Same, I never use helmets, but that's for aesthetic reasons. Wish there was a hidden helmets option.
I was using the Invisible Aurous Helm for a bit.
Same, I never use helmets, but that's for aesthetic reasons. Wish there was a hidden helmets option.
The best things I can thing of below that are the chaos boots, black boots, tights of judgement, and blood stained skirt. As for equip percentage it depends what I'm using really.Similar to the Llewellyn shoes ~3 or less.
Actually, while I'm saying that, do many people keep their weight low? I was thinking of trying to go light, but with the Flynn ring and carrying a few weapons, it is difficult to get much below 50 without going naked.
That katana is pretty rare, I dunno why the game nature is about grinding enemies that stop respawning.
I hate hearing this because every playthrough I'll usually get 2-3 without even trying, and frankly I have no interest in them. I got 2 within 5 minutes of each other on my current playthrough.
I'm pretty sure the Giant Souls just lower his physical defense. Therefore using Sorcery/Miracles wouldn't need Giant Souls. An easy way to beat him is hugging his left leg and strafing around with him, all his attacks will go over your head. Using Sunlight Spear, Dragon Chime, and with 50 FTH I was able to take him down in like a minute. If you have 99 in all stats, Third Dragon Ring, Life Ring +2 and the Blue Seal on you get around 3100 HP. If you use Resonant Flesh you can get to nearly 3800 HP.Well I used up all my giant Vendrick still doable?
Also I remember before people used to be able to get 3000+ HP
I'm at 50 VIG, life ring +2, third dragon ring and lvl 150 and am only at 2300 HP. Nerfs?
We don't get souls for winning Duels, right? Perfect, I don't have to worry about my soul memory.
Congrats.Sweet, after Demon Souls and Dark Souls, I now also have Platinum trophy for Dark Souls 2![]()
Dark Souls and Demon Souls are kinda hard, coz u need max reinforcement of all the different weapon infusement and acquiring all the miracles, magic is time consuming.
Dark Souls and Demon Souls are kinda hard, coz u need max reinforcement of all the different weapon infusement and acquiring all the miracles, magic is time consuming.
Lol, the same happened to me.Also till NG+ on one character because I messed up and released Navlaan even after like 50+ messages said turn back, don't you dare, etc.
Lol, the same happened to me.
He does, about 4-5 times. He isn't too challenging. Issue is we will loose the ability to acquire spells/miracles by doing his "assassination" Im on NG+?and was thinking about releasing him does he invade you no stop if you do???
Sorry about the potato photo, had no way that I could think of to get a direct image.
Sorry about the potato photo, had no way that I could think of to get a direct image.
My god, after about two weeks of trying I finally got the 0 deaths ring, so satisfying. Though doing this only served to show me how OP lightning spear really is for PvE, even after the nerf. My first character through used post nerf faith build and lightning spears killed all of the later bosses so much more quickly than melee. This character was a dex/pyro hybrid and I know dex isn't the best, but my spears would do easily 6-7x the damage of a melee swing.
Also interesting is how the entire challenge of a no death run to me was in the early parts of the game. Before I had enough souls to level up and customize my character, I had to be a lot more careful. As I said before, lost many attempts at pursuer (well, because I tried to parry but still). Once I got to Iron Keep, I was never even in danger of dying aside from one scare in the gutter where an enemy knocked me off a ladder (I had never seen those guys use the ladders) and left me with 10 HP.
Very fun challenge overall, now to get no bonfires on NG+ to have dual invisible weapons. Seems a lot easier since unlike no deaths, you can technically keep trying forever, nothing will remove your eligibility for no bonfire run.
You can skip pursuer if I recall. Plus, you could always summon two phantoms and have them be meatshields while you launch the ballistas. I haven't bothered with either, I know for a fact I will never get the no death one since I always decide to be ballsy and risk everything heh. That and I don't PvP If one reallllllly wants it with almost no effort, they can grind for the 1million souls and get through Shrine of Winter without really doing any bosses. With the no bonfire one, you're still allowed to light bonfires, just you can't rest at them and when you light them you spawn back at them, which doesn't break the challenge, only problem would be having to run back to level up.
There's none that I'm aware of for that fight at all.What phantoms can you summon for that fight? I played offline because I couldn't get effigies to work correctly to prevent invasions, and I didn't want to lose a run that way.
Yea, you can skip pursuer. I only ever did it because I wanted the antiquated key to skip Ruin Sentinels (before I started running it I thought it would be the harder fight) and I figured I couldn't possibly die again to Pursuer. What phantoms can you summon for that fight? I played offline because I couldn't get effigies to work correctly to prevent invasions, and I didn't want to lose a run that way.
And the funny thing is the bosses were almost never the issue, besides pursuer I was never close to death during a boss. It was always small mistakes during random fights with regular enemies that came close to killing me. Honestly not sure if grinding 1 million souls and skipping to Drangleic Castle would make the run that much easier, you'd be at the castle with no chunks to get your weapon upgraded.
Weapons can still be upgraded to maximum without the dull ember only not infused.There are no NPCs you can summon for him, to reduce invasions you burn the effigy at the bonfire, however, it limits all engagement with players co-op included, if I'm not mistaken. That's true, weapon upgrades are extremely important, so ignore that bit of terrible advice heh.
Weapons can still be upgraded to maximum without the dull ember only not infused.
Weapons can still be upgraded to maximum without the dull ember only not infused.
You aren't going to get anywhere without a branch of yore anyhow. There's more to farm for chunks than just coal tars easier to get too as well.Yeah I know. Just it would be harder to get chunks and shardsif you were to grind 1 million souls and go through Shrine of Winter. Plus you also lose out on on the sublime bone dust and estus shards.(which you can get from hand tentacle rapists in the gulch)
There's also the Mace that's quite lethal too.You can use the bastard sword/heide sword and practically takes you to the end with ease.
You aren't going to get anywhere without a branch of yore anyhow. There's more to farm for chunks than just coal tars easier to get too as well.
There's also the Mace that's quite lethal too.
There are no NPCs you can summon for him, to reduce invasions you burn the effigy at the bonfire, however, it limits all engagement with players co-op included, if I'm not mistaken. That's true, weapon upgrades are extremely important, so ignore that bit of terrible advice heh.
There's also the Mace that's quite lethal too.
I was going to say Pharros with item boosting discovery gear is one of the better places to farm considering that the Gyrm warriors are easy to kill. But the other place is the Belfry Luna and Sol if you kill trespassers which isn't too hard most of the time. Coal tar's only drop chunks or large shards so it luck of the draw really.If there is a better place to farm chunks before Drangleic Castle (aka not counting Dragon Aerie) besides coal tar please god let me know. Tseldora is garbage and Doors of Pharos Gyrm are garbage too. I farmed those three places up to bonfire level 4 fully through and coal tar was notably higher in chunks.
Is funny that ain't it? Can't even one hand their own starting weapon but as far as the starters go it's pretty excellent in the whole grand scheme of things.Thats kinda funny to be an early weapon considering it can destroy the bosses so fast and be the starter weapon for priests since they cant weild it properly but still is the starter weapon because you dont have enough spells to survive.
I was going to say Pharros with item boosting discovery gear is one of the better places to farm considering that the Gyrm warriors are easy to kill. But the other place is the Belfry Luna and Sol if you kill trespassers which isn't too hard most of the time. Coal tar's only drop chunks or large shards so it luck of the draw really.
Is funny that ain't it? Can't even one hand their own starting weapon but as far as the starters go it's pretty excellent in the whole grand scheme of things.
I was going to say Pharros with item boosting discovery gear is one of the better places to farm considering that the Gyrm warriors are easy to kill. But the other place is the Belfry Luna and Sol if you kill trespassers which isn't too hard most of the time. Coal tar's only drop chunks or large shards so it luck of the draw really.
Is funny that ain't it? Can't even one hand their own starting weapon but as far as the starters go it's pretty excellent in the whole grand scheme of things.
So I lost a line with Vendrik, How in the hellVendrik knows exactly about manus fragments,Manus himself the abyss and detailed stuff of 1000 years or more but in Dark Souls 1 no one have any idea of what happened to oolacile.
I regret killing Lucatiel of Mirrah this time. Made it till the Iron Keep with SM around 172K and I can't find any summons for the first boss.Smelter Demon
It gives a dark scaling boost so if you've got the stats it's worth it. Goes to D/D/S from D/D/A. Until you find something with dark resistance.Decided to play around with the Crypt Blacksword a bit and am starting to like it. Got it up to +5, but can't decide if I should infuse it with Dark or keep it vanilla. Buffing with resonant soul gives it a pretty good boost.
And then this shit happened:
How did you capture this? It shows loss,wins, soul memory? Wut?
Nice.Yeah, it's MetaCap. I got sick of being matched up with people above level 400 and facing nothing but terrible Havel monsters. It's done a pretty great job at keeping the playing field even since I started using it.
Yeah, it's MetaCap. I got sick of being matched up with people above level 400 and facing nothing but terrible Havel monsters. It's done a pretty great job at keeping the playing field even since I started using it.
The best things I can thing of below that are the chaos boots, black boots, tights of judgement, and blood stained skirt. As for equip percentage it depends what I'm using really.
It locks your soul memory based on your level. At SL150 your SM is locked at 3 million, which is fair (takes less than that to make a SL150 character), but what is unfair is that you are locked at that SM while "legitimate" players inch ever closer to fighting nothing but monsters every time they get souls.How does MetaCap work in the game? The explanation on the NEXUS site is a bit ambiguous or confusing for me.
The best things I can thing of below that are the chaos boots, black boots, tights of judgement, and blood stained skirt. As for equip percentage it depends what I'm using really.
Yeah, it's MetaCap. I got sick of being matched up with people above level 400 and facing nothing but terrible Havel monsters. It's done a pretty great job at keeping the playing field even since I started using it.
I'm afraid that due to the nature of soul memory itself that is not really true.Also Soul Memory allows me to co-op forever basically, so long as people want to co-op.
Fear the almighty tights of judgement lol.*giggle*
It works like the previous DLC with a portal from the old iron kings primal bonfire. Those without the dlc will be able to be summoned to a harder most likely optional area.Thought I'd ask; any info on Crown of The Old Iron King? According to the DS2 wiki it's releasing August 26th
It works like the previous DLC with a portal from the old iron kings primal bonfire. Those without the dlc will be able to be summoned to a harder most likely optional area.
Spoilers obviously.