So, I've got some time to kill. If anyone here is new to this game or has never really practiced it seriously before, and if you want some quick tips to level-up, here's some information culled from my time on the old Model 2 emulator forums:
Check the How To Play menu in-game. It has some good tips and basic techniques to get you started.
This is probably obvious, but don't bother with the automatic transmission. MT gives you more speed and control, so you might as well pretend that AT doesn't exist.
Drifting 101:
In the vast majority of cases, and always on the Beginner and Advanced tracks, you will never have to use the brake and never have to let up on the gas at all provided that you handle all of the turns correctly. The only time you should do otherwise is when it's necessary to correct minor errors.
Most corners should be approached out-in-out to maintain max speed: outside lane when approaching, inside lane at the apex, outside lane at the end. Does not apply when you need to line up differently for a subsequent turn in order to maintain an optimal racing line.
Generally, you want to downshift and drift to the appropriate angle right before the car enters the turn itself, then upshift and gradually straighten out the angle as you complete the turn.
Though every corner has its own optimal racing line and speed to learn, a general 4-1-(3)-4 shift pattern will get you through most of the game until you learn the ins and outs of every track. As you approach a corner, slam the wheel all the way to the max angle and downshift to 1st gear simultaneously. If it's a relatively easy/short corner, you can quickly upshift back to 4th gear and then straighten out. If it's a more difficult corner that doesn't allow you to maintain a very high speed, upshift to 3rd gear to prevent losing control of the car, and then upshift to 4th afterward.
Extra Drift: Shifting and turning at the same exact time allows you to drift at greater angles. You can utilize this multiple times in the same turn to shave off a little bit of time. For example, the basic method for the Beginner track's 3rd corner is a 4-2---4 shift pattern, but the optimal method is a 4-2---4-3-4 shift pattern at roughly 307km/190mi: after shifting to 2nd gear, move the wheel slightly back towards neutral, then execute a very quick 4-3-4 shift and turn the wheel back to the left at the same time you downshift to 3rd. This gives you a 2nd drift. Helpful if you're looking to climb up the leaderboard ranks, but it requires a fair bit of practice to utilize it well. I'm still not in the habit of doing this yet.
Beginner Course:
You should generally hug the inside of the track except when approaching the 3rd turn.
Sonic Wall turn: Downshift and turn as you pass the black and white sign with the face on the right side of the track. Most major corners in this game have landmarks like this that you can use as reference points, so get in the habit of doing that to maintain consistency until it's all muscle memory. As stated before, the basic approach for this corner is a 4-2--4 shift pattern. With proper technique, you should be able to maintain a speed of 307km/190mi.
Pit shortcut: It is possible to use pit road as a shortcut if you hug the right side of the road as you enter. In order to prevent the pit stop from triggering, your right tires must be on the metal at the edge of the road. They don't have to overlap the metal very much at all; they just need to be touching it. Challenge 8 for this course is actually a training exercise for this technique, as the cones are laid out in a line along the edge of pit road. It's not a perfect training setup, as they force you to use the automatic transmission and thus your speed/angle coming out of the 3rd turn will not reflect what it should be in an actual race, but it's still useful for practice. A visual aid you can use to help you line up your entry in an actual race is the skid mark leading into pit road.
You cannot pit stop on the final lap to begin wtih, so you don't have to worry about the entry angle into pit road in that case.
Exiting pit road from the shortcut: If you entered pit road at optimal speed, you should begin the exit turn roughly half a second after the TIME EXTENSION visual disappears. The shift pattern is 4-2---4. You should be able to maintain a speed in excess of 300km/186mi as you exit pit road without clipping the grass. You must maintain a drift until you're safely on the main, banked racetrack, or else you'll hit the wall.
Ideal 1st lap time: 17"00
Ideal 2nd+ lap time: 16"50
Marubaku Superplay
I'll try to post something for Advanced and Expert later, time permitting. In the meantime, you can always grab the replays for the leaderboards for some ideas. There doesn't seem to be any actual pros tearing up the charts yet, as I'm in 1st place on Expert at the time of this post.