Anyone got advice for an early-game melee build? I'm trying to build one but guns are way more effective. Even with investments in body and perks in blunt weapons, I don't deal that much damage and enemies just mow me down on Very Hard when I'm out in the open.
It's manageable with guns because I can take cover but I don't wanna use them. The coach near V's apartment also sell decently powerful melee weapons but they're crazy expensive. 13K for his best bat and I only have 20K.
You earn money much quicker in 2.0 than you did previously. My new V was able to pay off Viktor and still have like $30k left over after just a handful of gigs and the Pickup mission. I'm looting a lot more eddies than usual as well. Sell non-iconic weapons that you won't be using. Sell duplicate mods. Sell clothing you don't like.
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