Trying to migrate my save to steam but the game crashes instantly as I load it. Ran it in compatibility mode, as administrator, verified game cache integrity. What else can I do?
Installed the latest dsfix?
Trying to migrate my save to steam but the game crashes instantly as I load it. Ran it in compatibility mode, as administrator, verified game cache integrity. What else can I do?
Installed the latest dsfix?
Trying to migrate my save to steam but the game crashes instantly as I load it. Ran it in compatibility mode, as administrator, verified game cache integrity. What else can I do?
Need a little help guys. I'm using DSFix and DSMousefix and it seems to be working okay but when I move the mouse the movement is really jerky. The FPS drops. And I forgot how to disable seeing the mouse cursor on the screen.
I unlocked the Framerate but locked it to 30FPS. If I lock it the FPS is even worse.
dat chest hair though
I think that's my first male character in this game.
I don't like spamming but I've asked 3 times now and no one seems to be acknowledging my question.
Mouse movement in Dark Souls is atrocious unfortunately, but given how DSFix was updated it'ss only a matter of time before DSmfix is fixed as well, which is what you want.
It makes mouse controls a viable option, but without DSMfix it's just not worth it imo. Unless you play with a controller, which is my preferred way of playing the game. Afaik, the mousefix isn't working properly since the new release, the jerky mouse movement is totally what I remember from trying kb/m controls back when the game originally released.
Dang. I really don't like playing with a controller but hasn't the author of DSMousefix abandoned?
I'd say play on controller or move on to a game with better m/kb controls. This game is atrocious on m/kb and really should only be played on a pad.
How anyone could not own a controller for their PC is mind blowing enough though.
I played it on mouse/keyboard last year and it was fine. And I have controller but I don't want to use one for DS. No need to be a snippy bitch about it.
There is a HUGE list of basically 300+ NPC's from Dark Souls, all as quick switch characters that have the stats, looks, and equipment of actual NPC's throughout the game. For example, there are multiple Solaires, meeting in burg, meeting in Anor Londo, meeting bugged, with different stats each. Using this, you can verify the stats of NPC's at different points of the game.
Have it render at the resolution your monitor is set at by adjusting the information in the DSfix.ini file
You can also have it rendering at a higher resolution if you'd like to super sample. It looks great. One thing to try is to super sample and just turn off the DSfix AA options altogether.
Dang. I really don't like playing with a controller but hasn't the author of DSMousefix abandoned?
Question guys. Every time I see a red summon sign and go up to it as if i am going to summon that person my games crashes to desktop. I have dsfix and im on steamworks. Any ideas?
If you try to summon a person whose Steam name is longer than the character creation name limit in Dark Souls, you crash.
Yeah, but what I was really asking is how to make sure the settings are atually working (besides the IQ improvement). When I start a game in GeDoSaTo it will tell me, but I'm not really sure in DSFix.
If you try to summon a person whose Steam name is longer than the character creation name limit in Dark Souls, you crash.
That's a pretty good troll actually.
I just spent like 7 hours working through a bunch of debug stuff with someone and learned so much.
Important info:
The debug version can connect with the Steam Beta version as well as other debug versions.
If someone is playing as a boss with the debug, the other person in game doesn't actually see them and doesn't take damage from their attacks. The only way for someone to maliciously attack someone with a boss currently is to teleport a boss in, make them invincible, and set their team ID. The current dream of "boss vs boss" PVP isn't possible unfortunately.
You can enable ragdoll on your co-op partners for hilarious results (it's only visible on your end - no effect to the companion)
You can do this to just about any character in the game.
If you use debug to take control of your co-op partners character, it has no effect on them UNLESS you backstab an opponent. then it will teleport them to the backstab.
There is a HUGE list of basically 300+ NPC's from Dark Souls, all as quick switch characters that have the stats, looks, and equipment of actual NPC's throughout the game. For example, there are multiple Solaires, meeting in burg, meeting in Anor Londo, meeting bugged, with different stats each. Using this, you can verify the stats of NPC's at different points of the game.
You can use the debug menu to force you and a friend into a reserved lobby where only you two will connect to one another. Me and the person I was co-oping with was able to test a bunch of vagrant item stuff with it, even though the menus are all in japanese ~-~
There is a toggle to disable gravity, which basically means you don't descend.
Oh man! This one was the craziest! Okay, so I was getting attacked by a black knight, and then I switched over to controlling them, and they actually had a target lock on on my character! Like the actual enemies you face have a lock on as well! I saw the little target lock on icon over myself when I was playing as the black knight enemy! It seriously felt so eerie switching over and seeing it from the point of view of an enemy, where I'm just another target the same way I treat all the enemies like another target.
When co-oping, you can use the no-gravity or teleport to get out of the fog walled boundaries and co-op through areas you're supposed to get separated at. But - if you load a new area, as in a level name transition pops up it'll boot the co-op partner.
There is an animation speed toggle where you can just make your self faster. Is useful for exploring around areas.
I had no kill and no damage enabled while I was falling from Dark Root garden and I succumbed to the abyss, which seems to mean that the abyss is somewhere beneath the garden area.
There were a lot of things with implied meaning that I wasn't able to actually come to a definite result on. More testing need be done!
Theres some really cool stuff in the debug menus.
I feel like you guys should make a dedicated thread for that debug stuff. Add Alo81's post in there as the OP, and add to that as you discover more stuff.
Dark Souls: Prepare to Debug Edition is thread worthy at this point.
Its not that funny when there is a small player base as it is lol. Is there a fix for that or a work around of some sort?
If you were to install this game now, does it still install GFWL to allow you to migrate? Or can it be installed fresh without any GFWL junk?
If you want to migrate, you need to install the public build once, it's a hybrid build that allows for migration.
If you don't want to migrate, you can opt in to the 2.0 branch, install and never see g4wl again.
What are these ghosts I see in the environment sometimes? Is that another player playing at the same time or a recording of a past player or something?
Come to think of it, I also have Demon's Souls lying around for PS3, which I have not really gotten into yet.
I'll make the thread. Give me some time.
Oh wow, that's a cool effect then. But what does it give me as a player? Just curious.
So wait, you actually CAN according to the debug menu set your "region"/lock region whatever-the-hell to play with friends only?
And FROM won't let you do that "because it goes against the spirit of the game"(whining fanbase)? WTF FROM? That's been something a lot of people have wanted for YEARS.