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Daft Punk - RAM lOTl - They're nice robots, they chose to stay.


If it's going up internationally, then I'd assume it's gonna be at 12pm New Zealand time.

Which is good for me, I can listen to it in the morning in the office.



I didn't knew OVERWERK did a remix of that song, pretty cool! OVERWERK has some pretty dope songs (and more DP samples in his earlier songs).

Also, just saw this on Facebook, quite a cool picture:

e: I'm taking this avatar, no one has it yet I think.


Oh well...back to putting up remixes

Daft Punk - Voyager (Stupid Beats Remix) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjuHAWK4Tmc

Daft Punk - Da Funk (Armand Van Helden's Ten Minutes Of Funk Mix) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U90ldyYLdwo

It's great throughout,but at about 3:30 is where it really kicks in,then at 6:00 it goes to another level

Watch with this gif...mesmerizing,lol


By the way,from the comments... I just noticed that Da Funk comes from the first 3 letters in Daft, and the last 3 letters in Punk

mind blown


Review from some guy that went to one of the listening parties:

From: http://www.thedaftclub.com/forum/showthread.php/19463-RAM-listening-party-review
Due to popular demand I'll write everything about RAM and the listening party as soon as I would be back, which is (checking clock) now. I'm doing this on my iPhone on 3G and after a few beers so bear with me, no photos (I'll add them later). Use your imagination :- )

So where to start? Me and my buddy thought yolo and put on our most fancy suits with black glitter bows, looking really sexy and groovy. We listened to Discovery on the way there. We were actually 25 mins 'late' but didn't miss anything. It was in a nightclub in the middle of Amaterdam. After we checked in we got these really cool daft punk key chain things you put around your neck with the RAM logo and your name on it. After handing in our mobile phones, we entered. And Daft Punk stuff EVERYWHERE! Posters, on big TV screens, dolls with the helmets, daft punk toilet signs, EVERYTHING! The dj was playing all mixes with daft punk music. The people were mainly fans, some Sony people and some photographers and media guys. Then it was going to start: we all got cardboard daft punk helmets to make one big group photo in front of a huge board with the RAM ad. Also all this time there were artists making a HUGE painting of the RAM cover and by the time the album was over the painting was done. Anyway, we got headphones and the album started...

1. Give life back to music. On my notepad all I wrote was: "groovy dafty Club Tropicana". Which is VERY good. I really loved it. Amazing!

2. The Game of Love. Perhaps the one I liked the least. It was so cheesy :p still pretty good though. I stopped writing after track 1 haha

3. Giorgio by Moroder. What you would expect if daft punk and Giorgio work together: 80's sci-fi electro-disco! Really cool, liked it a lot, it's so epic! 9 minutes of old school futuristic epicness.

4. Within. I remember this one being a bit chill and cheesy too. Wasn't blown away but still good. Gonzales on the piano was really chill, not dance-like though.

5. Instant Crush. The most Daft Punk ish track imo, and the best track on the album. I didn't expect it but I liked it so much I want to hear it again so badly now! Casablanca just sang this one part that's so good, looped again and again! I came

6. Lose yourself to dance. It's the track that Nile played on his guitar in his collab video. Will def be a single. It's really funky. Liked it more than Get Lucky!

Oh yeah and during all this they played images (moving and still) on a huge screen, prob 75% from the collab videos, but 25% I'd never seen before! And the strobes and the lights were really cool, matching the music. It was all arranged.

7. Touch. Paul sings in this musical like way. I can't remember that much anymore. It was quite a magical song, really nice.

8. Get Lucky. Complete intro is fantastic, there are already bits of it on the pharrell video. I love that intro.

9. Beyond. Can't remember that much either. I think Daft Punk sing c'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon in this one but not sure.

10. Motherboard. On the big screen it said MOTHERHOOD. Haha noobs. Really sweet song btw, pure daft punk, no vocals.

11. Fragments of Time. Todd wasn't as good as I hoped tbh. Still great song.

12. Doin' it Right. Very animal collective-ish vocals (obviously). Really catchy tune. The panda is very present. It's a fantastic song.

13. Contact. Aww yeah. I expected it to be a bit spacey. But it started with the NASA fragment, then a pretty normal daft punky music nothing special. And then this raw daft punk sound, it's sooo epic. It's that screeching sound that gets louder and louder. Untill it stops. The rawest HAA-Homework like track, totally cool.

Then we did some pictures with the huge RAM posters and stuff, got our phones back in a big LP size cardboard ram thing (really cool) with a little Daft Punk button and a nice sticker. and now here I am in a room in Amsterdam, writing this **** for you guys the past 45 mins.

Album review as a whole: it's hard to rate it since you hear it in such a weird setting and the hype is so huge... But it's:
-lots of vocals and vocoder
-rock elements(!)

Those terms come to mind. I'm really not sure, but I think I liked Homework and Discovery a bit more. I'm just trying to think if I'm listening to any other Daft Punk album like that, waiting to be amazed, how I'd react. But RAM is up there alright, there isn't a bad song on it. But the fact that you're 'waiting to be blown away' will let you down a bit, it's not an album sent from above. Being 100% honest, don't expect that every second will give you an ear gasm, and you'll appreciate it more.

So to conclude: it's not as raw and hard as the other albums, it's defenitely the chillest of any Daft Punk album, which isn't bad but I do like my fat beats! But lying on the beach listening to this will be (Nile voice) 'Sooo Coool, that's Sooo Cooool!"

John Marston (real name is Connor btw) :- )


Posting for the sub. I'm a little hyped, I suppose.

edit: hey guys just in case you didn't know, funk ad is da funk but playing in reverse!!!


Really? He didn't give more than two sentences for every track. His descriptions were incredibly vague and gave you zero sense of how the songs actually sound.

Yeah but mostly because it's a fan and not a movie critic. The odds that I'll agree with him are higher.
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