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DAOC = The best looking three-year-old MMMORPG


Gold Member
I just spent about two hours in a huge RvR raid to go after a castle keep in DOAC and in the midst of all the chaos I kept being impressed at how great the game looks running the Atlantis client. And the game is THREE YEARS OLD. Damn.

Night time before the initial raid on the keep:

The albs got pissed and tried to storm the Mid portal keep. They got their asses handed to them:

Regrouping after breaching the keep wall:

Then the engine is getting ANOTHER upgrade in December w/ Catacombs complete with new character models.


Gold Member
Bog said:
Add another MMO to the Manabyte list.

I've had DAOC since launch, and it's the only one I actively pay for once I finished with FFXI. I still login to the betas for WoW, EQ2, Jump to Lightspeed, and Matrix Online from time to time
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