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Daft Punk - RAM lOTl - They're nice robots, they chose to stay.


Fragments of Time.

Y'all crazy if you don't like it. May not be the best track, but it's still fucking great. So smooth. Fleetwood & Hall & Oates in this bitch.

Absolutely. I also love Contact. That is incredible.
Depends on the speakers. Sounds great on studio monitors ;)
Fragments of Time.

Y'all crazy if you don't like it. May not be the best track, but it's still fucking great. So smooth. Fleetwood & Hall & Oates in this bitch.

i was about to come in here and drop hall & oates as it plays again. feels like a missing track from phoenix's debut album (which is stellar). amazing song. beyond --> doin' it right is near flawless.
i really like this album. there's 3 or 4 songs i can do without, but overall it's fantastic. i think it also shows a ton of growth artistically for these guys. i'll be interested to see what they do next even though i'm sure that's years off


I missed his Collabs video, too. So here it is, for anyone who missed it:
Man, so interesting... Falcon saying you could sample Daft Punk's RAM like they used to do when they were younger, sampling Chic and Niles Rodgers etc. I guarantee he's onto something... it has the potential to spawn SO MANY TRACKS, even ones that could sound completely different from the songs they sampled it from.

Thinking about the album in that light... it's just done my head in something fierce. As an album in it's entirety, it might not be something that grabs all people, but in the future someone could hear a two or three second section of a RAM song and create something as massive as So Much Love to Give. Guarantee it.


i really like this album. there's 3 or 4 songs i can do without, but overall it's fantastic. i think it also shows a ton of growth artistically for these guys. i'll be interested to see what they do next even though i'm sure that's years off

Next album is a remix of this one..done by themselves. Next all original album probably won't sound like this at all.
give life back to the music really should be the closer on this. the lull of silence after contact into that opening is just...outstanding.

i maintain that the track order on this album is awful.
Man, so interesting... Falcon saying you could sample Daft Punk's RAM like they used to do when they were younger, sampling Chic and Niles Rodgers etc. I guarantee he's onto something... it has the potential to spawn SO MANY TRACKS, even ones that could sound completely different from the songs they sampled it from.

Thinking about the album in that light... it's just done my head in something fierce. As an album in it's entirety, it might not be something that grabs all people, but in the future someone could hear a two or three second section of a RAM song and create something as massive as So Much Love to Give. Guarantee it.

second half of touch with the choir and the latter part of don't stop the dance come to mind immediately here.

i can picture some really good songs (maybe rap or chillwave) being made out of those samples.


God damn, the pacing is incredible. Fantastic record from start to finish, lived up to my personal hype (which was gargantuan) and even surpassed it. So fucking pleased with Random Access Memories.
subjective opinion incoming.. feel free to ignore:)

i'm on my second listen and this whole album just leaves me cold. imo it lacks character and feels overworked. the general tempo is soporific even when it's apparently a dance track (lose yourself).

Homework fans are gonna hate it haha. Discovery ones too probably. Some of the stuff is Beatley, Pink Floydy...its crazy. Strings horns wtf.

Homework fan and pink floyd fan here. i don't really get the floyd comparison myself, beyond a couple of second-long superficial resemblances to Atom Heart Mother. The synth lines are more like Tangerine Dream but not as expressive or as interesting sonically imo. Not sure why you would say Discovery fans would hate it when half the tracks sound like off-cuts from that album.

What's up with the overuse of a vocoder?

ditching the vocoder and the arpeggiators would be a big improvement, but probably necessitate rewriting half the album.

Yeah you need good headphones for this. The production is too good for crappy speakers.

listening on studio reference monitors. so the production is nice. doesn't save the bland songs. ultimately I feel it excels really only in terms of providing a credible imitation of disco production. the Moroder bit where he talks about harmony and experimentation.. over the top of smooth lounge music. it has to be a joke right? the raucous bit at the end doesn't really save it for me, it's still just the same variations on the same scale only now with added distortion. and then even the distortion is nice and tidy. it's like they wanted to go there, but were unable to actually do it.

my appreciation of their albums has been up and down over the years but I think this is the first time I would say that it was straight up boring. people call game devs lazy on this forum all time. In the same vein, this album feels lazy to me.

edit: for reference, i saw nile rodgers play with chic in 2006 and it blew my fucking mind. these songs don't have half the awesome.


The album's alright.

Can't believe that Q review in light of actually listening to it, lol, talk about hyperbole.

Edit: yeah the lounge music on Giorgio must be a parody surely


subjective opinion incoming.. feel free to ignore:)

i'm on my second listen and this whole album just leaves me cold. imo it lacks character and feels overworked. the general tempo is soporific even when it's apparently a dance track (lose yourself).

Homework fan and pink floyd fan here. i don't really get the floyd comparison myself, beyond a couple of second-long superficial resemblances to Atom Heart Mother. The synth lines are more like Tangerine Dream but not as expressive or as interesting sonically imo. Not sure why you would say Discovery fans would hate it when half the tracks sound like off-cuts from that album.

ditching the vocoder and the arpeggiators would be a big improvement, but probably necessitate rewriting half the album.

listening on studio reference monitors. so the production is nice. doesn't save the bland songs. ultimately I feel it excels really only in terms of providing a credible imitation of disco production. the Moroder bit where he talks about harmony and experimentation.. over the top of smooth lounge music. it has to be a joke right? the raucous bit at the end doesn't really save it for me, it's still just the same variations on the same scale only now with added distortion. and then even the distortion is nice and tidy. it's like they wanted to go there, but were unable to actually do it.

my appreciation of their albums has been up and down over the years but I think this is the first time I would say that it was straight up boring. people call game devs lazy on this forum all time. In the same vein, this album feels lazy to me.

I like it way more than you do- BUT- there are moments when I wonder what the album is trying to do, like that Moroder intro. I can't tell if its a joke, because its played very straight, but its so cheesy that it kind of falls flat. Also, there is a fine line between creating something with disco/lounge/prog influences versus just trying to recreate certain styles.

Also the cheese is off the charts. Sometimes it works, especially for what they're going for. Other times, like when the horns come in on Touch, it loses me for a bit.


Have had a chance to listen through a few times now. First impression was that it's a much more eclectic record than expected, more somber as well. Touch alone goes in a dozen different directions seemingly at whim but manages to work in the end, and I think that goes for the whole album. Common threads like Nile Rodgers' funky guitar, the vocoders, the live rhythm section and the warm tones of their custom synth rig makes for a cohesive core that everything else revolves around. It can be self indulgent at times, much like Human After All was, but with all bets off musically it's a more exciting kind of wankery when it happens.

Loving the slick west coast AOR vibes of The Game of Love and Beyond as well as the post disco funk trio of Give Life Back to Music, Lose Yourself to Dance and Get Lucky. Instant Crush sounds like a potential pop hit, Contact sounds like a digital catharsis and Fragments of Time sounds like a lost Steely Dan track. Within is the one song I can't really get behind, lyrical and musical themes feel redundant. Overall though, pretty cool album.


I honestly thought the Giorgio intro was part of the iTunes release, and that it wouldn't be on the album. Wishful thinking, I suppose.

I can't stop listening to Doin' it Right and The Game of Love.


Since when has Giorgio made lounge music? honestly interested, if you're going to stop being a arsehole about it.

so lounge??

Knights in White Satin def had lounge influences.

I just thought it was way too on the nose and the way they cut out to "My name is" and then dropped the beat was just too much.


Knights in White Satin def had lounge influences.

I just thought it was way too on the nose and the way they cut out to "My name is" and then dropped the beat was just too much.

Thank you.

And yeah it is still cheesy no matter what. Maybe without the piano it would be bearable.


I honestly thought the Giorgio intro was part of the iTunes release, and that it wouldn't be on the album. Wishful thinking, I suppose.

I can't stop listening to Doin' it Right and The Game of Love.

I can't imagine that track w/o the "But everyone calls me Giorgio" drop.
yeah, i'm not sure what the confusion is over giorgio's talking. the guy is a pioneer in electronic music. they're paying homage to him and his sound. it certainly isn't intended to be a joke. i mean, the song is called "giorgio by moroder"...


yeah, i'm not sure what the confusion is over giorgio's talking. the guy is a pioneer in electronic music. they're paying homage to him and his sound. it certainly isn't intended to be a joke. i mean, the song is called "giorgio by moroder"...

Theres no confusion, I'm assuming they were playing it straight- which is my problem with it. Having that monologue over that music, followed by the drop... The cheese is off the charts.
Theres no confusion, I'm assuming they were playing it straight- which is my problem with it. Having that monologue over that music, followed by the drop... The cheese is off the charts.

ok, fair enough. i'd argue there's far cheesier moments on the album (i don't even consider this particular part cheesy), but to each his own.
yeah, i'm not sure what the confusion is over giorgio's talking. the guy is a pioneer in electronic music. they're paying homage to him and his sound. it certainly isn't intended to be a joke. i mean, the song is called "giorgio by moroder"...

i'm not confused, i'm laughing. For me it goes like this:

[7 odd minutes of very neat and clean giorgio homage that might as well be a b-side from discovery. very harmonious, very safe, utterly "correct"]

giorgio: "once you free your mind of the concept of harmony and music being correct you can do whatever you want"

[string section that *may* (but not likely) have been vaguely controversial in 1890]

[funk soul outro for the next 2 minutes. this is about as safe as you can got damn get in the world of bands]

[a few noisy bits over the end, i mean they literally just turned the noise osc. on the synths up]

it's musically so at odds with the speech it makes me laugh, even taking into account that giorgio's speech hardly even applies to his own music.
i'm not confused, i'm laughing. For me it goes like this:

[7 odd minutes of very neat and clean giorgio homage that might as well be a b-side from discovery. very harmonious, very safe, utterly "correct"]

giorgio: "once you free your mind of the concept of harmony and music being correct you can do whatever you want"

[string section that *may* (but not likely) have been vaguely controversial in 1890]

[funk soul outro for the next 2 minutes. this is about as safe as you can got damn get in the world of bands]

[a few noisy bits over the end, i mean they literally just turned the noise osc. on the synths up]

next track: very safe piano piece that again just reuses the discovery sound

it's musically so at odds with the speech it makes me laugh, even taking into account that giorgio's speech hardly even applies to his own music.

huh... i was under the impression his talking was about his own music and how he came to create it (i'm not going to argue whether or not it applies to his own music). the song in no way conveys that his words should be used as a reference for the goals of this album. the song is about him and he's talking about himself.


Really? Have you heard Strawberry Jams or MPP or Person Pitch? Those albums are stuffed with Beach Boys like melodies.

I mean I always got that vibe from Animal Collective, but it was more of a Beach Boys psychedelic Smile vibe, especially on MPP. But having Noah in a more pop context really works for me.


This album is getting a lot of hate, but I don't know what people expected. It sure is a Daft Punk album. I'm writing a paper to it right now, and it's a slick head-nodding tuneout jam
This album is great. The "cheesy," "elevator/shopping music," "disco is turrble," criticism I've read in this thread....I don't get it. All the disco + lounge + 70s-80s touches are class.

And Contact is straight "2001 + Contact (film) stargate/wormhole sequences in audio form" music. A+ final track.


Yeah, I agree. Executed earnestly without an ounce of kitsch.

The earnestness is kinda jarring though, when the music they are evoking is, imho, cheesy. Its a fine line, which they toe pretty well, but there are moments when its just too much.

I don't want to get painted as a hater, because I really like it, but its a critique that came up in some early reviews, and I can accept that view point.
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