I hope I don't run out of human effigies.
Before I found the Ring of Binding I was super worried about running out, but since then I've barely used them. I just stay at 75% health, it's generally enough and dying is less stressful. Haven't felt like using the ring of life protection either for whatever reason.
Your AGL is really low and that's why it feels like that.- Really don't like how "floaty" the movement and rolling is compared to the last game.
I doubt they're talking about reviving and maxing out their HP bar... but I don't want to spoil anything for you.
If you're careful you should never have to worry about paying for repairs. Your weapons are automatically repaired at bonfires if they aren't broken. Pick a secondary or even tertiary weapon.I admit I leaned on the ring(s) of life protection during my first playthrough on consoles to see what it would really be like. On my PC playthrough I'm changing that.
1. Repair cost adds up. 3000 and 6000 souls a pop starts to get awkward when you realize you could be putting into character levels or buying far more valuable crafting materials.
2. Once you get a nice collection of rings, wasting a slot on something that only matters if you screw up becomes a nagging concern.
So for my PC run I am going with the strategy of only using the protection rings for a soul recovery run after death, as insurance.
Your AGL is really low and that's why it feels like that.
As for the design, I pretty much disagree. I think that this is by far From's best game from a technical perspective. The mechanics in this game are definitely front and center, even if the environment design is even more nonsensical than in the first Dark Souls.
They also fixed a lot of obnoxious stuff about the upgrading system and made a lot of that stuff much more straightforward.
I admit I leaned on the ring(s) of life protection during my first playthrough on consoles to see what it would really be like. On my PC playthrough I'm changing that.
1. Repair cost adds up. 3000 and 6000 souls a pop starts to get awkward when you realize you could be putting into character levels or buying far more valuable crafting materials.
2. Once you get a nice collection of rings, wasting a slot on something that only matters if you screw up becomes a nagging concern.
So for my PC run I am going with the strategy of only using the protection rings for a soul recovery run after death, as insurance.
I've never used that ring as there are more useful items to use slots on, as you noted, and it's particularly pointless to use it now when getting to human form is so consistent and easy through co-op.
Wow well done! You had to have killed her pretty fast to manage that.I don't know whether to feel pro or idiotic to of fought and killedI heard about ds2 having more puzzle bosses and I haven't solved even one puzzle for a boss and I just collected my 4th primal soul.mythra without draining her room.
I hope I don't run out of human effigies.
1. Repair cost adds up. 3000 and 6000 souls a pop starts to get awkward when you realize you could be putting into character levels or buying far more valuable crafting materials.
Yeah, the roll feels very different and so does moving around because both weight and rolling are now affected by equipment and AGL. The weight system also occurs along a spectrum rather than the hard limits on rolling that existed in Dark Souls 1. The only big changes occur past 70% weight and 100% weight in this game, and even they are similarly fluid (71% feels different from 80%, etc.). Again, for min-maxers and people who like crafting characters, Dark Souls 2 offers a lot more than the original did. Both visually and systemically.Doubt that is the problem. Go back and try DS1 for 5 mins. Every step you take, is like "CLUNK CLUNK CLUNK" and feels weighted. IDK how to explain it properly, but in this game I feel like I'm walking 4 inches over the environment. Noticed it the second I started walking around.
I've been playing through using www.nexusmods.com/darksouls2/mods/7. Basically, reveal footage look/lighting.
I hitlast night, and started running out of torch time. You run out pretty quick if you actually need to use the thing on a regular basis to move ahead. Very few enemies drop torches, and no NPCs sell them. Just an FYI for people who want to play through with reveal footage lighting.No Man's Warf
Drop a sign and help a bro out. Takes almost no time depending on where you're at.
I don't even know why repairing is an option in the game. Repair powder : yes. Repair through a merchant : why?
I admit I leaned on the ring(s) of life protection during my first playthrough on consoles to see what it would really be like. On my PC playthrough I'm changing that.
1. Repair cost adds up. 3000 and 6000 souls a pop starts to get awkward when you realize you could be putting into character levels or buying far more valuable crafting materials.
It's pretty easy to avoid breaking your weapons. There is a red bar underneath the weapon logo on your hud. If it's getting low switch weapons till you reach the next bonfire. You should always have a backup weapon.
It's pretty easy to avoid breaking your weapons. There is a red bar underneath the weapon logo on your hud. If it's getting low switch weapons till you reach the next bonfire. You should always have a backup weapon.
Mother FUCK the Sea Bow. It won't drop for me. Going to have to ascetic No Man's Wharf. Am I right in thinking that there's only 4 Vangarian Archers (including 2 on the ship)?
He's talking about repairing the life protection ring if you die.
Just wait until NG+Just beat the Flexile Sentry in one try. Damn that was a pushover. That pillar in the middle of the room really made it easy to avoid attacks. I only had to deal with the fast half a time or two, I figured they'd have switched around more.
I feel your pain since I have the same issue. The bonfire is already at +4 and the damn thing won't drop
Hopefully a kind soul here agreed to trade his.
so whats the trick / gimick with the? I only tried once and got 1 shot and dont even know what I could have done, I would like to know what is going on before I try againChariot boss
Spend your souls early and often. No sense in hoarding them, except if there's something really specific you're aiming for.
Also, bank your souls items and use them as a boost if you're just missing a little bit for a specific purchase.
oh I didn't know that. Interesting.
I don't know whether to feel pro or idiotic to of fought and killedI heard about ds2 having more puzzle bosses and I haven't solved even one puzzle for a boss and I just collected my 4th primal soul.mythra without draining her room.
What do you mean by this? What a souls item?
That's the way I did it my first time, and it was really damn fun. I almost wish that was the way you had to fight her, as it made the boss unique. Fighting her with the poison drained makes her feel like a normal boss.
Pretty much this game's version of fighting Gaping Dragon with the channeler still alive or Iron Golem with the firebomb throwing giant still there.. but harder. A TON of people I helped didn't drain the poison first. I'm gonna guess it's because it's obscure to do, not because they wanted the challenge though![]()
Lost Bastille
I discovered that throwing knives are amazing against the guys who leap at you and explode. Regular ass throwing knives 1-shot them.
Your AGL is really low and that's why it feels like that.
Also damage is scaled down; enemy health isn't scaled up when playing co-op.
As for the design, I pretty much disagree. I think that this is by far From's best game from a technical perspective. The mechanics in this game are definitely front and center, even if the environment design is even more nonsensical than in the first Dark Souls.
They also fixed a lot of obnoxious stuff about the upgrading system and made a lot of that stuff much more straightforward.
I found the same thing, so I moved my summon sign to a spot covered in poison so those players couldnt summon me anymore
Oh sheit. Great tip!
Lost Bastille
I discovered that throwing knives are amazing against the guys who leap at you and explode. Regular ass throwing knives 1-shot them.
Just wait until NG+.
Lost Bastille
I discovered that throwing knives are amazing against the guys who leap at you and explode. Regular ass throwing knives 1-shot them.
Oh sheit. Great tip!
Haha, the NG+ version Is so evil
Oh! Can you tell me where to get it with spoiler tags?I have the parrying dagger and I think it has a larger parry window so I think I will try to practice with that.
There should be achievements for stuff like this instead of "You talked to this NPC that looks like the guy from the Witcher ONE time. Congratulations!"
There should be achievements for stuff like this instead of "You talked to this NPC that looks like the guy from the Witcher ONE time. Congratulations!"