Any time now...
Hmm. Maybe if I hold my breath he will come back sooner...
Any time now...
It posts non-stop 4Minute related conspiracies, complete with graphs, and has been doing this in the K-Pop thread with enormous consistency for a long time.You guys.. look at OP's post history. Every single post references articles. Pretty sure it's a bot. Even posts in gaming. Their earlier post history actually sounded normal but now it's just pictures, graphs, articles, etc.
It posts non-stop 4Minute related conspiracies, complete with graphs, and has been doing this in the K-Pop thread with enormous consistency for a long time.
You guys.. look at OP's post history. Every single post references articles. Pretty sure it's a bot. Even posts in gaming. Their earlier post history actually sounded normal but now it's just pictures, graphs, articles, etc.
Maybe there's an NX reveal hidden in that OPI could read and understand CBOAT. Well played OP.
4mintue was never same after Hyuna turned into a white woman
It posts non-stop 4Minute related conspiracies, complete with graphs, and has been doing this in the K-Pop thread with enormous consistency for a long time.
Ok, I think I'm putting it together a little bit. OP is an insane stalker fan of K-Pop singer Gayoon, who was a member of the group 4minute, which recently broke up.
OP thinks it's very important for us to know that Gayoon looks pretty without makeup and has not had plastic surgery.
I believe the "if you want to make money show this" vs "if you want to lose money show this" is showing us two different singers from the group, the first being the one the OP is obsessed with, and the second being the one the production company that created this K-Pop group chose to promote.
OP believes that the production company deliberately tanked the career of the singer he's obsessed with and tried to make her look ugly, because they were afraid that if they showed her true beauty the other singer's career would be damaged. As evidence of this, he shows some pics that show she looks vaguely similar to Miss Korea, who we can assume everyone agrees is pretty.
Also he has a few bits about some shitty things the production company has done which don't relate to this, but presumably he thinks help support his conspiracy theories about the singer he's obsessed with.
OP, am I close?
Ok, I think I'm putting it together a little bit.
Wouldn't peg you for a Kpop fan in a million years.
Pretty much it, but the "if you want to make money show this" vs "if you want to lose money show this" part is the same person - Gayoon. He's saying that they always "sabotaged" her in MVs in order to highlight Hyuna (who he claims in other threads is the CEO's favorite), and didn't show her as the "Miss Korea beauty" as he sees her when she appears individually on tv shows(and which would have made Cube more money).
Disgusted by all you guys "pretending" to be confused so you don't have to admit the truth. Bunch of Nissan Cube fans, here. Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three to get ready, and four to go.
Finally a robot with a noble cause that I, the reader, can invest inIt's weird cos normally bots are like "Wanna buy cheap shoes" but this one is like "I AM PROGRAMMED TO TELL YOU THE TRUUUUTH ABOUT KPOP IDOLS"
What are these side by side pictures supposed to be showing?
Parmenides is wrong then, because the majority are from the early years of the band, in which 4 out of the 5 girls looks weird, except for Mirror, Mirror which is slighty newer than the rest of the examples. Why would Cube only make Gayoon look bad and not all the other girls? Not saying fishy things aren't happening in the Kpop industry. Like I said in my previous post, Jiyoon has been looking great since the start of 4Minute. Imo all the girls looks great since Volume Up and that of course includes Gayoon. So she didn't look bad from the early years of 4Minute till they disbanded.
Also Parmenides probably forgot that Cube let Gayoon and Jiyoon form a subgroup, 2Yoon.
Real talk, most of OP's post history is just talking about sales and the business side of games which all looks pretty normal. This creepy kpop weirdness is recent. It started off relatively innocuous and then became... this. I seriously think their account got compromised by some spambot.
It's weird cos normally bots are like "Wanna buy cheap shoes" but this one is like "I AM PROGRAMMED TO TELL YOU THE TRUUUUTH ABOUT KPOP IDOLS"
I've dealt with that on other forums. The spambots look for keywords and have pre-prepared messages regarding that keyword.
Theoretically the bot would've picked up on the k-pop thread and used that to begin posting things, as well as other threads while it's at it. Then when you're least expecting it, it starts posting links. They're designed to look innocuous at first.
also please listen to Heize and Deans song titled And July
all kpop noobs please listen to You're The Best by Mamamoo
and i know yall are gonna ask so imma just tell you now - her name is Hwasa
OP is a modern day numbers station.
He's the Incheon Poacher.
You mean it's evolving?