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Cyberpunk 2077 |OT| The Future Is Now

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So are people selling there trash loot or harvesting it for parts?

I have been harvesting them for parts and then crafting guns. I crafted a gun that got me out of a tight jam during a boss fight.


I would say my feelings about the game after about 7 hours match up with those in SkillUp's review. I'm half blown away, half frustrated with the bugs.

The graphics and the animation of characters during dialogue are just astounding. I'm also finding myself genuinely interested in my relationships with the people I'm meeting, as all have an interesting part to play in this virtual world I'm living in right now. It's all delivered so well, as it feels like they (and the Night City world) actually exist. They're so good, in fact, that I'm finding my own V character is the least interesting personality I have encountered, as he is just dull in comparison. I know it's an RPG and he "is" what I make of him, but I feel like the delivery on a lot of his lines fall flat. It's still early though, so that may change.

As for the bugs, I hate to beat a dead horse, but I've gotten some bad ones - it's not just T-poses and cars stuck in the sidewalk or my hat and hair disappearing when I look in a mirror. I just had to start a pretty long mission over, since Jackie got stuck behind a door and I couldn't speak with him to end it. That's twice tonight I have had to repeat missions since I couldn't proceed. It's a shame, as it's an astonishingly impressive game otherwise.
For those that chose Nomad, minor early spoiler.

what did you choose when the officer asked you which clan do you belong to? I’m wondering if he still snitches to the cops if you refuse to answer

I tested this it happens whatever you say.

So are people selling there trash loot or harvesting it for parts?

I have been harvesting them for parts and then crafting guns. I crafted a gun that got me out of a tight jam during a boss fight.

I hadn’t thought of that but that’s got to be the way to go because the junk is worth so little currency.

Anyone else notice the settings you change doesn’t seem to carry over to each time you load the game?

Also early game if you’re needing cash
try to find crimes and clear them it’s a sure fire way to get yourself some monies quickly and an excellent way to learn the game.

I remember cdpr saying they had built a path into the game that didn’t require you to kill anyone. This is not possible so far as far as I’m concerned.
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I've only had one bug in 2 hours, and that was someones neckband/necklace just randomly appearing in mid air out of nowhere, but apart from that, nothing major yet.


I hope the casuals take well to this game, I can see them getting overwhelmed here cause I'm an avid RPG player in games much deeper than this as well as FF14 online and I'm getting overwhelmed slightly. If got on the hype train with the rest of us and end up liking this it could mean an new era for western RPGs in the same way Skyrim and Fallout but instead of casualising them from a niche audience up with each entry like Bethesda, it could mean more serious and deep RPGs going forward without publishers fear it wouldn't be a massive success, I mean TW3 is my GOAT and all and same for many casuals but that game pales in comparison to this so I'm left wondering will this be too much for them or are we going to get games like KOTR and third person versions of games like Divinity that follow the table top RPG style. Fingers crossed they take to it and it sells as good as what the online engagement is suggesting and Cyberpunk 2078 has even deeper system, maybe a narrator and options for silent protagonists with co-op gameplay and get that real table top feel, virtually.


Unconfirmed Member
So I've got no chance of actually keeping up with this thread so I'll just post and watch notifications. I went Nomad, in the end it was more my style. From the get-go the foliage was rendering over the top of everything else. PC, 1660 Super. The renderer is bugged to fuck. Got in a quick half hour before work. Climbed a tower, thought I was playing Far Cry. I hope it gets better.

Ivory Blood

I've only had one bug in 2 hours, and that was someones neckband/necklace just randomly appearing in mid air out of nowhere, but apart from that, nothing major yet.
Yeah, I had some bugs like floating weapons and one npc in T-pose, but nothing else major. It's surprisingly bug free, for now at least.

Ivory Blood

Lol, the Wire reference, CDPR certainly know their tv shows.




fuck.. Last night I could not find a pre load option on the ps4 if I did not pre order it digitally. So now I gotta wait 2 hours before the game is installed..


Gold Member
Little GeForce Now snippet. I was playing while looking at the screen through the phone recording it, so I look drunk and slow. I left out sound because it was weak, but it works fine irl. Also, I'm wearing gloves because I was working on transplanting plants earlier and my nails look like I had my fingers in my ass.
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I'm watching Fargo S4 and after seeing this topic-title it of course reminded me of those brilliant, "Tarantino-esque" scenes, surrounding this billboard:



Borderline fraudulent to release the game on the base consoles. Will be interesting to see how it plays out - CDPR could have a problem if someone choose to move for real on that point.
Is there reports that the base consoles are doing badly? Wouldn't matter anyway, Sony have a promise to oG ps4 players that they'll not release a game unless it comes to both in full.


Is there reports that the base consoles are doing badly? Wouldn't matter anyway, Sony have a promise to oG ps4 players that they'll not release a game unless it comes to both in full.
It's borderline unplayable, and looks like someone has covered your screen in a bucket of mud.
Oh well, more impressions about base PS4. Wandering across city center around the mega-building where you live (from the first video gameplay they showed) runs below 30 FPS constantly, like 25 FPS, this is starting to feel rough despite the insane scope of the game. Meanwhile, Interiors run stable though, and they look freaking great imho, with decent lightning and details.

The city is immersive, it has a lot of stuff going on; but the framerate need some work in places where it is supposed to be concurrent with NPCs, at least from what I've played.
I don't care about the game looking washed out on base PS4, some bugs ( I haven't encountered one yet) LOD, some low textures and shadows, and popping, It is what it is, a 7 years old console; but I do care about the game running decently at least.


Only minor visual bugs here and there for me. Really minor ones. Not too often either. Fingers crossed. 7 hours in.

Daffy Duck

Anyone else find it funny how you interact with other characters?

Hey V, can I ask you to look at this?


V seems to shout at everything lol, the poor guy in the start of the Corpo life was just asking me a question and I shouted at him in my response lol


Gold Member
Borderline fraudulent to release the game on the base consoles. Will be interesting to see how it plays out - CDPR could have a problem if someone choose to move for real on that point.

What is fraudulent about releasing this on base consoles?


I'm around 4 hours in now with base PS4. No way of excusing this. The game is simply unfinished! Here is what I encountered so far:

- Framerate is often in the lower 20´s.
- Driving is impossible at higher speeds without creating a slide show
- textures don't load or load very late (I even hat low polygon character models for 2-3 seconds in front of me)
- The game crashes a lot (In the beginning I had 2 crashed and then when you get out of your apartment the first time to meet with Jacky it crashed 3!! times in a row)
- Aiming feels horrible downright impossible at times. I feel like the game is lagging due to the low framerate
- Dialogue options are not being displayed or are not readable
- Although I switched the language from German to English the game keeps throwing you back to the original settings when it crashes
- there is a very weird graphical effect or issue where there is a strong grainy effect on all textures

This all happened within the first 4 hours!! WHAT. THE. FUCK. CDPR?!?! I was one of the people who constantly said: lets wait and give CDPR the benefit of the doubt. But holy fuck how can you release this product in such a state?

I get that the base console hardware is outdated. But if you want to push with your company in the Tripple A genre, you got to bring it. The competition sure as hell is able to produce incredible looking titles on these machines. I´m not even sure a patch (or several) could fix this mess. The game runs like something that needs at least an additional year in the pressure cooker before it is ready to meet the consumer.

And you know what is the worst? The game is fantastic! I love it and I want to get lost in this world. You can see the quality beneath all this shit. CDPR is in deep trouble. You cant piss on Ubisoft for doing this shit and then give CDPR a pass just because they are the cool guys... I´m fucking mad.


Anyone on consoles (I’m on PS4 Pro) have a problem with scrolling?

Not sure if it’s the game or maybe I have a slight drift on my controller.

Whenever I’m hovering over text with scrolling, it doesn’t stay put and keep scrolling up slowly... made the character creation annoying.

I had the same thing (on PC, using DS4 controller). I didn't mess too long w/ the settings after seeing it carried over into the game, so perhaps there is a fix in there. Thankfully, I had a new controller gifted to me some time ago & switching to it fixed the drift.


Just picked my copy from EB games. There was a line out the freaking door. Haven't seen that since GTA V in 2013. Was pretty great to see to be honest.


Gold Member
I almost wish I had the Xbox version so I could boot it up on one of my sons' X1S. That looks like those ultra-low settings potato PC videos. That needs a fix asap. Feel sorry for people experiencing the game for the first time this way. Man, even streaming beats the shit out of that.


Played 20 mins on Xbox SX in performance mode and yes its a little blurry but I don't care one little bit. Loving this game and world. But fuck I have go to work right now.

Any updates on what you see in terms of performance on Series X? Like LOD and pop-in, etc?


Nah. It’s great on PS5. Thanks for the advice though.
Yeah I dont get it. Looks more than fine and zero crashes for me so far on PS5. The upgrade in a few months is jsut gravy.

I get the pain of those on older consoles, but really, what do you expect CDPR to do ? The game cost over 300M. If they dont try to recover costs from the "regular" folk, which is the biggest lobby group, everyone loses as the franchise wont continue. If they dont optimize for next gen, more losses for everyone long term if not short term.The world needs more long term thinking, not less.. I do however think they should at least try to get some patches out to the last gen console people.
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Any updates on what you see in terms of performance on Series X? Like LOD and pop-in, etc?
I personally think, especially considering it's running in back comp, it's 'fine', it runs well, it's very playable and it looks pretty good.

It's only going to get better with the next gen patch.

FWIW, there are a lot of people who want to deride this game at any opportunity, so take any impressions with a pinch of salt.
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I personally think, especially considering it's running in back comp, it's 'fine', it runs well, it's very playable and it looks pretty good.

It's only going to get better with the next gen patch.

FWIW, there are a lot of people who want to deride this game at any opportunity, so take any impressions with a pinch of salt.

And this is the general sentiment for both PS5 and XSX?

I only ask because I wanted to get it for XSX, but my shop only had PS copies so I picked it up and installed it on my PS5. But I’m second guessing myself and thinking maybe I just sell the PS version and download digitally on XSX.

gah! WTF do I do??
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And this is the general sentiment for both PS5 and XSX?

I only ask because I wanted to get it for XSX, but my shop only had PS copies so I picked it up and installed it on my PS5. But I’m second guessing myself and thinking maybe I just sell the PS version and download digitally on XSX.

gah! WTF do I do??
I've only personally experienced the XSX, but from what I've seen, they look pretty much the same, although, for some reason, the XSX has performance and quality modes, so that may sway you?
jeez the quest tracking is broken. i'm trying to go to the kabuki fight but when i get there i can't get in. the HUD is showing that it's 200M away from where i am despite the menu map saying it's at my location. the location 200M away is the netrunner shop.


I've only personally experienced the XSX, but from what I've seen, they look pretty much the same, although, for some reason, the XSX has performance and quality modes, so that may sway you?

Jesus Christ. It is absolutely insane to me that they didn’t focus solely on next-gen consoles + PC for optimization. I know from a business standpoint it might be ludicrous to ignore the solidified install base, but this time around things are so fucked that the decision may well blow up in their faces.


Anyone who is playing Cyberpunk 2077 on the Xbox Series X under quality mode do you keep your blur and grain mode on or off.
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i had to go back to a previous save to try a different approach for the flathead mission. i just couldn't GTFO of that food factory. guns were doing little damage and fucking hacker was overheating me. i used the militech woman and got out quite easy.

still feeling incredibly overwhelmed with everything there is to do in the game. never played anything like this. makes Witcher 3 look like a kids game.
Game looks like shit on base PS4, bugs and bugs everywhere, aim need to be fixed, its terrible, the game has been pretty mediocre so far.
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