The weakest part of the game are the boss fights, but that doesn't necessarily imply that they are all bad (even the worst ones I would classify as just mediocre); there are some really good ones, and they are scattered throughout the zones. I enjoy the Lost Bastille bosses, but, then again, I'm not exactly sure what you're looking for in terms of "boss fights".
As far as having to face a lot of enemies, that only has occurred because I accidentally triggered more than I was supposed to, except for one area. I'm also a member of a covenant that enhances the difficulty, so I can't say that the first playthrough has any unfair enemy placements.
Overall, the game is (now) up there with the original Dark Souls for me, even though I haven't even gotten to the DLC, yet. Is this your first "Souls" experience (Bloodborne is a different beast, but if you've played it, it may teach you some otherwise bad "Souls" habits)?