Rygar 8 Bit
Jaguar 64-bit
Haha trying to meet up with others there is going to be a nightmare.
no dude just wait there ill be there in like 3 days its cool
Haha trying to meet up with others there is going to be a nightmare.
I cannot get my microphone to work in this game. I use teh direct communications channel but my friend can't hear me. and the mic is definitely working ...
hitting the caps lock key to talk?
I cannot get my microphone to work in this game. I use teh direct communications channel but my friend can't hear me. and the mic is definitely working ...
i think they need to limit chat messages by range as well. I rather not know of a massive duke out on the other side of the map and the chat messages involved when I am in some quiet village sneaking about as it has no relevance. Maybe limiting to 10km or something.
Probably turn into a carebear no kill or get banned server if it's just GAFers.Anyone else want to see if they can track down the process or people to speak to about setting up a open/private server for GAF.
Jesus they need to remove global VOIP all togehter. And possibly global text, or make it require an in-game item. It's so immersion breaking to hear babies cry about being killed by a bandit, or to just see people call each other racial or homophobic slurs.
And I've said it again, but it kinda makes encountering players just that little bit more boring when you know that if you try and make a move on them, they're just going to immediately whine about it in chat to the entirety of the world. This applies both ways, as it's no fun spotting a guy that the chat has told you can't be trusted.
So I hope at some point that aspect of the game gets looked at. Hopefully it's open to change, but I don't know how Arma 2 mods handle that stuff.
Only one of the spawns is inland. The rest are coastal.I think allowing you to choose your spawn wouldn't be so bad, afterall, isn't all the good stuff inland? The vehicles, choppers, good weapons, and such.
More often than not, while it may hurt the immersion part of the game a bit, people get really annoyed when they cant spawn anywhere close to their buddies. On a hardcore server this should be turned off probably.
Oh snap, one of our survivor buddies sent me this on steam:
If/when the mod gets ported to Arma 3 it's going to need a higher player limit.
That's one of the nice things about EVE, each system has a channel. And if you talk in it, anyone else nearby knows you're there. And will begin scanning. It can be a blessing and a curse. Personally if it's 50 players over such vast space.. it would be frustrating not to be able to get help or advice from someone.
Probably turn into a carebear no kill or get banned server if it's just GAFers.
Nah, it wouldn't.
So the visibility slider moves, but it seems the engine is stuck at 800m or something
I've reset and rebooted and created a new profile and it still looks like n64 draw distances
Oh snap, one of our survivor buddies sent me this on steam:
If/when the mod gets ported to Arma 3 it's going to need a higher player limit.
Jeez, it took me a Quiche over 11 hours to meet up on Chernarus alone!
how do I take screenshots?
on EU10 and there are two soldiers on a roof that are not moving
You missed the reply to your post that let you know the guy works for the developers.
(I'll buy Operation Arrowhead afterwards)Ok GAF, I'm hyped for this game and seems like I can play it in short bursts at random times of the day. I'm downloading ArmA 2 Free at the moment, am I doing it wrong?
Oh I didn't know that!
Welp, he's fucked then! Contracts will ensure he doesn't see too much profit and the game can't be released seperately outside of ARMA then.
Meeting Quiche wasn't exactly straight forward for us either.
Also, it's probably been posted earlier but here's a much higher quality map:
As far as I know, you can do that (ArmA II Free, OA Expansion) but you'll only have low-res graphics. If you have a bad computer or you don't care, that's fine. Otherwise you're going to want to buy Combined Operations so you have both, with the better graphics options.Anyone, please?
(I'll buy Operation Arrowhead afterwards)
That should have nothing to do with it, I think it's just part of ArmA itself. If you're not getting in, it's for a different reason. Or just try waiting a bit longer - your first few attempts to get into servers might take awhile. Going from my experiences, the first few times I tried to connect to servers it took forever, but it seems the more I've been playing the quicker I'm getting in.What causes the Receiving Data bar to stop filling up at like 90%? Been doing that since last night and I still can't get into a game.
What causes the Receiving Data bar to stop filling up at like 90%? Been doing that since last night and I still can't get into a game.
Thank you so much! I found THIS CHEAPER-THAN-STREAM STORE, anyone knows if I'm not going to get robbed? Buying both ArmA 2 and OA exp. there is a little bit more expensive than only the OA exp. on stream!As far as I know, you can do that (ArmA II Free, OA Expansion) but you'll only have low-res graphics. If you have a bad computer or you don't care, that's fine. Otherwise you're going to want to buy Combined Operations so you have both, with the better graphics options.
Got both games installed. I'm going to be hopping on this tonight with OrgunIt sounds like lots of you are in the GAF Mumble so I guess I'll see you fellas there. Will be nice to see it busy for once!
I emailed the DayZ dev team about a server. I'll see what they say.
Got both games installed. I'm going to be hopping on this tonight with OrgunIt sounds like lots of you are in the GAF Mumble so I guess I'll see you fellas there. Will be nice to see it busy for once!
I need a better idea of the scale of the map.
How small is BF3's Caspian Border relative to that map? Just one square?
I need a better idea of the scale of the map.
How small is BF3's Caspian Border relative to that map? Just one square?
CHEEZMO;37670356 said:What's off to the West and North? Can you not go up there?
Couple of us logging into FR1 now.
I need a better idea of the scale of the map.
How small is BF3's Caspian Border relative to that map? Just one square?