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Daft Punk is no more


Last two albums are shit but at least we'll always have Homework and Discovery



I remember when a supposed leak leak of 'Human After All' came out on Napster. Didn't believe it was real as it was constant loops which was common for fake leaks. Couldn't believe it when I found out it was real after buying it. Felt ripped off, few good tracks on it but after 'Discovery' it seemed like amateur hour in comparison.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
One of my favorite bands. Anything after Alive 2007 wasn’t in the same league, but those first 3 albums and the live concerts are masterpieces.
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Legendary duo. I wasn't too fond of their latest albums, but at their peak they're clearly among my favourite artists.
i wish they would have just not announced it

something tells me this might just be an art move

like they're just going into dormancy for a bit then they'll fucking emerge when the time is right like an electric dragon


I like all their albums, which all provide something a bit different.

Homework - Gives you that raw/noisy side of them, and it's really fucking good.

Alive 1997 - A continuous 45-minute set that blends together the Homework tracks in cool ways. People overlook this because it's one long 45-minute song, but it's fire.

Discovery - A masterpiece of Electronic Disco. Less noisy, but instead is much more on the spacy/melodic side, and the album nails it. Not to mention it comes with a full anime movie for those who don't know.

Human After All - This is filled with mostly good songs. Yeah it's more repetitive, but repetition can be good if you're repeating something quality and ultimately produce a hypnotic effect, which most of the songs do.

Alive 2007 - Probably their best album. Takes three albums worth of material and blends the songs together into something new and next-level, all with that live energy.

TRON: Legacy - Like with many soundtracks, there's a good portion of the soundtrack that is kind of boring, but there are a whole bunch of really cool songs and ultimately their music really elevated the vibe of the movie.

Random Access Memories - And finally, their last album gives you something on the complete opposite spectrum as Human After All, as it's their most humanized album with a lot of good instrument work.

Robot Carnival

Gold Member
ouch... this one actually hurts. I love their output be it good or not so much. they're like the origin of so much stuff out there. a real shame seeing them go like that. at least they had a good run and they're in the history books for sure. and here I was hoping that they'll be able to helm the OST of the next Tron if Disney ever get around to it... :messenger_crying:


Can’t say I blame them. That’s a long time to be stuck doing one thing.
I’m gonna miss their stuff, not gonna lie. Grateful we have the albums they finished.
They were pretty much broken up since they started. The only time they were "active" was when they were creating studio albums, short touring in the 90's/seldom in the 2000's, and making guest appearances with modern pop artists. Check out those massive gaps they had between each studio album and how few albums they produced. An average working group, soloist, or band will release anywhere from 7-12 over a period of 3 decades. Daft had like 4 studio albums and 2 live albums from 93'-2012? They had high production values but didn't seem too big into being a group or added publicity from their start. Seems kinda dumb that they'd announce a break-up when they've always been on hiatus. Odds are this was an announcement either made for publicity or for them to re-launch as something new in the next year or 10.

Yet they are more popular and sold more albums then all those people you mentioned, combined. Not every artist is a mumble rapper where they release albums every 6 months. This was their thing, it gave some mystique to it. Its ballsy to release your opus RAM which exploded on the charts and to never make a tour out of it. They just dont give a fuck, they can do that. Someone else, if they arent in the spotlight for a year everybody forgets they even had a single out. What DP achieved is rare for an artist.


Hold onto your panties
Yet they are more popular and sold more albums then all those people you mentioned, combined. Not every artist is a mumble rapper where they release albums every 6 months. This was their thing, it gave some mystique to it. Its ballsy to release your opus RAM which exploded on the charts and to never make a tour out of it. They just dont give a fuck, they can do that. Someone else, if they arent in the spotlight for a year everybody forgets they even had a single out. What DP achieved is rare for an artist.
My point was not that their albums were not enough for 3 decades. I was getting at the fact that they could have easily put out chart topping albums every 2-3 years since 93' had they wanted. They didn't want to be in the spot light...it seems that was also one of the reasons they created the stage disguises (which I don't think were originally robots). They didn't like interviews, they didn't like touring, it was almost like making albums to them was a high-end hobby. They did it well but I don't think they enjoyed all of it. Die hard musicians can't help but go to studio every 2-years because they tend to always have new ideas. I think with Daft Punk, they only wanted to do so much...not that they couldn't have.


They didn't want to be in the spot light...it seems that was also one of the reasons they created the stage disguises (which I don't think were originally robots). They didn't like interviews, they didn't like touring, it was almost like making albums to them was a high-end hobby.

Yup, early masks weren't Robots, more like cheap Halloween latex ones.

Few examples here;

Robots started with the second album I believe. Late 90's anyway if I remember right.

(Older ones before Robots are there if you scroll down)
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These were some of the first they used. These and transparent face masks.

Yup, remember seeing bizarre ones back in the days when they first hit the music press. Good times! I'd spend all night (night shifts in college) looking for any new music and remember they stood out.

'Homework' didn't click for me at the time but once 'Discovery' came out I was entranced. Was older drink/drugs/starting to make music myself etc.


Hold onto your panties
Yup, remember seeing bizarre ones back in the days when they first hit the music press. Good times! I'd spend all night (night shifts in college) looking for any new music and remember they stood out.

'Homework' didn't click for me at the time but once 'Discovery' came out I was entranced. Was older drink/drugs/starting to make music myself etc.
I remember doing a short DJing stint in the late-2000's and would throw Homework on both turntables and get some interesting mixes. Seems like it was made for that, whereas Discovery was them working harder with vocalists and rapid synthesizer scales and loops.


Ya'll didn't like RAM?
Not at all?

Not the Tron:Legacy soundtrack either?

Those were both fantastic.. Human After All less so but it still had its moments!
I thought (and still do) think RAM was fantastic. Not a bad album to go out on.

If I had to pick 2 it would be 'Discovery' and 'Random Access Memories' in a heartbeat.

Others were OK in parts, Tron one never really did much for me, bit too ambient which I guess was the point anyway.


Such a shame as they’ve been a huge part of the musical landscape for a big chunk of my life.

Having said that, I found their music to get less and less appealing the longer they went on, started out crafting trailblazing electro but ended up churning out corny pop.

Still, RIP.

No Justice


not tag worthy
Congratulations on your shit taste in music I guess
why are you the way that you are GIF

Why you posting in here then?!, other people cannot like that which you don’t like. Alright then... name me one of your favourite bands/music.
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I love the fan divide between the been there before Homework and everything after 1997 is cheesy tripe and the new school that cite a movie soundtrack and some RnB as peak Punk.
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not tag worthy
I love the fan divide between the been there before Homework and everything after 1997 is cheesy tripe and the new school that cite a movie soundtrack and some RnB as peak Punk.
I been there since homework.
I like the older stuff and the newer stuff. Though not all of it. Alive is a great album thought.


I wonder when/if we'll ever learn why Daft Punk decided to do this now. Neither of them has given very many interviews in the past.
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