So for the first time I ragequit the game.
InAnor Londo, the section with the 2 sniper knights. Seriously fuck this shit. I can't believe the only ways to do this part is with an item you probably don't have at this point in the game (the Black Bow of Pharis due to its range) or having to approach the one on the right until he melees (and the other one supposedly should be covered by the pillars), then going back so the right one falls to his death because he doesn't know how to turn? I had guessed the tactic but it felt so dumb I went to check on a faq... and it's actually how you're supposed to do it? I just don't want to believe you have to rely on something like this.
Not to mention the entire section is completely bugged in various ways:
-The bridge connecting the platform with the 3 demons with the one with the 2 demons randomly HURTS you. WTF? The first time I died this way and thought something had hit me, but in several tries later I saw my life going down simply like that while I was walking on it, no character being hit animation or such (so you often doesn't even notice it).
- The left sniper knight sometimes is able to make his arrows fly THROUGH the pillars that are supposed to cover you.
- The right one on a random basis decides to continue to use his arrows even if you're quite near.
- Blocking the arrows on the right ledge makes your character go back but since you're most likely blocking at an angle that makes you somehow "look" at the wall (I walk diagonally hugging the wall to avoid falling) then you are pushed FAR from it even if it doesn't make sense at all, the direction the arrows come from should actually push you TOWARD the wall. This often makes you fall.
This is fucking stupid and cheap.
Rush the right one, roll under arrows, parry/riposte, block until it falls off, or just attack it dead. Keep trying until you get it, cuz that's the best way to do it.