Lazlo Woodbine said:Yeah, watching the latest RedLetterMedia video was a bit of an eye opener. Never really knew goths gravitated to it though.
Steamboy is made by the same guy and is almost as good, really surprised me when I watched it.Awesome Animals said:I do love Cyberpunk, and the movie Akira is spectacular.
ChackanKun said:They are both amazing AND under-used, but Steampunk movies are kind of rare right? :|
Yeah. I feel like Steampunk is more represented in graphic novels and literature than anything else.ChackanKun said:They are both amazing AND under-used, but Steampunk movies are kind of rare right? :|
Sherlock Holmes.Sunflower said:Wild Wild West was a summer blockbuster!
ScOULaris said:Wild Wild West was an average-to-shitty movie, but at least they got the Western steampunk look right.
argh, see what I meanMore Fun To Compute said:If you are trying to retrospectively fit Blade Runner into a somethingpunk genre then it fits better into Dieselpunk than Cyberpunk. But really this sort of thing is just a way to categorise things based on what sort of retro art and design they use with cyberpunk having a retro 70s/80s feel. Atompunk having a 50s/60s feel, Dieselpunk going back before that to the world wars and Steampunk going back to the industrial revolution.
ScOULaris said:Most JRPG's toe the line between traditional fantasy and steampunk. They're hard to classify.
Red Liquorice said:They're both totally played out.
Huh? Blade Runner is one of the definitive works of the cyberpunk genre. Definitive as in, the genre is at least partially defined through its influence. Dieselpunk? I don't see that at all.More Fun To Compute said:If you are trying to retrospectively fit Blade Runner into a somethingpunk genre then it fits better into Dieselpunk than Cyberpunk. But really this sort of thing is just a way to categorise things based on what sort of retro art and design they use with cyberpunk having a retro 70s/80s feel. Atompunk having a 50s/60s feel, Dieselpunk going back before that to the world wars and Steampunk going back to the industrial revolution.
Sqorgar said:Huh? Blade Runner is one of the definitive works of the cyberpunk genre. Definitive as in, the genre is at least partially defined through its influence. Dieselpunk? I don't see that at all.
Also, stuff like dieselpunk and steampunk are a subgenre of retro-futurism. Cyberpunk is just futurism. There's nothing retro about Blade Runner.
typo said:Cyberpunk. No contest.
vadernoooooooultron87 said:Guys, Steampunk has goggles. Everyone loves goggles.
Yeah Last Exile is pretty good steam punk. Also I guess you could count Howl's Moving Castle, Full Metal Alchemist, and Trigun as good steam punk too. Steam Boy. regardless of name, is bad steam punk. I really wanted to like it too.heliosRAzi said:Cyberpunk for me. Akira and Ghost in the Shell really captured me when I first saw them way back when. Now, I can't get enough cyberpunk. The Ghost in the Shell movies and tv shows, the Matrix, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Akira, and countless others are inspiring to me.
I'm not a fan of steampunk, but there is an anime called Last Exile and it seems to have the steampunk feel to it.
People needn't be putting things into boxes anyway. A work of art can have multiple genres.ScOULaris said:Most JRPG's toe the line between traditional fantasy and steampunk. They're hard to classify.
fallengorn said:I feel like whatever steampunk is, gets misconstrued. When people dress up they don't seem to take functionality into account. Google image search steampunk gun and all you come up with are guns with tons of ornate bronze/copper crap. People get the aesthetics... but they don't really think it through.
The_Technomancer said:vadernooooooo
Fucking goggles...
Bioshock is dieselpunk mixed with biopunk, see the art deco style, non-steam mechanisms and retro-futuristic gene stuff.Sub_Level said:Steampunk
The choice is obvious.
I haff a problem with what they represent. They are a symbol of the simplification of a genre of speculative fiction into style!Davidion said:Bitch you got problems with goggles?
JRPunkG.Tence said:Well then we need a name for thatMedievalish stuff + semi-advanced technology.