a dogwhistle is a message designed to be understood exclusively by certain people. You said something that makes me think you are Hope.
I still discourage everyone from disclosing their roles, but I believe I am in a unique position to reveal my role title. It would have been better to wait until Day 2, but I think it will be okay if I go early. I am the Super High-School Level Lucky Student! I was pretty stoked to get a power role, but then I started playing the video game and found out I'm the main character. CzarTim's nickname for me is Mak. Well...
MAKoto NAegI
I'm going to come back to this post, only because I have very little else and it just immediately rubbed me the wrong way. He's spent the entire day so far emphasizing that people should not come out as PRs, then does that very thing when he was barely on the line and there was plenty of time left for votes to change.
Honestly I feel like this post is a bit of a trap. Coming out as a PR automatically paints a giant target on you. Unless his PR gives him some sort of immunity to NKs or something, it's as anti-town as you get. I feel like it's also a trap for other reasons:
1. People who have PRs that might have been voting for him will see the title and think "hey, that sounds like mine!" or something. This is primarily if we have Hope and Despair versions of the same PR (e.g.: Hope and Despair switchers, for instance). Their backing off (which would likely be done with little or no explanation because other PRs would want to avoid outting themselves) might give Despair some idea who the Hope PRs are.
MAKoto N
I mean, I don't really believe in coincidences. I can't be the only one that see this as something sketchy?
I know Makai is pretty much in the clear for the day and voting is unlikely to switch heavily in the next 10 min, but I have to:
[hightlight]Vote: Makai
I don't get scum tells from Hagi or Rest, even if a couple of Rest's posts rubbed me the wrong way. I can't in good conscious vote for them just because they're the front runners. And if I'm wrong about Makai, if Despair murders him and he turns out to be Hope aligned, well, sucks to be me I guess.