In context of Aykroyd's comments, I think it is comparable since he explicitly says that Ghostbusters made a lot of money around the world.
I honestly think it could've faired a lot better if they didn't go with the whole misogyny aspect with regards to the pre-release. Man what a mess that was and I've heard from so many they haven't yet and never will watch it just because of that stunt.Like I said in my previous post, it grossed ~$230m worldwide. Rogue One, for a budget of 1.4x of Ghostbusters, grossed over 4x the amount it did. Granted it was a part of a major franchise so that would've probably always been the case, but the budget for Ghostbusters was way larger than it had to be.
Aykroyds comments are contradictory to his praise for the film when it initially released in 2016.
I was also disappointed with Feig's direction of Ghostbusters, but Dan Aykroyd, the writer/producer/director of Nothing But Trouble, should probably temper his directorial criticisms​.
His performance certainly seemed like he was held at gunpoint.
Sounds like shitty producers getting a pass as usual in this industry.
I am arguably the biggest supporter of this thing but even 110 million pre 40 million reshoots was ridiculous. It was doomed by budget before anything else happened.
It's too bad Feig fucked up the financials because I'd have liked to see him around still.
Oh well such is life.
To be fair his performance probably would have felt the same even if it was a real ghostbusters movie.
It's too bad Feig was such an uncompromising asshole.
He did nothing to deserve the amount of rope that he was given on that picture.
The film's issues are all down to the director I think.
Every time theres a title like this the actual content is so much less exciting or interesting. Softest "blast" ever.
Paul Feig, the cast, and Katie Dippold have all done incredible work elsewhere. I think that sometimes movies just fail to come together.
The writing is pretty bad as well.
They had enough acting talent that even a mediocre script should have made for a decent movie.
Instead the writing was Sandler-esque.
Honestly the movie would have been much better with the exact same main cast but as it's own action comedy instead of being weighed down by an overrated movie franchise from 30 years ago, but that wouldn't get a huge budget because Hollywood hates original shit.
No nostalgia for the franchise + bad trailers made me avoid it for awhile but I finally bit a couple weeks ago when I was bored. Wish I hadn't bothered tbh.
I enjoyed the film but I'm still mystified as to why Sony gave this movie such a high budget in the first place. You can easily make a Ghostbusters movie for like $70 mil and it would be much easier to turn a profit. No need for it to be as special-effects-heavy as a superhero movie.
Feig is a good director but I think he ventured too far out of his element on this one.
OR like a lot of people have said and is very important. It should have never been made.
Nobody wanted this version of the ghostbusters. Has nothing to do with being female or the CG or it being a reboot. Ghostbusters fans wanted closure to the series they knew.
The original four Ghostbusters?
For a LOT of people, Ghostbusters = Peter, Ray, Egon, Winston, and those characters are synonymous with their actors. Like in the brains of many, if those people are not involved, even as cartoon characters, then it's just not Ghostbusters. Ghostbusters can only be Ghostbusters if it includes those characters.
Wtf are ya'll talking about with this "closure on the original Ghostbusters" nonsense? It's a goofy action comedy, not The Sopranos.
OR like a lot of people have said and is very important. It should have never been made.
Nobody wanted this version of the ghostbusters. Has nothing to do with being female or the CG or it being a reboot. Ghostbusters fans wanted closure to the series they knew.
I think this is my favorite role of hers (guess her Sean Spicer is also pretty good). Don't think the movie is that great, but think she and the rest of the cast was decent.Except for Melissa McCarthy, she was awful in this movie IMO.
Good, Paul doesn't make good movies.
Should've made a Nothing But Trouble remake instead.
I just didn't find her funny at all and found her annoying. At least the others tried and gave me a few laughs(very few though).I think this is my favorite role of hers (guess her Sean Spicer is also pretty good). Don't think the movie is that great, but think she and the rest of the cast was decent.
Except for Melissa McCarthy, she was awful in this movie IMO.
That movie really is underrated.No need.
That movie is perfection itself.
We need the original director to come back.
He was going to at first. Ivan & Dan had been trying for years (even before Ramis died) to get GBIII to exist but Sony continually dragged their feet and purposefully scuttled it.
They should give the franchise to Max Landis.
The writing is pretty bad as well.
They had enough acting talent that even a mediocre script should have made for a decent movie.
Instead the writing was Sandler-esque.
Honestly the movie would have been much better with the exact same main cast but as it's own action comedy instead of being weighed down by an overrated movie franchise from 30 years ago, but that wouldn't get a huge budget because Hollywood hates original shit.
No nostalgia for the franchise + bad trailers made me avoid it for awhile but I finally bit a couple weeks ago when I was bored. Wish I hadn't bothered tbh.
She is awful in everything she is in.
Wtf are ya'll talking about with this "closure on the original Ghostbusters" nonsense? It's a goofy action comedy, not The Sopranos.
He was going to at first. Ivan & Dan had been trying for years (even before Ramis died) to get GBIII to exist but Sony continually dragged their feet and purposefully scuttled it.
And you know Murray didn't want to.