Go back to your own game, I don't come and post in yours.
You awaken to the sound of school bells and the cursed bear bidding you good morning . Knowing what to expect from today, you shuffle around half-awake and trying to get dressed, expecting to be shuffled down the elevator shaft again. However, while you couldnt quite place it, something felt weird, disconcerting As you begin to exit your room, you hear it.
Monokuma appears on your television set, commanding your attention with an absurd exclamation. Bing bong bing bong. A body has been discovered! Following a brief period of investigation, we will commence our school trial!
Rushing out your door, you search for the group of gathering students in front of a dorm room. You slow down as you move closer. Entering the room, a hint of iron touches your nostrils. As you move deeper in, you realize why.
franconp lay across his bed, throat slashed open, the sheets still moist from the blood. You felt your body crumble under its own weight, yet somehow you kept yourself from falling. How could your life have turn into this?
The students made their way back to the courtroom for the days deliberations.
franconp said:Welcome to Despair Academy!
You are an Ordinary Student!
You are aligned with Hope. You win when only Hope-aligned players remain.
You do not remember your classmates, but clues lead you to believe that you perhaps knew them in another life.
Oh, youre just ordinary. You might have a super high-school level ability, but its probably something useless and not worth mentioning anyway, like fishing. Your only power is the ability to vote. Kinda lame, I know. But hey, you can do a lot with that power! But so can everyone else in the game sorry. Just, uh, do your best.
Feel free to PM me any questions about your role.
Before any deliberations can begin, however, kgtrep slams his hands down on the podium, grabbing everyones attention. He violently points at Crab.
I know youre Despair, Crab. Lets hear you admit it!, he yelled.
kgtrep has challenged Crab to a Bullet Time Battle. For this Day Phase, players can only vote for kgtrep or Crab. No Punishment is not an option.
Jesus christ Hagi has 8 votes what in the fuck how did that happen
Launch, can you shift the start forward by like 2 hours? That's 1 AM where I live.![]()
kgtrep, you might want slowly roll out your posts rather than this big information dump but it's up to you I guess.
My bad, Kalor. I will post two other tomorrow then.
I want them now!My bad, Kalor. I will post two other tomorrow then.
I assume you're just jealous
This is more to potentially stroke my own ego, but did any of my post influence your suspicion of Crab? http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost...&postcount=944
Anyway I thank you for doing this. I wanted to vote Crab out Day1, but I wasn't able to sway the popular vote to my cause. You doing this will force the issue. If I am wrong about Crab, well that gives us plenty to think on. I can envision three situations:
1. Crab is Hope, kgtrep is Hope:
BAD END. I think this is unlikely though.
2. Crab is Hope. kgtrep is Despair.
We need to think hard about WHY kgtrep would use his power on Crab. Was Crab on the right track with some of his predictions? Or perhaps this is the only time in the game to even use the power, when the suspicion on kgtrep is low and some people are suspicious of Crab.
3. Crab is Despair. kgtrep is Hope.
I will say I TOLD YOU SO, from all my posts on D1 where I realized there was something fishy about Crab.
4. Crab is Despair, kgtrep is also Despair and this is all a clever ruse so we all blindly trust the victor of this duel.
I really fucking doubt this. It would just be a troll strategy.
With that said,
Vote: Crab
Actually I need to bring something up. NOW.
My initial thoughts on Makai
When I (apparently correctly) surmised Makai was a Hope PR I was talked out of thinking so by Crab.
Who has been acting as Hope Leader.
But in
Crab claims he actually shared my suspicions after a point.
Weird. Crab, you shared my suspicions but then did everything in your power to push Makai into a corner?
Hell you shared my suspicion that Makai was a Hope PR and yet STILL fucking voted for him?
And then after your vote Sawneeks joins in:
And then francop:
Now this doesn't say too much about Sawneeks or francop since to be honest most of us see you as the Hope leader. Me seeing you as leader is what led me to also switch my vote to Makai.
But gee, this does seem like the perfect chance for Despair to lead the bandwagon against a Hope PR.
Everyone, I'd be extremely suspect of Crab, Sawneeks, and francop. I don't know if I will survive the night. But PLEASE for the love of god keep my post in mind.
My bad, Kalor. I will post two other tomorrow then.
My actions leading up to the vote were a mess. I made a critical mistake in thinking I could catch Crab by voting for Rest. Mostly because I thought he had read Rest as a scumread. If Rest was Hope, it would demonstrate that Crab's reads are unreliable and that he may be scum himself. If Rest was scum, I'd have my faith in Crab restored.
I am irritated at what happened CornBurrito. You waffled and people threw votes on Hagi because no one defended him at all, and the accusations against him were based on a random post early in the thread that was conjecture. I can't tell you what to do, but I would appreciate it if you had some conviction next time you go on the offensive.
I do have a question though: why was it me or Crab? Why couldn't you just spear Crab and see what happened then? There's no malice in that, by the way, I'm curious.
For now, my suspicions of Crab were never quelched, and the points CornBurrito brought up added to my feelings.
VOTE: Crab
(2) contributed little to finding Despair by targeting only Makai and SalvaPot from August 2nd to 4th (plots #2, 3),
inb4 clumsiest "secret" role power usage ever
In regards to your point about moving the time, I was going to ask the same but Crab posted to move the time back first. There could be an ulterior motive but it just reads to me as wanting to be able to participate at day start and end at a normal time.
kgtrep where you asking me about my opinion on you and Crab in there? My opinion of Crab is clear. I also believe you are Hope as I said yesterday - let me find the quote.
This is a crazy power, but does it only make sense for a hope student? That's how I am going to attack this.
If it was a despair power then essentially it would allow the despair to target someone they wanted gone by posting a theory.
On the other hand if despair has this power than hope has one too. However if kgtrep is hope, then this power might only be limited to hope students (which fits the universe better in my opinion, but that is severely my opinion on this power).
So if kgtrep is despair then someone else has this power that is hope. If kgtrep is hope then we probably only have hope players with this power.
This leads me to not want to vote kgtrep, I feel this ability is more likely to be hope (if only one person has this power.
This brings me to crab, personally I think crab isn't despair. As I posted in day 1, his coming out and acting as "leader" of the students is very risky. If it works it means that only a neutral or lone killed hope player would take him out. I feel that really the only person playing that COULD pull this off is crab, but I just don't think he is.
Therefore the safe vote is for crab, it's the one more likely to not be hope. I just don't want to because I don't think he is despair.
Thanks kgtrep... I'll actually vote later after more people post.
CornBurrito: I wanted to ask you what your opinion of Crab is now that we've had these 3 days to reflect. I guess you've answered, so now I'd like to know who else you are suspicious of?
Reviewing Day1 we saw goshujinsama and Makai out themselves as PR roles. goshujin I believe is either Neutral or Hope. People have implied that Despair can PM each other or have some alternate means of communicating besides this thread. Had he been confused about his power, he could have just asked through there if he was Despair. Unless they used his new player status to their advantage, but lets not get all conspiracy theory right now.
Here is the post where I defend kgtrep. I've thought this since very shortly after I voted for him back in my first post of the game. Since then I've thought a lot of his actions weren't very helpful (such as his card game - whole load of fluff in my opinion) but I've always put this down to well-intentioned bad town play (this is also why I didn't engage you much kg - I wanted to focus on players I was still unsure about).I noticed lol, and with such a weak defense. It obviously hurts Crab in my eyes but I don't think Terrabyte has been a accused by that many people(?)
Regarding kgtrep: His very first vote (for me, not that it matters) was based on him watching people's forum activity to see who was watching but not posting. While I strongly disapprove of this sort of play (outside the spirit of the game) it seems way more likely to be a townie desperate for information than a mafia doing it for lols. I can't see him being anything other than town. (I know I posted earlier against making absolute statements of strategy. If I am wrong, well played I guess.)
I'm curious why you'd pick him anyway. It doesn't fit your usual reason of least active/informative. Surely there are others who weren't involved in bandwagons? Pau? Kalor?
Fitting soundtrack:
I'll post opinions when I've read everything.
One thing that hasn't been discussed much (barely mentioned) is that franconp was killed and none of the supposed PRs. He makes a lot of sense as a switch (quiet), but did the switcher hit jackpot?
One thing that you don't mention is that maybe they killed franconp as their death wouldn't give much information. If we didn't have kgtreps role today then we would have little information except continuing discussions from d1.
Or maybe Despair killed Franconp as they suspected someone and the Despair kgtrep used their role to try to distract us from discussing it. I doubt this but who knows.
I literally mentioned this in the post right above you.
That is a possibility. But what information would Makai or goshujin's death given us that Franconp's death didn't?