Do you have an update on this?For some reason, I feel like he's had weird interactions with Sorian throughout the game. I'd need to go back and check this to see what I'm thinking of, but it's been on the back of my mind for a while.
Do you have an update on this?For some reason, I feel like he's had weird interactions with Sorian throughout the game. I'd need to go back and check this to see what I'm thinking of, but it's been on the back of my mind for a while.
Blarg usually doesn't lie about stuff like that though iirc. He is rarely straight forward, but I haven't seen him flat out lie like that.Considering Faddy was only one shot, a delayed killer slots in fine as long as the scum team was smaller than normal. I "knew" (more like I didn't care) because Blarg is Blarg and you have to shovel shit off the top before knowing what he is talking about.
Do you have an update on this?
Blarg usually doesn't lie about stuff like that though iirc. He is rarely straight forward, but I haven't seen him flat out lie like that.
If it existed they could be keeping quiet hoping to soak up a NK since they're marked for death already. More likely though the entire mechanic doesn't exist and Blarg was lying about it too.No one else has been doused, though, right?
I mean that's the sort of thing people would be forthcoming with, right?
Do you have an update on this?
And what do you think when I say Sorian and Natiko?
Of course I've seen him lie, that just didn't look like one of his lies. He tells the truth too like when he investigated kingkitty in HP.What? You mean the guy who is famous for claiming to be mafia when he was actually the cop? The guy who claimed to be a lightning rod when vanilla town? A multiple shot lightning rod for that matter and one that could aim all abilities at someone else if he desired. I just woke up so I'm sure I'm blanking on other great ones but Ty, you can't actually believe you've never seen him flat out lie about interesting game states.
I've been mulling it over. If Bronx is scum, we should have 2 scum left. I doubt that both OA and Ty4on are scum, they wouldn't go all in on the same idea. If I had to choose their, I give the nod to OA. I want Ty to be scum and I think I'm biased there but he went in on me first while OA seems to be following on the idea, maybe hoping to egg it on. That leaves the last spot that I still think is probably nin from what is left. I liked Flux's reads list, my thoughts on KK and Star are clear. Natiko still sounds like he is solving and he hasn't said anything that I've disagreed with or sounds like an ulterior motive. Stanley is the other possibility as well but his interactions with Bronx don't look like scum/scum.
I'm missing where I followed Ty and on what idea? Because being skeptical of your role isn't exactly an original idea.
It's original when I think you came out with weak justification to suddenly change your mind.
Where did I change my mind?
I think Bronx is just lying about the lack of a PR and about his FA.
And why don't you want Natiko to claim? He's the only one left, and again what town PR could realistically be left? Heck, I'm already getting more skeptical of Sorian's commuter claim with the confirmed roles.
It can be a coincidence. Palmer was the neutral connected to Raindoc in SW and that was random too iirc.
Eh, this tends to be how Sorian plays town.Only thing I've noticed so far is Sorian seems to be shutting down conversations rather than starting them.
I vote Bronx, get accused of reaching. Kark questions OA's claim, gets accused of asking stupid questions.
I'd agree that those were both weak starts, but they were alternatives to nothing / forbidden action talk. Since snubbing those points Sorian hasn't don't much better to kick-start the game.
I don't think I've ever played with a scum Sorian. I'll have to check back and see.How would you say Sorian plays scum?
Looking back, it appears I have never played with a scum Sorian.Yo Bronx how's the re-read going?
This caught my eye, but I'm not really sure how to read this. He just seems to really not care about Sorian. I posted links to Sorian's previous scum games, but thinking it through I'm not sure if any version of Bronx would click them.I don't know what I expected
This is ok. Nothing sticks our as really townie, but it is an ok observation.Bronx-Man
I can't recall if I had played in a game with Bronx-Man before. He seems pretty aggressive and will accordingly respond to those who mention him negatively. I guess that quality doesn't inherently lean towards any alignment, so I'll need to see more. I agree with him regarding Blarg, so there's that.
This is also ok. It feels a bit similar to Bronx', but the tone is a little townier. You can see him going back and forth within the same sentence like a townie who's uncertain.Bronx-Man Hard to get a read on him. He is posting more than he was in my only game with him so far. In that game he was neutral though, so I don't know what to take from his increased activity (if anything). He's been very aggressive which usually comes off as more town to me, but he also hasn't shared many opinions of note other than to post several times about not believing Blarg's claims. For now I'm going to have to go with null.
I evolved my opinion on new info? Holy crap! I've been saying that as more (confirmed) PRs come out the less I'll believe new ones. So another PR came out and I adjusted the rest of my thoughts accordingly, including previous claims.Already went back to go look and aside from passing commentary which has been your schtick the whole game, this is new and the catalyst is that a doctor flipped.
This was what I said about your claim. Is this a ringing endorsement to you?Sorian, I'm ok with for right now. The commuter claim is awfully convenient though and there really isn't any way to test it.
What ?! come on mate thats just unfair.
you know what. i am going with my gut now
Nin's vote came just one minute before Bronx', but put Bronx at 3 so I think this was Bronx fearing that the vote could turn his way.VOTE: Blargonaut
Looking at the votes again this makes more sense. Bronx was getting some steam, but Splinter (and much later Faddy) switched their vote.I'm just gonna go with
vote: Bronx-Man
Bronx isn't a newbie, so it is a bit weird he went for such an easy accusation based on a Day 1 lynch vote. I hope he burns forever.
Faddy does get negative donut points for lyin' about the FA. Hard to see why the move would be helpful for town.
Votecount at 1068:
- Blargonaut (4)
- Faddy (4)
- Bronx-Man (2) (Note: Second vote came 1 minute before Sorian's post)
- Nin1000 (1)
- Royal_Flush (0)
I evolved my opinion on new info? Holy crap! I've been saying that as more (confirmed) PRs come out the less I'll believe new ones. So another PR came out and I adjusted the rest of my thoughts accordingly, including previous claims.
But still, where did I follow Ty?
This was what I said about your claim. Is this a ringing endorsement to you?
What is this post supposed to be pointing out?
It looked worse when I thought you wrote that thinking Bronx had 2 votes, but seeing that Bronx had potential to be a D1 lynch it looked off when you kinda scumread Bronx and then immediately voted Flush who had 0 votes.
I just can't see Terra behaving like this as scum. He can be overeager as town, but is usually able to keep his cool as scum. I didn't go through a lot of Gafia 1, but in Mini he had a muted response to the votes which (possibly) saved him. This was the polar opposite.
This one is also interesting for the shade on Bronx without following up on it. Something to consider depending on the results today.I'm not town reading Bronx, but I want to lynch someone who was in the dangerzone. If scum were protecting say scum!Faddy they'd probably be trying to shift focus over to Terra. Same goes for Blarg, but I town read him slightly.
Ffs don't lynch Flush. I'd rather see Blarg dead to be honest.
All three players that had plenty of suspicion on them and in all cases you seemed oddly sure that they were town. Maybe your intuition is just on point this game, but it could also just as easily be you knowing what the results will be and seeding your thoughts to gain yourself townie points when in actuality you're scum. I don't know if this is strong enough reasoning to flip you 180 from town to scum. Will have to do more analysis on this though because it really sticks out to me.My Royal Flush read is still the same. It hasn't gotten any stronger, but I still don't see him as scum. His tone is different and the posts don't look like obligations.
Blarg is weird af to read, but he seems mostly town. He has made a gambit as scum, but it failed because he was honest and got counterclaimed. His scum play in general seems a lot fluffier. As town he will prod people a lot (in a Blarg way) and build up crazy cases against people. That to me looks like his play here. He doesn't have much of a reason (any?) to go so hard against Kark, but he does. His D1 play only gave him a boat load of attention, but I can see town Blarg doing that to look at reactions.
As scum Blarg can get away with playing "like Blarg" so I don't see why his odd play should be scum indicative.
Why is Terrabyte becoming the prime target again? Can't say much of anything has stood out negatively to me. People seem to be talking about previous games and post activity, and how that has changed this time. Is that it?
Then a whole seven minutes laterPrecisely. We'll still have little information to go on at the very end of the day phase, where we won't be able to really go back and analyze what the info from his suicide means for the game overall.
I'm not even for lynching Terrabyte in the first place.
Then his reads list today stuck out to me. Go look at it. Its one of the least committal lists Ive ever seen. I could see a Bronx/Ty/Flux scum team. If nin is scum though I dont see Flux being scum so for now null.Whoa there, I never said I don't believe you're scum, Terrabyte. And the deflect is making me reconsider my stance. You could very well be scum and I know from Persona D1 that even if I think someone's a bad lynch target that the majority is going for, they might in fact be scum and I almost screw it up at the last second.
I'm not defending you here. I'd prefer to lynch Faddy or Blarg but, I mean, I'm not necessarily against you getting lynched either, especially after looking back to earlier posts.
Im all aboard for the bronx train, i honestly cant think of a single post he has made this game that sat well with me, particularly the constant lashing out at the slightest criticism, which i know is hardly uncommon for bronx, but in conjunction with the lack of any actually helpful posting, well it just feels bad.
vite: Bronx-Man
are you able to elborate on your stance on natiko at all, iv kinda been getting the opposite feeling form him.
If Bronx and nin are scum it seems very unlikely that Stanley is too. Due to this Ive bumped him up to null until theres more info.nin, iv been trying to look past it, but jesus christ, your bullshit is getting so far from reality that its just plain silly now.
you clearly dont actually care if i contribute more, if you really wanted that you would be less insulting and you would at least pretend to actually talk to me. what you are doing now is just petty and obnoxious.
i dont buy for a second that this is about my activity, so what the fuck man? what are you trying to do?
and answer my god damn question.
So town has had a gimped doctor, a FA remover, a vigilante, a cop, a likely overrider, and a claimed commuter. While scum has had a FA cop, given the strong correlation between FA's and their roles can anybody give me a good reason as to why others haven't claimed their FA yet?
Because as town PRs keep popping up I continue to find it less likely that people are protecting town PRs.
I find it interesting how he points out that scum had an FA investigator which implies it is in scums best interests to find out FAs, then tries to scare monger everyone to reveal all FAs since scum know what our FAs are anyways, and generally is the one most interested in finding out everyones FAs.I'm more of talking about right now in this case. But I do get the point at least before regarding Royal. Remember though out of the people who haven't claimed their FA yet are either a) scum and they know what our FAs are anyways or b) town and we have some filthy liars with fake FAs that have already claimed and will likely go after the unclaimed. And it's only Stan, Kitty, and Natiko left iirc.
And I'd like to see them try anyways. Besides what town PR is missing, a roleblocker? A watcher? At this point if we have that then mafia would have to have some ridiculous roles. I'd be much more interested in potential lies. Scum would way more uncomfortable at this point.
Here OA is admitting to noticing the discrepancy in Bronxs claim and not bothering to point it out. If Bronx is scum who would be most likely to want to avoid pointing out any issues with him?Aye, noticed that earlier.
Then theres the whole matter of making a point to not vote. I cant speak to whether his claim about this being his usual playstyle is true or not, but its also in scums best interests to not leave a trail.I can vote, I just don't do it often in any mafia game I've played. In this game I was late the first day and didn't care for a symbolic vote on the second.
Well this just sealed the deal for me.
In my eyes your FA sounds more like a hindrance for scum.
It reads like he was hoping for Bronx to find a way out of it. Unfortunately for nin Bronxs mistakes were pointed out. Even after that though nin was more aggressive to Stanley than he was to Bronx, saying this:To be fair I would have or still will either vote for you, kingkitty or natiko.
I agree with that, and hope Bronx will defend himself ()As he defends his love for TFA
All 3 of you gave me strange vibes. Please don't throw the towel just yet since you have only 2 votes on you. If you keep up with good postings things may change.
Scum.Are you able to do more than one post per day phase ?
Sorry to sound bitter but its almost bed time for you.
I just want to know
I think Bronx is just lying about the lack of a PR and about his FA.
And why don't you want Natiko to claim? He's the only one left, and again what town PR could realistically be left? Heck, I'm already getting more skeptical of Sorian's commuter claim with the confirmed roles.
It can be a coincidence. Palmer was the neutral connected to Raindoc in SW and that was random too iirc.
Royal flipped as a doctor did he not? Yes, he had restrictions, but how many people on average get saved by a doctor anyways? The role still exists though and it is a PR aligned with town. And I believe a commuter is more useful than you claim. But do I think we should lynch you? Not yet at least, but as I said I'm skeptical of your claims.
What is this post supposed to be pointing out?
His push got stronger before yours did, to the point of tunneling which he's jokingly said himself. That said, I think his run at things is more sincere than yours. As I said, the fact we had a doctor wasn't a shocking revelation. You can safely go into any mafia game and assume there is a doctor.
I feel like I'm missing something here. I said I'm skeptical of your claims and you're making my words far bigger than they are. I made no strong run at you, haven't pushed anything except me having concerns (which never a bad thing in my estimation in a mafia game) and it would be extremely generous to call my responding to your asking for clarifications, tunneling. Also Ty's push has not exactly been strong either.
Welcome, to the third and final battle between Hope and Despair.
You are the Ultimate Cartographer. You are aligned with Despair (This is scum)
You're a big fan of maps, you love making them of any sort, whether it's of a town, a school dorm, or even a wedding plan. Sadly this game doesn't involve maps, but you can still use your navigational knowledge to bypass any forms of protection.
You have two strongman shots which can bypass any protective roles. To use this, PM me the command at night Maps are the greatest innovation in Gafia history <Player>. You may not use this in addition to your faction kill.
Additionally, you may perform your factions kill. PM me the command Kill <Player>. Only one kill command will be accepted.
You win when you equal or outnumber non-scum players
Looking at your wrist, you see a bracelet displaying a message. Your forbidden action is Directly killing the alignment cop.
Welcome, to the third and final battle between Hope and Despair.
You are a Reserve Course Student, and are aligned with the Future Foundation (This is town).
Youre not special, you have no unique talents and the only reason youre here is due to budget cuts. You do however have the power to vote, that is, if anyone thinks youre worth listening to.
You win when all threats to town have been eliminated
Looking at your wrist, you see a bracelet displaying a message. Your forbidden action is Claiming a forbidden action.. This includes directly hinting at or implying a forbidden action, if you are unsure as to whether something would be acceptable, PM a mod before posting.
lol Straight spooked at Kingkitty being locked town. Even more so than Star who should be even more confirmed but I can't find myself surprised when KK is better at solving (no offense Star).
Game is 6 town vs. 2 scum imo. So two fuck ups is the game. Star isn't scum. I don't think Natiko is scum. Below that I'd put Flux and Stanley who have nothing really going for them but haven't done anything I find weird or scummy. Which leaves me at my pool of 3 at the bottom. I did this dance yesterday. I think it's nin and one of the other two (ie, I don't think OA and Ty are teammates). I'm stuck at that choice though.
Glad to see you're here nin.
VOTE: nin1000
Care to explain your reasoning as it pertains to Bronx yesterday?
You disappoint me, Nin.
VOTE: Bronx-Man
lol Straight spooked at Kingkitty being locked town. Even more so than Star who should be even more confirmed but I can't find myself surprised when KK is better at solving (no offense Star).
Game is 6 town vs. 2 scum imo. So two fuck ups is the game. Star isn't scum. I don't think Natiko is scum. Below that I'd put Flux and Stanley who have nothing really going for them but haven't done anything I find weird or scummy. Which leaves me at my pool of 3 at the bottom. I did this dance yesterday. I think it's nin and one of the other two (ie, I don't think OA and Ty are teammates). I'm stuck at that choice though.
Why were you seemingly so interested in giving Bronx chances to try and come up with some BS, yet you jumped down Stanley's throat? I'm discounting Bronx's last post entirely as it's just mind games "would he, wouldn't he.." and doesn't actually get us anywhere.Reasoning for what ?
I voted for Bronx since his claim was bs . I had to wait for someone else to put a vote down on him since my FA hinders me to be the first on a misslynch. I was sure but not that sure to get me killed.
I withheld any more comments since I knew that scum would try to spin it to get me connected to Bronx.
It was also a good last post of Bronx just to say that he was disappointed in me. But damn was it a dumb and blunt move from scum.
It's always a viable tactic of scum to leave me alive, since my own words will get me killed.
so... anyone know what this was?
because if its what it looks like then... like what the hell right?
If I'm being completely honest Sorian, I am worried by you/Natiko/Ty being still alive. Because out of every game of mafia I've played there has always been an effort to remove high volume posters (especially ones that are well trusted by town) because of their efforts in "solving."
I mean why was Royal killed a couple days back? He was undoubtedly considered more worrying than Natiko ever was and talked a whole lot less and did way less "solving."
And I don't believe that it is because they're hoping that we'll lynch them for them since they hold a larger amount of sway than some of the less frequent posters along with the fact that they are still trusted..
Reasoning for what ?
I voted for Bronx since his claim was bs . I had to wait for someone else to put a vote down on him since my FA hinders me to be the first on a misslynch. I was sure but not that sure to get me killed.
I withheld any more comments since I knew that scum would try to spin it to get me connected to Bronx.
It was also a good last post of Bronx just to say that he was disappointed in me. But damn was it a dumb and blunt move from scum.
It's always a viable tactic of scum to leave me alive, since my own words will get me killed.