are worth mentioning in the same breath as this game). The other games I have no doubt are great, I enjoyed Tyranny a good deal of those games, for instance but it's not giving me what this game is. I get that for some people the combination of genres isn't that important with this game, they came for one type of experience and for them X other game did that better but I thought I made it clear I love this game so much because of the things it combines.

What does that even mean, that "Deus Ex is the closest you came to a game that's like this?" You asked for games that are better in terms of choices and dialogue and I gave you examples. And "sacrificing?" What exactly am I sacrificing by playing Deus Ex? It's an outstanding game. I really don't understand your first sentence.

You asked about choices and I gave you examples of games that do a better job. Of course, Tyranny won't give you what Cyberpunk has - it's a completely different theme. I'm glad you love the game. I don't think the combination works that great. It's good, but not the best game that many are claiming.


Sad to read this. How is the level/mission design then? More linear and thought to be played shooting?
Look, i don't want to poison your experience, please give it a chance. I've just found that I've been forced to engage in killing enemies - being funneled into gunfights with no route around, or similar - which is something i didn't want to do, and something i have repeatedly completely avoided in deus ex. It's such a great game world, i just wish i could swim through it in my own preferred method.


Look, i don't want to poison your experience, please give it a chance. I've just found that I've been forced to engage in killing enemies - being funneled into gunfights with no route around, or similar - which is something i didn't want to do, and something i have repeatedly completely avoided in deus ex. It's such a great game world, i just wish i could swim through it in my own preferred method.
Question: Can you go the route of "anti-technology"? My first thought was how that would be a cool playthrough, going against the status-quo.


Finished the game tonight. Bummed that your choices don’t matter. I was planning on making a new character when the next-gen versions drop, but have no real incentive knowing there’s no major differences to see.


Question: Can you go the route of "anti-technology"? My first thought was how that would be a cool playthrough, going against the status-quo.
I'm right with you on that one. I've genuinely been trying to do all of this simply by non lethal physical takedowns and misdirection.. though i must say that i like using the scanner because it is heavily reminiscent to Metroid Prime.. my previous comment probably speaks to this. I just attempted a reroll this morning, trying to apply what I've learned, but i haven't played it enough to be sure.. i feel that if this play style is available, and not something you have to force, I've yet to see convincing evidence. Doesn't mean it's a shit game you shouldn't play.
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That quest is litterally talk > fight. There's fuck all to it other than that

And Fallout NV? Well i'll just give you this screen again


What's crazy is you're sortof missing options because there's another quest involving a rival rancher that can affect this one.

The only people "ravenously awaiting" Starfield and ES6 are Xbox fans under the mistaken impression that these games are going to be exclusive, so starved are they of actual good first party games. Like I've said, anybody with sense knows to wait for CDPR and indeed Bethesda games. It is what it is. Stevie Wonder could see this coming. You trying to deflect on to Bethesda only makes CDPR look terrible, because that Bethesda quality bar couldn't be any lower.

They were pretty hyped games prior to the Microsoft acquisition, actually. Bethesda is a huge company and until they put out a mediocre shitpile called Fallout 76 people were always ready to forgive them the next time they put out a game, that was my point, that this fan anger means very little.

The A.I in this day and age, given than it's not even better than the original Deus Ex game is unforgivable. That said I'm having a blast with the game because it's essentially another Deus Ex variant but apart from the world design nothing else in this game has brought anything new to the openworld rpg, it's all been done before and that is what is disappointing. The writing is good though.

I never set my hype bar that high because the Witcher 3 was also hugely overrated.

Any other quality issues can be offset by playing the Blade runner OST while playing.

You seem to consider Deus Ex an open world RPG here??? You say it's all been done before but what game did all of it before and this well?

What does that even mean, that "Deus Ex is the closest you came to a game that's like this?" You asked for games that are better in terms of choices and dialogue and I gave you examples. And "sacrificing?" What exactly am I sacrificing by playing Deus Ex? It's an outstanding game. I really don't understand your first sentence.

You asked about choices and I gave you examples of games that do a better job. Of course, Tyranny won't give you what Cyberpunk has - it's a completely different theme. I'm glad you love the game. I don't think the combination works that great. It's good, but not the best game that many are claiming.

My OP is about how this game tackles multiple areas to be the game it is for me. Telling me to play an isometric RPG with combat that annoys me, less immersion, no real stealth options, no open world, etc etc is you missing my entire point. Your examples aren't like for like enough so they just don't work on me, I'd be sacrificing some element of this game when switching to the other game, why would I want to?

I see what you mean now, though, the specific post from me you were responding to was more focused on certain aspects, the combination of character/story/choices, but I did then say "I keep wanting to know what games are as ambitious as this while being better." But if I engage your arguments at your level I still disagree because while Tyranny has great choices the story is less engaging and the characters are way less endearing. I'd have to try some of your others but Deus Ex has a similar problem in the character department. I liked the story, my agency and my char but the other chars? I dunno. Same with Deus Ex Human Revolution... forget about Deus Ex 2 or Mankind Divided, they're way down the totem pole for me. I love choice in gaming, though, so I'll be looking into your other suggestions.
When people tell me the choices don't matter enough I should start asking what games DO have meaningful choice for them... because obviously I'd love to play such games.
If you have a PC and haven't already, give Alpha Protocol a go. Does require some tweaks but that game went out of its way to respect player choice.

Personally I'm looking forward to trying Disco Elysium at some point when the final cut drops.


Its sitting at a 90 metacritic which wouldve been higher if not for bugs. And sold a shitload.

And many here that have played it love the game. And think it shits on your favorite game.

So who looks more out of touch? You or us?
Lemme guess. Its the hype...you see past the hype lol yet you'll turn around and play Valhalla after today.

Nah man, listen I am a huge CDPR fan, being mixed Pole and Brit I am always routing for my country mates.

Also I dont own Valhalla, it looks middling, but enjoyable, I am sure its a half decent 6/7 out of 10 experience.

What you would have to say is as much as I love the devs themselves and appreciate their hard work, I wouldn't get angry at myself for calling out the BS of this launch and being so desperate to launch it this year.

If Sony/MS released a game of this low quality we would be seeing pitchforks and gathering of the villagers to burn them at the steak.

Its simple really they pulled the wool over the eyes of average consumer and instructed reviewers to use pre assigned footage to cover for the fact, I mean how is that possible, thats shocking.

Whoever makes the decisions at CDPR needs to be held to account for their ridiculous decision to release on past gen systems and also release this year.

This game should have been delayed until it matched what they promised and they simply should have kept quiet about a release date at all until they knew it was almost ready, whether thats 3 months from now or even 3 years from now, the truth is the impact to the overall image of CDPR is far greater than the sales return.

Accept it if you love it, there is no drama there. But you cant lie to yourself and believe this is the intended vision of CDPR or indeed what we as consumers wanted or were indeed promised - just to be clear my expectation was a solid Deus Ex type experience but with a higher budget and better quests/story.
i'm loving the game. it's not perfect and i never did expect it to be. i had seen enough to interest me and i ignored a lot of marketing stuff. didn't let myself get hyped up. i decided i'll just go into it and take it for what it is.

all i wanted was a story heavy game like Witcher 3 with amazing side quests and a huge cyberpunk world map to explore and that's exactly what i got.


Gold Member
The game world isn't meant to be GTA V or WD: Legion. It's meant to be a sandbox a la Arkham City, L.A. Noire etc. As soon as you make your peace with that you feel much better. So I agree with OP, I actually feel the game delivers. I'm playing on PS5 so I'm not encoutnering a lot of the issues others are though.

The thing is there was a reason CDPR had 8 million preorders. It's because the game was marketed as 'every game'. GTA fans were sold, Bethesda fans were sold, players of Div 2 and COD were sold etc. Now, having played it I think it sits in its own little niche. CDPR do deserve a bit of criticism here because yeah, it's not a FPS or TPS, and it's not an open world the same as GTA. But there is also a bit of personal responsibility in researching these games yourself.

The bugs I can't speak to at length because aside from several hard crashes and a few weird physic bugs, I can't say they are in a significant quantity to have affected me, though I don't dismiss those who have had a lot of them.

So, for me - the game is just a high energy slice of life for V. I think the melding of the quests, fixers etc. although a lot is all pieced together great and doesn't suffer from the super important main quest versus pace destroying side quests. Now, the presentation of UI and inventory etc. they fucked this up in the Witcher and they have again. I get the impression this is a game that you learn on your first playthrough, and play on your second.
At Release it was also a complete MESS and it was a just smaller game :p

Oh I know, the game had lots of issues, I remember you had to spec in Pistol if you wanted the game to be beatable, like so many upgrade paths weren't viable but the real interesting choice stuff had to do with the story and it was interesting how you unlocked those choices, by finding hidden dossiers on people so you knew more about them. Really cool stuff you could do with that.


Ahah bunch of losers, the game is a FAILURE, not in sales for sure but the ratings show how much they crapped on the games beyond repair for their reputation and the franchise.

I fucking hate degenerate SJWs, has much as I hate degenerate astroturfer trying to come-up with non sense to explain why "eating my shit is actually a good thing".


It's a great game but it can't save the planet, can't microwave burritos, can't mend broken hearts. Compare the driving to Forza Horizon and you will see how bad Cyberpunk 2077 is.
Dark, serious and sexy is a winning combination. It's what made me love Mass Effect and what makes me love Cyberpunk.

The story, characters and world are far more atmospheric and engrossing than anything I have experienced in years. Since I started playing it's literally the first thing I think of when I wake up. GOTG.
Ahah bunch of losers, the game is a FAILURE, not in sales for sure but the ratings show how much they crapped on the games beyond repair for their reputation and the franchise.

I fucking hate degenerate SJWs, has much as I hate degenerate astroturfer trying to come-up with non sense to explain why "eating my shit is actually a good thing".

Game is amazing on PC, I'm not trying to excuse the performance a console peasant is currently enduring.

It's a great game but it can't save the planet, can't microwave burritos, can't mend broken hearts. Compare the driving to Forza Horizon and you will see how bad Cyberpunk 2077 is.

Why would I compare the driving in an RPG to a dedicated racing sim?

Dark, serious and sexy is a winning combination. It's what made me love Mass Effect and what makes me love Cyberpunk.

The story, characters and world are far more atmospheric and engrossing than anything I have experienced in years. Since I started playing it's literally the first thing I think of when I wake up. GOTG.

Glad to have you by my side, dude, these people who want us to hate it don't understand what they look like. Imagine during the 360 generation being told you shouldn't love a game because of how bad the Wii port is.
Ahah bunch of losers, the game is a FAILURE, not in sales for sure but the ratings show how much they crapped on the games beyond repair for their reputation and the franchise.

I fucking hate degenerate SJWs, has much as I hate degenerate astroturfer trying to come-up with non sense to explain why "eating my shit is actually a good thing".

it's at 89, same as dark souls and it hit that score despite bugs and bandwagon sjw hate.

yeah...failure. IMO you have to be a bad motherfucker to get an 89 despite this shit.


Gold Member
The game is really good. It's also a disappointment. Years ago what was being sold to me was an Open World RPG that was basically going to be a simulator in a Cyberpunk setting. We were told it was the next level of Open World gaming. Now I like the game, and I'm having fun with it. The story, characters, world, and music are all top notch. But there's a severe lack of things to do to immerse yourself and interact with the world, it's people and the characters. On top of that the Police and NPC AI is almost non-existent. All these things aren't next level Open World. It's not even modern day standard compared to previous Open World games that have come out this gen. Nobody should've expected the moon from this game, but we definitely deserved more than what we got.

It really hit me while playing tonight. I finished my romance with Panam and I had the deserve to call her up so she can ride with me and spend time together. But you can't do that. Then I started thinking about other things I couldn't do. Gambling, minigame, eating at bars/restaurants, having random conversations, customize my car or apartment, etc etc. There's not even a toggle for walking speed, so I can't slow walk through Night City like I'm fucking Ryan Gosling in Blade Runner. It's just go do the Main Mission, do Side missions, or go from spot to spot fighting random gangs for loot. I mean those things are fun, especially the story and side missions. Those are the highlight of the game. But it's the shit inbetween doing this stuff that brings the game down.

I can't say it's EVERYTHING I wanted it to be. I've been waiting for this game since 2012. Believe me, I am having fun and I'm loving the story. But fuck man. After The Witcher 3, one of the greatest fucking games of all time, and all the promises and big dick talking from CDPR about how dope this game was gonna be, this ain't it.
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Some of the expectations I'm hearing are a bit over the top.

Some guy just a few posts up said it was a disappointment because the driving in it wasn't as good as the driving in Forza? Serious?

And is the shooting not as good as the best FPS of all time? Absolutely UNplayable lol

Cyberpunk is not THE best compared to the best that many other games combined have to offer? Disappointing or retarded expectations? :lollipop_yum:
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The game is really good. It's also a disappointment. Years ago what was being sold to me was an Open World RPG that was basically going to be a simulator in a Cyberpunk setting. We were told it was the next level of Open World gaming. Now I like the game, and I'm having fun with it. The story, characters, world, and music are all top notch. But there's a severe lack of things to do to immerse yourself and interact with the world, it's people and the characters. On top of that the Police and NPC AI is almost non-existent. All these things aren't next level Open World. It's not even modern day standard compared to previous Open World games that have come out this gen. Nobody should've expected the moon from this game, but we definitely deserved more than what we got.

It really hit me while playing tonight. I finished my romance with Panam and I had the deserve to call her up so she can ride with me and spend time together. But you can't do that. Then I started thinking about other things I couldn't do. Gambling, minigame, eating at bars/restaurants, having random conversations, customize my car or apartment, etc etc. There's not even a toggle for walking speed, so I can't slow walk through Night City like I'm fucking Ryan Gosling in Blade Runner. It's just go do the Main Mission, do Side missions, or go from spot to spot fighting random gangs for loot. I mean those things are fun, especially the story and side missions. Those are the highlight of the game. But it's the shit inbetween doing this stuff that brings the game down.

I can't say it's EVERYTHING I wanted it to be. I've been waiting for this game since 2012. Believe me, I am having fun and I'm loving the story. But fuck man. After The Witcher 3, one of the greatest fucking games of all time, and all the promises and big dick talking from CDPR about how dope this game was gonna be, this ain't it.

I want to believe the places where it's deficient will be worked on, especially in DLC content. That's a shame about the romance thing, for instance. I never cared for mini-games in open world games, though, hated having to go bowling with Roman in GTA IV or he'd like me less, fuck that shit. But that's me.
I want to believe the places where it's deficient will be worked on, especially in DLC content. That's a shame about the romance thing, for instance. I never cared for mini-games in open world games, though, hated having to go bowling with Roman in GTA IV or he'd like me less, fuck that shit. But that's me.

fuck that your supposed to say no to bowling with roman and them call him when YOU want between missions and go to the strip club, drinking, or just eat with him. way quicker, more entertaining and you do it on your own terms. lol


It's a great game but it can't save the planet, can't microwave burritos, can't mend broken hearts. Compare the driving to Forza Horizon and you will see how bad Cyberpunk 2077 is.
Driving is passable, however the brain dead AI is not, that is what kills the Night City for me.


Its a mid/high 7 kinda game for me in its current state. I'm still into it but it feels like ive gotten my hands on the early beta or even alpha of a would be classic. Its disappointing.


It's a shame it unpolished. Not only was it a waste of time working on last gen versions seeing how CP runs on ps4/xbone but that time could've been spent on polishing the PC version and working on next gen version.

CDR got greedy, they wanted that last gen money knowing it can't run it. Now they fucked last gen and somewhat PC as well with all the bugs
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