I am really close to never again touching this game. I really really dislike it. Not because it's hard, but it is essentially broken game. I am not going to go into that now, but felt the need to throw it out there.
Anyways I am level 81, and I got stuck some month or more ago on those two arrow shooting pricks in that giant castle. So now I am trying to get back to the game and I am having hard times. Keep on asking my self why I played this for 40 hours.... I can't get passed them!
I heard about this dragon head glitch, so I go join dragon covenant, hoping that I can level up even more and then try to get passed those two freaks, but guess what the last patch disables the glitch, and even if you remove it (according to YT comments) it won't work, unless you start a new game. Lol like hell I will.
Any tips or tricks before I move on and forget this failed abortion of a game?