Unless I'm mistaken this day only has four hours left. I don't want to be lynched if the swell doesn't pass on by then.
No we have a day left.

Unless I'm mistaken this day only has four hours left. I don't want to be lynched if the swell doesn't pass on by then.
Unless I'm mistaken this day only has four hours left. I don't want to be lynched if the swell doesn't pass on by then.
While that's not the strongest defense in the world, I appreciate that it can also be the truth. I came to the same conclusion you did: it is what it is.Thank you, this is exactly what I was looking for, a well thought out post that highlights all the reasons why I look suspicious.
Now for my rebuttal.
I'm the unluckiest person in the world. Goshujinsama and rest were pure coincidences. I just so happened to be the wrong/right post at the wrong time. I will admit that many of my earlier posts were void of analysis and accusations. That was because I was observing and reading what I could. Unfortunately, day one is, from my admittedly limited experience(all of 2 games, 3 if you count this one) always like this. We have to squeeze info from nothing and hope it sticks.
I understand that this probably won't convince you, but it is what it is.
I'm currently voting SalvaPot; I think you missed it.
While I'm still reading carefully through the thread I've read enough arguments that I'm voting no punishment. It's too much of a risk for Hope. The Night Phase should be more telling.
VOTE: No Punishment
I hope by tonight I'm caught up so I can contribute more.
While I'm still reading carefully through the thread I've read enough arguments that I'm voting no punishment. It's too much of a risk for Hope. The Night Phase should be more telling.
VOTE: No Punishment
I hope by tonight I'm caught up so I can contribute more.
Welcome TL21xx.
Unvote: TL21xx
Good to see the substitution mechanism works smoothly. We should have all active participants now. I will return with further inputs once I caught up.
It was actually something kgtrep said a couple days ago in favor of it that made me side with no punishment. He disagreed with Makai that something should be done to save power roles, and instead that those with power roles should stay quiet. He further went on to say that people should be lynched partially so this would go down as the first GAF Mafia to get Despair and if a Hope is mistaken the person did not have a power role.What arguments exactly pushed you towards this decision?
It was actually something kgtrep said a couple days ago in favor of it that made me side with no punishment. He disagreed with Makai that something should be done to save power roles, and instead that those with power roles should stay quiet. He further went on to say that people should be lynched partially so this would go down as the first GAF Mafia to get Despair and if a Hope is mistaken the person did not have a power role.
I see a fault in this argument as from the beginning people who are not inactive have been targeted, despite mixed opinion on whether silence is an indicator of role. If power roles should be quiet and being quiet leads to be voted on, the strategy does not make sense.
It was actually something kgtrep said a couple days ago in favor of it that made me side with no punishment. He disagreed with Makai that something should be done to save power roles, and instead that those with power roles should stay quiet. He further went on to say that people should be lynched partially so this would go down as the first GAF Mafia to get Despair and if a Hope is mistaken the person did not have a power role.
I see a fault in this argument as from the beginning people who are not inactive have been targeted, despite mixed opinion on whether silence is an indicator of role. If power roles should be quiet and being quiet leads to be voted on, the strategy does not make sense.
Oh and being the first GAF Mafia to lynch a despair on the first day is a very weak argument to do it. The chances are too low.
1.- What exactly will we know tomorrow that we don't know today? How much more will we really know?
2- The last mafia games that started with a No Punishment, did they all end Day2 with a sure fire Despair punishment?
3- Was the lynched person someone who was completely unsuspected on day1? These are real questions that I don't know the answer to.
It was actually something kgtrep said a couple days ago in favor of it that made me side with no punishment. He disagreed with Makai that something should be done to save power roles, and instead that those with power roles should stay quiet. He further went on to say that people should be lynched partially so this would go down as the first GAF Mafia to get Despair and if a Hope is mistaken the person did not have a power role.
I see a fault in this argument as from the beginning people who are not inactive have been targeted, despite mixed opinion on whether silence is an indicator of role. If power roles should be quiet and being quiet leads to be voted on, the strategy does not make sense.
Okay, than I just misunderstood you. I was going by my note which said:(Edit)
(2) In other words, I was agreeing with Makai's stance that Hope with power roles should stay quiet about their roles for the time being (i.e. Day 1).
Disagrees with Makai nothing should be done to save power role, but those with role should stay quiet
Despair do not know who has power, Hope with power have as much chance of dying at night as day
Says should lynch because go down as first GAF mafia to get Despair, if Hope taken by mistake did not have a power role
The chance of lynching Hope if we do nothing is 0.The chance of lynching Despair if we do nothing is 0.
The chance of lynching Despair if we vote is small (my estimate is 1/6), but definitely bigger than 0.
The chance of of lynching Hope is > 1/6, your estimate. That's still bad reasoning. Maybe it was an off comment, but who cares if this is the first GAF mafia to kill a mafia on the first day? That's a rather minuscule accomplishment for the risk taken.
Maybe I'll will vote to lynch someone, but for the time being I'll hold my current vote.
Okay, than I just misunderstood you. I was going by my note which said:
The chance of lynching Hope if we do nothing is 0.
The chance of of lynching Hope is > 1/6, your estimate. That's still bad reasoning. Maybe it was an off comment, but who cares if this is the first GAF mafia to kill a mafia on the first day? That's a rather minuscule accomplishment for the risk taken.
Maybe I'll will vote to lynch someone, but for the time being I'll hold my current vote.
I agree with this. (Although no one seemed to answer when I asked the same question.) Tomorrow we'll just be reducing our odds by one person and given the number of playets, that's pretty neglible.How do these odds change tomorrow? Other than the obvious that one Hope (minimum) will be dead, thus slightly improving the odds that we punish a Despair. But the odds still won't be in our favor. We won't necessarily have a solid target of who to punish tomorrow simply from the loss of one Hope member.
If a Day1 lynch is blind, a Day2 lynch seems like Velma from Scooby Doo without her glasses.
How do these odds change tomorrow? Other than the obvious that one Hope (minimum) will be dead, thus slightly improving the odds that we punish a Despair. But the odds still won't be in our favor. We won't necessarily have a solid target of who to punish tomorrow simply from the loss of one Hope member.
If a Day1 lynch is blind, a Day2 lynch seems like Velma from Scooby Doo without her glasses.
Yep. I do exactly what francop did as mafia. You keep town in the blind. Kill quiet people early on, and they don't have any more information than they did earlier - yet another reason voting No Punishment is bad. Later on, you switch to noisy people - strips town of drive and leaders.
1- If Despair plays well not much. We can't relay in PR at this stage of the game as if someone gains some info they shouldn't be exposing themselves yet. We must engage in discussions so we can find discrepancies further in the game.
2- No. The SW game got a Hutt kill the first nigth but it was a lucky guess.
3- I'm only talking about AC game as it was the one I played and the answer is yes. I was mafia in that game and we tried to evict (instead of kill) someone who didn't said much. We wanted to gave the least information posible to town so we could get an easy second day. When the second day started town didn't have any info so it was similar to the first day and they tried to evict blindly.
Alright, I've been persuaded. I'm still very new to this game.How do these odds change tomorrow? Other than the obvious that one Hope (minimum) will be dead, thus slightly improving the odds that we punish a Despair. But the odds still won't be in our favor. We won't necessarily have a solid target of who to punish tomorrow simply from the loss of one Hope member.
If a Day1 lynch is blind, a Day2 lynch seems like Velma from Scooby Doo without her glasses.
Alright, I've been persuaded. I'm still very new to this game.
Unvote: No Punishment
Does that work or do I just vote for someone to overwrite it?
It's also possible that a Doctor could save the person from the mafia (believe in Hope!).
CornBurrito, Pau, let's worry about Day 2 when it comes. We do not even know yet who will die on Night 1 and what some of us may learn during this night. For now, finding the right person to lynch is utmost crucial.
You want me to guess who is Mafia based on my "gut." There is zero utility in killing people over what amounts to personality evaluations. You need at least partial information to form a conjecture. We know nothing about individual players on Day 1. But here's what I do know - Power roles will be king in this game. The special rules clearly point to that:Yep. I do exactly what francop did as mafia. You keep town in the blind. Kill quiet people early on, and they don't have any more information than they did earlier - yet another reason voting No Punishment is bad. Later on, you switch to noisy people - strips town of drive and leaders.
While its advised that students remain in their dorm rooms during the night, there will always be rule-breakers. To those rule-breakers, I would advise caution - where you are going is not as important as how you get there. I'll let you figure out what that means, though many of you will figure it out on the first night. upupupu
Alright, I've been persuaded. I'm still very new to this game.
Unvote: No Punishment
Does that work or do I just vote for someone to overwrite it?
You want me to guess who is Mafia based on my "gut." There is zero utility in killing people over what amounts to personality evaluations. You need at least partial information to form a conjecture. We know nothing about individual players on Day 1. But here's what I do know - Power roles will be king in this game. The special rules clearly point to that:
Launchpad bolded that, not me. My guess is Despair have to grab a murder weapon from one of the four main rooms before making a kill. Hope has power roles who can watch a room and see who went into it. If I were Despair, I would pressure people into revealing their roles and then prioritize killing power roles. Hope shouldn't jump the gun so soon. We will know a lot more on day 2 and Launchpad explicitly said so. Day 1 No Punishment.
You want me to guess who is Mafia based on my "gut." There is zero utility in killing people over what amounts to personality evaluations. You need at least partial information to form a conjecture. We know nothing about individual players on Day 1. But here's what I do know - Power roles will be king in this game. The special rules clearly point to that:
Launchpad bolded that, not me. My guess is Despair have to grab a murder weapon from one of the four main rooms before making a kill. Hope has power roles who can watch a room and see who went into it. If I were Despair, I would pressure people into revealing their roles and then prioritize killing power roles. Hope shouldn't jump the gun so soon. We will know a lot more on day 2 and Launchpad explicitly said so. Day 1 No Punishment.
My guess is Despair have to grab a murder weapon from one of the four main rooms before making a kill. Hope has power roles who can watch a room and see who went into it. If I were Despair, I would pressure people into revealing their roles and then prioritize killing power roles. Hope shouldn't jump the gun so soon. We will know a lot more on day 2 and Launchpad explicitly said so. Day 1 No Punishment.
We'll have information just off of who died. That's something to go off of. Of course, vote on Day 2. And sure, we have even more information if we have two dead people on Day 2, but I think the risk of killing a power role on Day 1 is not worth it.And what do you intend to do on day 2 if we have no new info? or day 3? Because basically what you are saying is that we should be voting No punishment until a PR (that we don't know nothing yet) gives us a Despair player. And that's insane.
LaunchpadMcQ, SalvaPot mentioned this earlier and I'd like to know your official answer. What happens if there is a tie, with both options having more than one vote? Does the day end in no punishment?
If there is a tie, there will be no punishment, as much as it saddens me.
I´ve been mostly quiet because I stand by my decision of a no-lynch for now, I honestly has always felt is the best course of action in every mafia game I have played (forum or chat based).
I find it far too stressful to start throwing accusations around, last time I was so into it that I was in a "thrust no one, suspect everyone" stand, and this clearly clouded my vision and led to my eviction when I was ordinary villager, also it didn´t help that most of the people I used to suspect turned out to be innocent.
So I realized taking a more calm stand is better for me to make my judgement.
My Vote is still a No lynch and that won´t change unless there is someone who I find is obviously despair or is needed to hammer a vote, in that case I´ll most likely choose swamped, who I find the most suspicious:
Again, her attitude at first was weird, since a good mafia player acts that way in two situations, most of the time: When they have nothing to lose (Their role is not essential, like an ordinary student), or they are mafia but want to divert attention from someone else, trying to lead the game to their convenience. If so, both plays are fairly standard and I´ll say they are fine ways to play, but the way she retracted this attitude once she was called out on it makes me think that she started fearing her strategy may have backfired so she tone it back, action that I feel is telling and means her, regardless of alignment, is important. And I think this is more telling of a scum player than a town player.
I honestly don´t see other players that have changed their playstyle as much as her, kingkitty is the one that is been thrown around a lot but I honestly feel it was just a silly strategy and I can respect that, for now.
Other than that, I really appreciate how everyone is questioning everyone and getting so much information out there, even if a lot A LOT sounds like paranoid safe fluff, but that is going to be vital later on to find contradictions. For now everyone seems to be playing it safe, except kingkitty who might be crazy.
Yep. I do exactly what francop did as mafia. You keep town in the blind. Kill quiet people early on, and they don't have any more information than they did earlier - yet another reason voting No Punishment is bad. Later on, you switch to noisy people - strips town of drive and leaders.
If there is a tie, there will be no punishment, as much as it saddens me.
No Despair would dare forcing a tie. That's definitely a tell.Everyone in support of voting, we need to narrow down our choices to two people, just for Day 1.
Since there are more people on Monokuma's current tally, the mafia can vote so that the day ends with a tie and no punishment, i.e. guaranteed safety for them.
I need all of you to list two people on your mind (without using the highlight tag). Say 6 hours before Day 1 officially ends, we will tally those votes and the two people with the most votes, we will choose to lynch from using the highlight tag.
To avoid confusion in tallying, please make sure to choose two people just one time (do not decide to change your answer later).
No Despair would dare forcing a tie. That's definitely a tell.