If traube would let me borrow his lucky dice, I could break this game wide open in like five minutes.
Pls CzarTim, I have PTSD from that
If traube would let me borrow his lucky dice, I could break this game wide open in like five minutes.
I JUST realized those dice probably came from the occult so I retract my desire to worship Satan.Pls CzarTim, I have PTSD from that
3. Voting is extremely powerful, so don't let that power go to waste. That said, let me use that power right now:
VOTE: AbsolutBro
;_; we were partners Swamped...let's 100% turbo AB as punishment for the last game. don't even let him speak just vote!
And the most suicidal Rebel power roles ever.the SW game had blarg.
I agree, Crab. We need more information about each other.
I dug through the warehouse to find these cards. (Not really, but let's go along with it.)
Everyone, pick a number between 1 and 9.
Each number is assigned to a card. You answer yes or no to the question, simple.
If your number is, answer the left card.2, 8, or 9
If your number is, answer the middle card.3, 4, or 5
If your number is, answer the right card.1, 6, or 7
Of course you are free to lie or ignore these cards altogether. My answer to one of the cards is no.
he speaks! AB the problem with being a really good scum player is it's harder to trust you in future games. Not saying we really should or should not lynch you today, but I'll kind of have to take what you say with an extra dose of skepticism. Even more so than everyone else.
we'll always be bros though <3
<3he speaks! AB the problem with being a really good scum player is it's harder to trust you in future games. Not saying we really should or should not lynch you today, but I'll kind of have to take what you say with an extra dose of skepticism. Even more so than everyone else.
we'll always be bros though <3
i think probability wise, it's unlikely for absolutebro to be mafia twice in a row. not that we should totally disregard the possibility.
but for the time being, i'm not down with the "skin absolutebro" train.
This is tricky, because dice do not have memory. So if the roles were randomly determined his status as Scum last game has no bearing on his chances of being Scum this game.
On the other hand, a human gave out the roles and I doubt it was a completely random process.
I mean meta shouldn't be the only reason to vote someone and I'll be judging people based on their actions this game above all. However meta can play into this game. From personal experience I know AB is capable of playing a very town-esk scum game and because I fell for it harder than anyone last game I'll keep that in mind this time. Similarly I'll be adjusting my scumdar on zipp because I was super convinced he was mafia last game when he wasn't (sorry again zippI don't think that previous games should influence your opinions in this games. It should be important that someone killed (or evicted) you before. And Kalor, Salvapot and kingkitty think the same as me, right?
Tell you what, if we find a set of hidden Despair masons, I'll be first in line for the firing squad.
On the other hand, a human gave out the roles and I doubt it was a completely random process.
Uh, okay, I didn't think we were starting until Monday when people got back from Gencon. But whatever, let's get this party star-
;_; we were partners Swamped...
;_; and Czar. We were bros. If raindoc hadn't murderfaced you the same night he tried to kill me, we could have run off into the sunset like the end of some noir detective movie.
Jokes aside, and as I don't want to die, my defense is fairly simple: even when I was on the dark side of the game, my posts were nearly 100% truthful. I'd explain what I was doing and why, and I'll keep doing that here. That's something that is very difficult to keep going when you also have to coordinate with other players; reading Hutt chat after last game showed me that. I can only give you my assurances that I'm team Hope this game, and that my sleuthing skills will be used for good this time.
And the most suicidal Rebel power roles ever.
Haha, I'm not Blarg. Sorry for the crappy design.
What warehouse? Ain't no warehouse in this school.
Hell, there ain't even an exit.
Hey, my vote for you wasn't personal! Blame the RNG God lol. Anyway, I didn't vote for you to Punish you, but just to get the ball rolling and see how you would respond. There's something about your post that strikes me as Hope aligned so for now, I'm going to shift my vote to someone else whom I would like to hear more from.
VOTE: Sawneeks
The thing about meta you have to worry about with mafia is not when you consciously use it, but when it subconsciously influences you. It's so easy to assume stuff based on previous behavior even though it's not indicative of their true nature. I mean, we're still making karkador serialkiller jokes even though that was only once.I mean meta shouldn't be the only reason to vote someone and I'll be judging people based on their actions this game above all. However meta can play into this game. From personal experience I know AB is capable of playing a very town-esk scum game and because I fell for it harder than anyone last game I'll keep that in mind this time. Similarly I'll be adjusting my scumdar on zipp because I was super convinced he was mafia last game when he wasn't (sorry again zipp). It's kind of hard not to at least consider that kind of stuff a little when it comes to social games like mafia. I agree with your sentiment though.
haha sounds like a deal
What warehouse? Ain't no warehouse in this school.
Hell, there ain't even an exit.
The thing about meta you have to worry about with mafia is not when you consciously use it, but when it subconsciously influences you. It's so easy to assume stuff based on previous behavior even though it's not indicative of their true nature. I mean, we're still making karkador serialkiller jokes even though that was only once.
Every game is a clean slate when it comes to who is mafia and who isn't. Playstyles are ways to suspect someone's true alignment, but never a confirmation.
I agree, Crab. We need more information about each other.
I dug through the warehouse to find these cards. (Not really, but let's go along with it.)
Everyone, pick a number between 1 and 9.
Each number is assigned to a card. You answer yes or no to the question, simple.
If your number is, answer the left card.2, 8, or 9
If your number is, answer the middle card.3, 4, or 5
If your number is, answer the right card.1, 6, or 7
Of course you are free to lie or ignore these cards altogether. My answer to one of the cards is no.
I'm about to start the Vita version of Happy Havoc with Mean Logic and Mean Action difficulties. Is this a bad plan?
I'm about to start the Vita version of Happy Havoc with Mean Logic and Mean Action difficulties. Is this a bad plan?
What exactly about his post sounded Hope aligned to you?
Ah. I mistakenly thought that you said the northwest part of the building was warehouse, but I see now that you said workshop.
Okay, I finished moving to my new apartment. I got super lucky renting from this place sight-unseen. I thought it was unfurnished when I applied, but it's actually ridiculously well-furnished. Huge mattresses, two couches, a bunch of chairs. There's four lamps in my bedroom (wtf?!). A bunch of dishes and kitchen stuff. Books?! There's even a coin jar...with coins in it! No wifi yet, but tethering from my phone's data plan is working so far. Just caught up with the thread, too. Yay, a map! Star Wars ended up being the best game last season, but I was jealous of the cool Animal Crossing map and ridiculous speculation about it. Our map looks even more interesting - can anybody leave their rooms, or only people with special roles?
I'm about to start the Vita version of Happy Havoc with Mean Logic and Mean Action difficulties. Is this a bad plan?
I'm about to start the Vita version of Happy Havoc with Mean Logic and Mean Action difficulties. Is this a bad plan?
I'm about to start the Vita version of Happy Havoc with Mean Logic and Mean Action difficulties. Is this a bad plan?
Hey, my vote for you wasn't personal! Blame the RNG God lol. Anyway, I didn't vote for you to Punish you, but just to get the ball rolling and see how you would respond. There's something about your post that strikes me as Hope aligned so for now, I'm going to shift my vote to someone else whom I would like to hear more from.
VOTE: Sawneeks
I agree that what happened in previous games shouldn't let us influence our thoughts.
I see that swamped has changed her vote. I was suspicious of Sawneeks before, so I'm going to also change my vote (for now, *Splinter...) to see if Sawneeks will tell us more about herself.
Fineeeee.Makai pls, Crabbypants is going to get mad.
I am definitely not in favor of a random Day 1 punishment. The mathematical argument assumes everybody is generic town. The risk of lynching or even exposing our power roles is too great for this foolishness. Star Wars Mafia is proof of why it's a bad move. On Day 1, we lynched a ridiculously good power role. Every power role revealed themselves early, so Mafia had no trouble selecting victims. If people are bandwagoning on you, do not disclose your role; do not hint at your role's abilities. If you reveal yourself as a power role to save yourself from Hope, expect to be killed by Despair that night. Defend yourself with that in mind.
VOTE: No Punishment
I'll change my vote if anything interesting comes up.
My answer to one of these is no.![]()
Everyone, pick a number between 1 and 9.
Each number is assigned to a card. You answer yes or no to the question, simple.
If your number is, answer the left card.2, 8, or 9
If your number is, answer the middle card.3, 4, or 5
If your number is, answer the right card.1, 6, or 7
Of course you are free to lie or ignore these cards altogether. My answer to one of the cards is no.
That's illogical, you should play this game on its own, not with old ones in mind.he speaks! AB the problem with being a really good scum player is it's harder to trust you in future games. Not saying we really should or should not lynch you today, but I'll kind of have to take what you say with an extra dose of skepticism. Even more so than everyone else.
we'll always be bros though <3
Like I said, the person I wanted to vote for had an annoying avatar that I didn't want to see. I was hoping that I could get a blind bandwagon going, and that people would vote for him out of hand if I lead the charge. I checked his username against the players though, and he was just a spectator making commentary.I'm going to reiterate what I said yesterday in that I was going to wait to see who posts and who does not just to get a good sense of where folks allegiances lie. That and I wanted to wait and hear from other members of the game who might be in different time zones/asleep before throwing a vote around. It puts pressure on people to respond but I also don't want to give it out unless I'm suspicious or have a definite reason to threaten someone. So far with no information to go off of it's mainly just been pointing fingers and getting responses from those that are quiet/suspicious, so to keep that going:
VOTE: Rest
You posted soon after the game started and simply went silent after asking how many votes would need to lynch a person. Instead of adding anything to the very early game discussion you made an off-hand comment, asked your question, and then promptly fell silent. Why the sudden silence? Why not vote or join in on the conversation? You seemed eager to vote for someone from the start.
Like I said, the person I wanted to vote for had an annoying avatar that I didn't want to see.
I am definitely not in favor of a random Day 1 punishment. The mathematical argument assumes everybody is generic town. The risk of lynching or even exposing our power roles is too great for this foolishness. Star Wars Mafia is proof of why it's a bad move. On Day 1, we lynched a ridiculously good power role. Every power role revealed themselves early, so Mafia had no trouble selecting victims. If people are bandwagoning on you, do not disclose your role; do not hint at your role's abilities. If you reveal yourself as a power role to save yourself from Hope, expect to be killed by Despair that night. Defend yourself with that in mind.
VOTE: No Punishment
I'll change my vote if anything interesting comes up.
A bunch of people got nervous and revealed themselves for no good reason. Setre revealed himself when he had like two votes on him. I'd rather we lynch power roles than have EVERY power role out in the open. That's what will happen if we encourage this hyper-aggressive playstyle. Easy pickings for Despair. If exmachine64 revealed himself, Hutts would have killed him that night. Instead, we killed Lord of Castamere, who was effectively an ordinary town since he used his ability that night. exmachine64 didn't even defend himself - just got mad and left.I felt like Star Wars Mafia Day 1 was a powerful example of why if things look really south you should reveal who you are. It might have saved exmachina, even if he would have possibly died soon after. Of course if you can successfully save yourself without showing your cards, it's best to go that route. But staying fully silent to die doesn't do the Hope side any favors.