Throne Duo was a fun fight. One of the better ones in the game, best boss music for sure.
Probably something to remember then when summoning dries up.Still need 30 xD
lol its funny to me almost every boss music sounds to same.. the best songs in both games are the character selection music lolReally? I think it's awful. A lot of circling and waiting for your chance to get in 1 or 2 attacks before running away again, and the music has no build up. It's just kind of dull and goes on and on. I think best theme is between Old Not-Ornstein and Veldstadt.
lol its funny to me almost every boss music sounds to same.. the best songs in both games are the character selection music lol
after playing for soo long I have the music down to almost off... and its weird this game everytime I play it I have to play it without other music and have the ingame sound effects on... not sure how some people play "souls" games while listening to music... just takes me out of the universe completely. Its not at all like say D3 which I cant even play without music.
I'm NG++, short of 5 sunlight medals to get Soothing Sunlight. Places to get summoned easily?
I'm NG++, short of 5 sunlight medals to get Soothing Sunlight. Places to get summoned easily?
Double-post time!
On my way to the Platinum, I realized I never even tried power stancing, so since I'm overloaded with upgrade stones and almost all the weapons available in the game, I figured, why not try it.
Can someone give me some suggestions on fun and kick-ass power stancing setups? I value weapons that provide higher damage output over quickness, since I'm usually quite mobile.
Dual greatswords, kings ultra greatswords, archdrake maces, drakekeeper warpick, and malformed skull.Can someone give me some suggestions on fun and kick-ass power stancing setups? I value weapons that provide higher damage output over quickness, since I'm usually quite mobile.
Can someone give me some suggestions on fun and kick-ass power stancing setups? I value weapons that provide higher damage output over quickness, since I'm usually quite mobile.
Un infused flamberge's have S DEX scaling so that's going to give more damage. Dual mirrah greatswords or a majority of spears (especially Pate's) would work well.I have a similar question, but for Dex weapons. I've been going back and forth between power stancing katanas and two handing murakumo. I tried PSing bleed flamberges but I'm just not a big fan. Anyone have any other recommendations?
I have a similar question, but for Dex weapons. I've been going back and forth between power stancing katanas and two handing murakumo. I tried PSing bleed flamberges but I'm just not a big fan. Anyone have any other recommendations?
Really? I think it's awful. A lot of circling and waiting for your chance to get in 1 or 2 attacks before running away again, and the music has no build up. It's just kind of dull and goes on and on. I think best theme is between Old Not-Ornstein and Veldstadt.
That also works with several STR weapons in the straight sword and curved sword categories. If you are going to use a warped sword a spider silk or a drake keeper sword work well with it as the provide a bit of a range increase due to their size.Also you could try using 'Warped Sword' and check if you like its unique strong attack (especially when in power stance, with certain other DEX based weapons)
A pair of red iron twinblades or stone twinblades powerstanced. Ideally the red iron ones as that will give you the best results. The moveset for twinblades when powerstanced isn't that great though so bare that in mind.Thanks guys for the suggestions, will try them to see how it feels! If I flip around the question a bit and become a bit more specific, the weapons I mainly use now are Black Knight Halberd, Old Whip and Red Iron Twinblade, with the occasional blade, e.g. Berserker Blade. If I prefer those types of weapons, what could potentially suit me when it comes to power-stancing? Sorry if it's a bit too specific.
Un infused flamberge's have S DEX scaling so that's going to give more damage. Dual mirrah greatswords or a majority of spears (especially Pate's) would work well.
Using the same DEX weapons in two hands is not worth, instead try to keep one main weapon and one secondary weapon which works in power stance.
Also you could try using 'Warped Sword' and check if you like its unique strong attack (especially when in power stance, with certain other DEX based weapons)
I shower to Dark Souls music (okay, video game music in general). The Ancient Dragon is probably my favorite track from II.I still listen to the soundtrack in the car every once in a while.
If you have a pair of drangleic sword they will be superior to the mirrah swords in terms of damage so they will be better to use 270 C/A scaling for drangleic to 250 C/A for the Mirrah's. Mirrah's are just easier to obtain multiples of them since you can get a pair or use the identical old Mirrah greatswords instead.Thanks. I have tried warped sword and like it except for the range. I'll check into the mirrah greatsword.
Thorned greatsword is stronger of the pair at max 210/80 with C/C/C scaling to 200/80 with C/D/C scailng uninfused. Unlike the defender great sword it doesn't gain much in the scaling department once infused but is still stronger in terms of damage with 197/112 to 192/115.How does the Thorn Greatsword stack up to the Defender Greatsword for Str/Faith users? Faith scaling pales in comparison but is the special attack worth it?
Is there any way to get the item on one of the rising pillars outside the second bonfire of the first area? It's on a tight shelf, and even after 5 tries of jumping, rolling and dashing I couldn't get it.
Walked into Belfry Luna last night, dispatched two invaders simultaneously, challenged the Gargoyles and beat them without using a single Estus. I was quite pleased since that area usually gives me so much trouble.
You've done friend, you've gotten "gud". No longer will the term "git gud" apply to you ever again.
Walked into Belfry Luna last night, dispatched two invaders simultaneously, challenged the Gargoyles and beat them without using a single Estus. I was quite pleased since that area usually gives me so much trouble.
I finished the DLC today. I somewhat painted myself into a corner when i played Dark Souls 2 (before any DLC was released). I was surprised over the higher difficulty level when i started playing the DLC, then i later on remembered and saw that i'm at NG+++++. I like to try to beat the game (and DLC) solo, but being on NG+++++, i couldnt beat. I probably wouldnt have gone that many NG+ if i had kept the DLC in mind.Elana on soly, so i had to summon help. The summoning of Velstadt was too hard for me. After that i also summoned help on the dragon boss. Maybe i could have beaten it solo, but since i already had cooped Elana, it didnt matter that much.
I agree, though I'd go with theHonestly I thinkmight be the hardest boss in the game now on + ranked difficulties. It used to be Lost Sinner with those 2 pyro phantoms but now I think we have a new #1.Elana
Or the butterfly set just run around enough and they should kill themselves. Add yakety sax and it's fun for hours probably...I agree, though I'd go with theprobably. Though I guess they can sorta be cheesed with toxic mist...three assholes
Throne Duo was a fun fight. One of the better ones in the game, best boss music for sure.
Or the butterfly set just run around enough and they should kill themselves. Add yakety sax and it's fun for hours probably...
You should be able to with high enough health or that faster escape thingy that worked on mimics in the first one if it's still there.Kinda random but can you survive the hippo grab animation?
They can be poisoned? Woot.
You should be able to with high enough health or that faster escape thingy that worked on mimics in the first one if it's still there.
I didn't tell you that when we talked about it?
You should be able to with high enough health or that faster escape thingy that worked on mimics in the first one if it's still there.
I didn't tell you that when we talked about it?
I just spent a whole hour grinding alonne knights for blacksteel katana and it never dropped... Was wearing prisoners clothes, jester hat, and covetous gold serpent ring +1 too =/. Anyone have good drop grinding areas for this weapon? I was just going back and forth between the first bonfire in iron keep and the keep first 2 rooms.
I just spent a whole hour grinding alonne knights for blacksteel katana and it never dropped... Was wearing prisoners clothes, jester hat, and covetous gold serpent ring +1 too =/. Anyone have good drop grinding areas for this weapon? I was just going back and forth between the first bonfire in iron keep and the keep first 2 rooms.