If you summoned two people, and the other jumped down, you can spam magic from there in safety.
Character. Which is why I should have chosen something more ironic.
CANCER has invaded your game.
Invaded by CANCER!
something feels awfully off with this game. I could beat artorias w/o getting hit in DS1 but can't get theto the half of his health.pursuer
So I just decided to wander around a bit and ended up discovering and clearing all ofup to all the (boss) fog doors without dying. I guess I'm a bit over-leveled (30) for this area. I don't want to lose my souls or human form just yet, though, but I'll have to fight a boss eventually...Huntsman's Copse
I'm coming to grips with a lot of the nuance of the stat system, but I still don't understand what the letter grades on weapons mean. Can someone explain that please? Thanks.
Yea you can respec which is effectively changing your class. Class really only matters for starting gear and early stats.I rolled a Cleric in this sucker off the recommendation of someone earlier in the thread.
Hope I made the right decision.
I was leaning towards either that or the Knight,
I'll see how this guy does for me. You can respec in this game, right? Does that include changing your class?
25 april 2014
Published ENBSeries 0.253 beta for Dark Souls 2. Functionality is very limited, but it's based on Skyrim version, so external shaders may work. Do not report any bugs, i saw a lot already, but not sure if will do future updates, will see.
I rolled a Cleric in this sucker off the recommendation of someone earlier in the thread.
Hope I made the right decision.
I was leaning towards either that or the Knight,
I'll see how this guy does for me. You can respec in this game, right? Does that include changing your class?
How do I jump attack? I could really need this, struggeling((((
I rolled a Cleric in this sucker off the recommendation of someone earlier in the thread.
Hope I made the right decision.
I was leaning towards either that or the Knight,
I'll see how this guy does for me. You can respec in this game, right? Does that include changing your class?
I don't have enough fingers for all these rings!ring of life protection is your friend
Absolutely worth it. The massively improved load times (biggest one for me, by far), resolution and framerate make for a much better experience. If you use Durante's mod it is even better.Anyone that double dipped console/PC...
Worth it? Should I wait for a sale?
For reference, I had to take a break from PS3, and still haven't beaten it, though i'm about 40 hours in.
Wait, is this exclusive to the PC version?
Yep.Wait, is this exclusive to the PC version?
Aside from some faraway badly tiled simple looking textures, they look great and they're generally much sharper than DS.Is their a mod to increase texture resolution? The games texture look super blurry, I have everything set to max, doesn't look as clean and crystal clear like darksouls 1.
Worth nothing that you can't respec an attribute to lower than what your class started with.Is there a good guide out there for which NPCs to summon at a boss to continue their storylines? I don't want to burn an effigy checking every boss to see if an important NPC is available for summons.
Yea you can respec which is effectively changing your class. Class really only matters for starting gear and early stats.
Anyone that double dipped console/PC...
Worth it? Should I wait for a sale?
For reference, I had to take a break from PS3, and still haven't beaten it, though i'm about 40 hours in.
Judgely solely by the number of active players playing on Steam right now, I'd say DS2 has sold quite well. There are currently 68k+ people in game. I usually keep tabs on those numbers for other right when they come out, and its pretty rare to even see something break 50k.
something feels awfully off with this game. I could beat artorias w/o getting hit in DS1 but can't get theto the half of his health.pursuer
2nd bossdown! I took out the first two bosses in one try! Very proud of myself though I am rusty.Dragonrider
Both were fairly easy though, just came down to patience and knowing when to take your shot.
Yes, it's very interesting to see the reception this game has gotten.
We might hit 75-100k during American peak hours tonight, that would be an achievement!
There is absolutely zero reason not to level up early often and endlessly. You're only gimping yourself by not. This isn't d s 1.Does anyone else find themselves overflowing with souls?
I've just finishedand I have 70000. I don't want to level up too quickly (I'm already level 43), and I can't find anything good to spend them on.The Lost Bastille
Does anyone else find themselves overflowing with souls?
I've just finishedand I have 70000. I don't want to level up too quickly (I'm already level 43), and I can't find anything good to spend them on.The Lost Bastille
Anyone that double dipped console/PC...
Worth it? Should I wait for a sale?
For reference, I had to take a break from PS3, and still haven't beaten it, though i'm about 40 hours in.
OH yeah I should've asked in the previous post:
How precisely do you respec in this game?
Is it something you can do all the time or is it more strictly limited?
I'm curious how the process works.
Here's a question I don't mind getting a spoilerish answer too: I'm looking to trade my dumb priest robes for some kind of thief/assassin/ninja-y armor with high maneuverability ASAP. Where and how should I be looking in the early game for it?
Like night and day. Will only touch the PS3 version if I'm playing with a friend who doesn't have a gaming PC.
Higher res textures really make certain areas look far better. Constant 60fps is an incredible contrast from the 20-30fps average of the PS3 version. It's not annoying to have to warp back to Majula because the game loads in 2 seconds.
OH yeah I should've asked in the previous post:
How precisely do you respec in this game?
Is it something you can do all the time or is it more strictly limited?
I'm curious how the process works.
Soul Vessel. Item does not appear very often.
I would say roughly five times per playthrough, not counting ascetics.
To actually respec, think about who already helped you become your character.
I've always felt like leveling up too much makes the Souls games a bit too easy. Granted, I'm already level 30 in DSII a few hours in (which is 5 levels higher than I ever went in DSI), so I'm sure it will be different for me this time, but I'm still wary of significantly reducing the difficulty through brute force.There is absolutely zero reason not to level up early often and endlessly. You're only gimping yourself by not. This isn't d s 1.
I've always felt like leveling up too much makes the Souls games a bit too easy. Granted, I'm already level 30 in DSII a few hours in (which is 5 levels higher than I ever went in DSI), so I'm sure it will be different for me this time, but I'm still wary of significantly reducing the difficulty through brute force.
Then enjoy being weak when pvp happens. Bc pvp is all soul memory based so really the best pvpers will always be the ones who spend the most souls on leveling in ds2. Buying all the equipment and shit will set you back vs your peers every time you do it tbqh.I've always felt like leveling up too much makes the Souls games a bit too easy. Granted, I'm already level 30 in DSII a few hours in (which is 5 levels higher than I ever went in DSI), so I'm sure it will be different for me this time, but I'm still wary of significantly reducing the difficulty through brute force.
20 ADP is crazy talk.
I just raise it to 13 or something around that and never invest more in it.