I dunno, there is no clear indication about those windmills are transporting the poison or some contraption moving poison pots via windmill, you can see those small windmills before but just moving around and you can see some poison pots but reacts via levers..
Yeah, I never followed all the inner workings (because I didn't expect it to make sense) - but watching Kay's playthrough you see she was trying to connect the dots and it just didn't work - sloppiness on From's part.
The biggest clue to me that you had to do something were the pouring statues outside the boss room, although I don't think you ever see them pouring, obviously they're there to show that the poison comes from somewhere, so surely it can be drained. The rest is just guesswork. In the end - A nice gimmick boss, poorly implimented.
Btw, what is the consensus in here about magic in DS2 - and the Souls series in general?
Personally, I find the DS2 system troubling because it weakens build importance. If you invest points/time into one type of magic, you might as well be good at all of them, which feels a bit lacklustre to me.
For example, it would be nice to have an exclusive Pyromancy build that was still viable. I.e. don't need to bother much with INT or FAI because I spent enough in Fire, and it compliments my choice of weapon/playstyle nicely. Instead, it seems to be a case of "pick a few good spells in each category (namely Sorcery and Hexes) and spam until opponent makes a mistake".
I often browse around seeing comments like it's too overpowered, or it doesn't compliment the melee nature of the games, etc. Magic users, what do you think?
(Comments about both PvE and PvP are welcome.)
PvP builds are completely negated by soul memory any way - you can make a build but your opponents can be wildly outside your DS1-style level range, so what's the point. Unless you're playing organised SL-build fight clubs, you might as well join the masses and level up to infinity.
Personally, I was never a fan of the way pyromancy was implimented in DS1 for the same reason - if you invested in a magic or faith build, you had to make sacrifices elsewhere, where as pyromancers didn't have to make any sacrifice stats-wise. In general, I like magic in the series, I always gravitate to INT builds, I had the most fun with them in DS1, and although I give them a go, I never stick too long with strength builds, the big smashy weapons don't really do it for me - give me a rapier or a shortsword any day